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Everything posted by NuB2TR

  1. I heard private docks were the best breeding grounds for HUGH brown trouts! 😄
  2. This thread is an example of why I check this forum every morning. It amazes me that so many folks are so willing to help the struggling anglers like me to get better. Thank You all !!
  3. Always enjoyed reading your reports and insight on so many topics on this forum. Thank you !!
  4. I wonder if hunters sit on their porch in the spring and count the number of jigs hitting the roof of docks...... ;>)
  5. Nice fish! ...and I really like that cool kayak hat that guy is wearing in the first pic.
  6. NuB2TR


    + 1 Really great people there. Nice walk-down to boat dock. Can see dock from cabins.
  7. Just trying to picture two lines on one jig with synchronized casting. That could qualify for a new Olympic sport! Nice fish, by the way.
  8. Good stuff, Bill. Thanks a bunch for sharing.
  9. Thanks for the report, Bill. Always good to read them. On a similar note, a large school of K's (I would guess in the 12-15 inch range) was working the surface around my dock in Green Shores, Monday morning. I threw everything I had in, around, under, and through them. With the exception of what I would call accidental bumps, they would not have anything to do with it. I figured it was just me.... good to know they're a bit picky right now.
  10. Just wanted to affirm abkeenan's experience of taking a ride in Bill Babler's boat. I hired Bill for a half day trip yesterday (Monday) morning and took my dad (85 years young) with us. Bill had the best equipment and slickest ride money can buy, but that stuff is just icing on the cake. I'm sure a lot of folks out there have all the neat toys, but the real difference in making the experience enjoyable, memorable, and worth sharing with others is the guide. Bill did a great job in explaining how to use the gear and work the baits to a couple guys not too familiar with either. We put in at Shell Knob and worked many of Bill favorite spots from Cambell Point to Viney, but couldn't get bit on several of them. Even on a day when the fish had a sever case of lock-jaw, Bill still put us on several shorts and a real nice keeper. If you're considering a guide service, Bill's the guy. I doubt that there's any better. Thanks, Bill. Had a great time and will be doing it again. ...Dave (& Lou)
  11. I believe last year someone said they went to a turtle farm ... ?
  12. Before we moved to SK full time, we always stayed with Darrell and Sheri at Pla Port. Great people. Clean cabins. Can see boat slip from cabins. Gentle walk to the dock. Reasonably priced. http://www.plaportresort.com/pages/index.html
  13. You're so short, your shoes give you saddle sores.
  14. Good job, Phil. Thanks!
  15. Lews.... even backwards they're swel.
  16. ...hey... I resemble that remark !!
  17. I ended up going with Maricorp in Shell Knob, just down the road from my home. They were much less than other quotes I received and their product (Air Port) was as good, and in many ways, better than others. Four years later, I'm still pleased with the product. Not living here full-time at the time, I wanted to support the local business. I can't say anything good about their after-the-sale service, so won't say anything at all. Just wish I would have taken gitnby's advise and at least given Blake's an oppertunity to give me a quote. Service after the sale goes a long ways and it sounds like Blake's is doing something right. It amazes me how so many small businesses don't seem to understand that.
  18. http://www.ky3.com/news/ky3-bowfishing-tournament-hits-table-rock-lake-saturday-20130405,0,6938708.story
  19. Fan boats? Guess that explains it. I live on the Kings and one woke me up at 2AM Thursday morning.... pre-fishing...? They were the talk of the neighborhood yesterday. No-one was pleased with the noise.
  20. Thank you. Will stop next time over.
  21. Are you finding the jigs locally or through mail order? Thanks!
  22. Troy, this would also be a great place to post any upcoming seminars, classes, etc. BPS is/may be putting on regarding the use of electronics. I know its a popular topic and would be well received. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
  23. NuB2TR

    Very Poor.

    Duck.... same here only I started in the Kings and went up to Viney. Caught 2 squeekers in Kings and two shorts at Viney, with nothing in between. Tried most the same rigs you did with no takers. All four caught on a wacky-rigged Senko up close. Could not locate fish in my usual spots... just a vast amount of nothing. In the few spots I found them, no takers. Even trolled back to Kings hoping for a white or two.... nadda. Tough day all around, but what a great day on the water otherwise.
  24. Guess the wife and I had a good day, this morning, considering..... Got 8 to the boat, with 3 keeps. Fished a main channel pocket on the Kings near Green Shores from 6:30 til 10:00. Two of the keepers were Kentuckys and the third seen below. As you can see, we were using green pumpkin Senkos, wacky rigged. ...I know... go figure. All keepers caught in same spot casting right at the shore line from 35 FOW. You'd a thought it was spring, eh? Early cloud cover kept them up close, I guess.... Now, Bill... I'm not suggesting that you have your clients wacky-rig Senkos when it's this hot, .....but then, if the other stuff isn't working..... ? naaa, bad idea..... ...Dave
  25. how to insert photos

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