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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by bjovan

  1. I was down last Friday through Monday. Fishing is good Sat Had the best jig bite I have had in a while nothing over 3.5 lbs. Great day Sunday Monday same bite not as good saw two on beds on Monday. My buddy has been down all week cleaning up on the crappie I will be back down on Thursday. Loads of people fishing.
  2. 45 min tops. Lol. have a great weekend
  3. Dude I just met you at DD. Great to meet a fellow bass head. Nice work on the spots!! Bill
  4. I have a 24v MotorGuide 62 lb thrust. It’s 20 years old just took it off my boat a month ago. Works fine has definitely seen some use.
  5. Fist two days days of a four day trip. First half of the day cloudy wind and a little rain. You could catch them how you wanted had a very good topwater bite while the clouds, rain and wind were around (table rock trifecta) had three really good smallies on the fin biggest was 3.5 two others in the 2.75 to 3 lbs. caught a bunch in general, fluke, shakey head, Ned, jerkbait. Got a little tougher when the sun came out. Friday was bright sun and not a ton of wind. Ned, shakey head, split shot rig did the damage mostly spots today and a couple largemouth.. So far most have come around spawning pockets both main lake and in the creeks. Been fun so far lots of guys fishing.
  6. Thanks for the info.
  7. Will be there tomorrow, taking my nephew for a graduation trip. Should be fun
  8. Just so everyone knows, they were having phone issues that threw everything in a tizzy. All fix now.
  9. Anyone know what is going one with this resort? I have been trying to contact them for 2 days phone is busy and no reply to any emails. Are they still open? It was always a nice place have not stayed there in a couple years. If anyone knows anything let me know. thanks Bill
  10. I always had a 50/50 agreement with my boat partner when I fished the bash.
  11. Wrench, Not many dudes willing to give that much detail good on you! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
  12. good anchor, bad jack plate
  13. If you dont go you well never know. Im there this weekend hopin to trick a few
  14. Steve Alhonna derby. Be down tomorrow. Thanks wrench for the update. not sure I am ready for the low temps I am seeing. Lol I shouldn't have to worry about cruiser wakes anyway
  15. Anyone know what it is currently? Me and my cold weather gear are headed that way on Friday.
  16. No boat number assigned. Saw lots of 3 people boat fishin it. I think it was my last one. Too much of a monkey dodo show.
  17. Thanks for the info. Just found out that Croft in Vally Park also does work. Need to get the right wheel well looking better and make sure there are no other issues that I didn't see.
  18. Had a blow out coming home from the BBB right wheel fender is a little bent. Any recommendations on a trailer repair place in the St. Louis area? I replaced the tires on Monday just want to be sure nothing else was damaged.
  19. I have to second what Warrior said. Day one we tried three times for a even 3 and 4 and missed by 2 tenths each time. 2.98 3.98 3.02 had seven keepers on the day. Sunday started ok had 2 keepers fairly quick and then struggled the rest of the day looking for a big one just was not to be, had 3 keepers all day nothing over 3 . I will say the other anglers we ran into were pleasant and everyone seemed to give everyone enough room. Probably because i was not around any fish! LOL
  20. bjovan


    Safe travels to all those headed down for the BBB. Remember life jackets and kill switches and stay safe on the water. Good luck. Oh yeah stay off my spots LOL.
  21. I would welcome the rain. It was bumpy last sat. Had a good day. hope to see you in the check line right next to me!. Ill touch base tomorrow.
  22. Steve stay out of my wheel house. LOL. Good luck buddy Ill be down tomorrow.
  23. gonna try and trick some friday before the bbb
  24. My guess is reports will be slim till after next weekend.
  25. he covered the beer part correct?
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