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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by bigredbirdfan

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I havent floated that far up since I was a kid. Canoe it is and the Ponca to Pruitt is the "Groups choice" so it sounds like for fishing I'm going to book it on down to kyles landing and commence fishing. "The Groups" plan is to float to Erbie for overnight and the Erbie to Pruitt. In an effort to not take too much tackle if it's unesscary should I just stick to crawdad crank baits, tubes and flukes this time of year?
  2. I'm eager to hear the comments you receive. I will also be floating this weekend from Ponca to Pruitt and would appreicate anyone's comments on this stretch. Will most likely float an older shorter jonboat. Are there any stretches that might benefit from a trolling motor?
  3. Jeramiah Nixon will veto this anyway and then be guilty of guy control when he runs again.
  4. If I didnt have a float trip planned this weekend on the buffalo I would throw Smithwick Suspending Jerkbaits at the bank. Jerk Jerk pause. Pause being very important. When I say at the bank I mean within three feet. If you get the kind of fish I think are in those tree lines you had better have 6-8 lb test line and hold on. I would also throw no. 9 countdown rapalas as well. Unless you have clear water and little current these bigger baits will catch bigger fish than the jigs hands down. Now the jigs may catch more fish I'm not going to go there. If you jig fish you should have nothing less than 1/8 and if you could get your hands on 1/4 it would be better. If the jig isn't hitting the bottom you probably won't get bit. 4 or six pound is fine. If you use 4 you have to realize you can't muscle around big fish or you will be going throug $1 jigs in a hurry and get very mad in the process. The fishing should be outstanding. Good luck.
  5. I support the idea of using handguns to end suffering. Never said I support this bill. Both of you two have voiced your objection to this issue like twenty times. Any time an alternative opinion is voiced on here it's dogpile time. It's actually why I don't get on here much anymore. It's really ruined it for me except for some fishing reports from time to time.
  6. You are good with insults like "Senator Stooges" and "For the 20th time" and you like to disect peoples posts. Haven't met a government program you didn't like either it appears. What kind of nice compliments can you give the VA and the Postal Service?
  7. Am I the only person that thinks that carrying handguns in muzzle season is a great idea? To finish off a wounded deer you have to load up a muzzleloader .50 cal round designed to shot at distances greater than 100 yards and shot it point blank. All the while the suffering wounded deer is a danger to you. Sounds like a good idea to me. I didn't read the bill and I'm sure it's loaded with bad stuff but there is a segment of forum members who are just pro MDC under any circumstances, except when mountain lions get shot and elk get reintroduced and river otters.
  8. 3-8 on the road, better find a way to improve on that
  9. here you go
  10. In Mexico if you are a foreign landowner you can not deprive a Mexican citizen of his right to any public water. So literally if one knocks on your door and says I want to go through your house to the water you have to oblige his. Our public waters have very little access in my opinion. And there is no debating it everyones water.
  11. This is according to DNR's material. What rights do I have to keep floaters (or fisherman or canoers) off my property (or lake or pond or stream)? Many water use questions involve private property rights. As a property owner, you have the right to choose who may and may not come onto your property. Those who walk or drive onto your property without your permission are trespassers. You may consider posting your land with signs, or purple paint. This warns any potential trespassers to stay off. If the lake or pond is entirely on your property, and not a part of a navigable stream system, you have the right to keep trespassers off it as well. Contact your county sheriff to deal with trespassers. If your stream is floatable, the canoer has a right to float past your property on the water, but not to trespass on your land. If you own both sides of the stream and the bed of the stream, a fisherman walking on your streambed may be trespassing on your land. Each situation has its own conditions that may apply. Visit a law library or consult an attorney. I was really bummed I couldn't join everyone on this float now it looks like I missed an opportunity to go to jail. I don't do well with situations like this I would have told this jerk to stick where the sun don't shine.
  12. Wish I didn't have plans. Have fun and look forward to a nice photo documentary next week.
  13. I was fishing stockton saturday and saw a wooden area that looked very mushroomy and I walked ten feet to find my first. Only found five but they are out boys and I look forward to them sauteed in butter paired with fried crappie and a tall glass of beer tonight.
  14. Very interested. Would like some pics before I pull the trigger.
  15. Will be taking a small trip to New Orleans at the end of the month (April) for Jazz Fest. While we are there I would like to fish one day if it works out. Don't know if we should lake fish or fish gulf for Reds. I hear reds can be hard to find and with just one day it might be a waste of time. Any information on guides to contact would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, BRBF
  16. I must add I fished there last year on a Thursday and the traffic was still heavy. The highlight of my trip was the 15 canoe group of church kids. Throwing rocks in our direction while I was fishing a mud bank for smallmouth. I would have preferred drunk naked people at least they wouldn't have had the coordination to throw rocks. Fishin Cricket told you the exact bait to use. Kudos to him for opening up like that a forum member.
  17. I like Domino Lure much better
  18. Well no telling what that record would be in the SEC. He might be a better fit it a "football conference" 1-9 against Kansas is just plain horrible. On an unrelated note: does it matter how many years a program and a coach ink a deal on when they just leave 4 years early to go to a different school?
  19. Springfield treats for Phosphorus and has for a long time. I don't know about other wastewater treatment facilities. Most dish soaps and laundry detergent have gone away from it anyway. Phosphorus is important to water quality as long as it's not too high. I wish Al would address your claims on a biological basis cause I just don't know it well enough.
  20. Maybe the nice weather coming up will get people off these topics and out in the water and stop the grumpy agrumenative tone.
  21. I know, not complaining. Would much rather read those than this this stuff which only our vote really changes and even that is debatable.
  22. I wish there was one fishing report for every 10 posts on these lousy topics.
  23. Wow. I feel a big red closed sign coming to this topic.
  24. I find it sad that we must face gettign rid a few of the good government services that we all pay for so we can continue to fund two entitlement programs (social security and medicare) that are bankrupting our country. The preident said that these account for .94 out of every goverment dollar spent and until these two out of control programs are restructured we will have no funding for anything else.
  25. What was big fish caught on?
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