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Everything posted by mohogtrapper

  1. Fished the dam area today, North Wind and some rain. We put in around 7 and fished til 3. Started out with topwater and spinnerbait and only had 1 strike at the spinner bait, no takers on the top water. Switched over to flipping the bushes with a green pumpkin brushhog and finished the day with 6 keepers, best was 8.73. Lots of shorts. Was fun but couldn't find the better fish.
  2. How are you fishing the spin jig? Looks a lot like a spinnerbait to me. Thanks,
  3. Dave, can you explain the difference in reels a bit more? What is the major difference between the 2000/2500 spools and the 3000 spools?
  4. PM sent
  5. Thanks guys. I'll check into it.
  6. Does anybody have any information on this night tournament? When it starts? Can't seem to find anything on it. Thanks, Scott
  7. Fished the 1st annual St. Jude tourney on Saturday. Had 44 boats turn out. We fished up the James for the first half of the morning with only 2 short fish on a blade. Once the wind dropped down below 30mph, we went up the white and caught a limit of small mouth, kentuckys, and a LM with the large mouth weighing 5.67lbs. TIED for big fish with Kelly Powers. All of our fish came on football head jig, pb&j with a eakins craw trailer. Fish were on main lake chunk rock points in 25-30ft of water. All in all good day for us, and my biggest LM on the rock. Scott
  8. mohogtrapper


  9. Thanks guys, not sure I will get to fish, more importantly my wife and son gets to go and enjoy the weekend.
  10. Wife had surgery 2 weeks ago and will not be able to camp over the holiday. I was hoping there was somewhere I could find to stay on the lake over the holiday weekend. Prefer a house/cabin. Thanks
  11. Where can I get a flyer and information on this tournament. Thanks Scott
  12. I can't seem to see what you have. Could you list color and size? Thanks
  13. For those of you throwing the Mickey jr. I have a question. threw one for the first time a few nights ago. couldn't seem to get the bait to run just under the surface ( making a wake) without reeeling FAST. Is this bait designed to run just under the surface, waking, or just a little under like a swim bait.
  14. Thought I would report what little I found out last night. Fished the KC area yesterday afternoon from 6 to 9pm. We threw a spook and a white spinnerbait. Fished insides of points with cedar trees. caught 1 lm around 3 lbs and 6-8 short fish. the keeper came off the spinnerbait. Water temp was 60 degrees and most fish were caught in 3 to 10 ft of water. Hope it helps someone.
  15. Finally get to go out this afternoon and was wondering how everyone is doing? Do i still need to be targeting main lake pea gravel points next to spawning coves? Any suggestions on what to throw? Thanks
  16. Anybody been killing any. My usual places haven't seen the bird numbers. Don't know if they have been here and gone, not gotten here, or passed us right over. The floods didn't help the food situation out.
  17. thanks for the information. I cannot seem to breech the 4 lb. mark on Table Rock. Guess I'll keep trying. Anyone else?
  18. Given the current lake and weather conditions, where would you go ( not specific locations) and what would you throw to connect with fish over 4 pounds?
  19. My guess is construction damage. I have seen this in many places especially new subdivisions 5 to 10 years after construction. The dying back of the crown from top to bottom is common with an array of things from root damage, drought, too much water, insects, disease, fungus, the list goes on and on. The trees around the lake are from high water, as you are well aware, but in stonebridge I would put money on construction damage without being able to look at the trees.
  20. Well, I tried to fish Wednesday night. Caught 1 small keeper before dark, then came the storm. Stayed under a dock until it let up around 10 or so. Caught 6 more fish after the storm with 5 being keepers. I was fishing bluffs.
  21. Thanks guys, I am still getting a point bite, but once that shuts off, I can't seem to find any fish that will bite. I have tried a few locations like you described, but I guess I'll search for richer waters. I hope to get out this week, I will give you a report.
  22. I hope no one was expecting the answer!!! LOL I can catch fish those few hours before dark, and I have no problem catching fish after dark, say 10pm on this time of year. I cannot seem to find fish from sunset to dark, dark. Seems the bite stops in general. I thought this was the "magic" hour? Can anyone shed some "light" on fishing this time of day? Thanks Scott
  23. I will try and be there around 9 or 9:30. I will be the guy with the lost look on his face!!!
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