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Everything posted by jolicious

  1. Did someone say wake baits???
  2. Grubs - Smoke W/ purple flake Swimbaits - Bitter's Baits Naked Swimmer (Bad Shad - first pic, Alewife - 2nd pic). The guys at Bitter's still use real pig lard - like everyone should still be doing Trailers - GeeCrack 4" Beat Craw (Ebimiso - 1st picture and Okeechobee Craw - 2nd picture colors)
  3. I just love Google images - It's like "Pinterest" for Guys :-)
  4. My partner up here at work is already sending an email to my wife to tell her to freeze our check card!
  5. That is an awesome idea.
  6. I have often thought that summertime tournaments from first light until 11:00am would be good - might also help the relationship between anglers and pleasure boaters.
  7. AWESOME stuff! Thank you. Maybe you could make a new thread just for this information? I have always taken the 9 bottles of frozen water because I was worried about the chlorine from ice. Since I already use Rejuvenade, I'll just start buying a big bag of ice on the way to the lake!
  8. I stayed true to my word brother - went up to the dam, missed a couple nice hits on top water, and was loaded / headed home by 11:00
  9. jolicious


    I have found that red works great all year round, all times of day - It just can't be beat.
  10. Amen! There is a reason Jesus said: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
  11. 1. It's all good if someone gets mad at me - that means someone else gets a break 2. We will look for you (My Beast is Legend 211 white cap / orange rear end) 3. In all honesty, we may also leave early to help my wife and 8 year old daughter at the Springdale Animal Shelter. Friday is lil bit's (our daughter) birthday. That little sweetie asked everyone to bring dog/cat food or a cash donation instead of presents. She said she has enough toys/books, and wants to help the pups and kittens that don't have a home. In case you are wondering, you bet your rear end I shed a few proud tears when she told me about her decision!
  12. Y'all are tougher than me and my partner... We have already decided to run up to the dam (I need to empty fuel tank to work on a pump) at launch. If we don't have a REALLY good reason to stay for weigh in by 9:30, you'll be able to find us at home in air conditioning hahaha!
  13. Summer: Once water temps get above 80° and air temps get into mid 80's, I take a soft sided cooler with me. 9 frozen bottles of water (16.9oz). Two go in the live well as soon as the boat is launched / live wells filled (I like to use Rejuvenade as well). I run the aerator on manual for 5-10 minutes, then kill it. Once first fish hits live well until I've got 3 or more in there, aerator is on auto (in a Legend it's like 30 seconds on, 3 minutes off I think). If I am blessed to get more than three keepers, live well to manual/constant until I leave. Once a bottle looks to be over 1/2 melted, I'll add another one. If I can ever find a thermometer that is waterproof and reads from 60°-100° or so, I'll use water temps as an indicator of when to add ice. Haven't lost a fish yet. I've reused the same 9 bottles for three or four years. Couple on bottle notes: 1. Rinse and dry before putting back in freezer 2. Don't forget to only fill 3/4 full or so :-) Just wanted to share a method in case anyone was looking for options.
  14. My Friday morning adventure is looking more and more like a loooooooooooooooooooooooongg hhhhhhhooooooooooooooottt daaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy
  15. I hear ya brother, but it's also got "dummy baits" instead of blades... One could argue, I suppose, that we wouldn't be "changing" to teaser baits, since they are already attached
  16. I thought about one, but then remembered that the Everett Series wouldn't allow it (#7 rule, I think, kicks it out) on Beaver. I'm afraid I won't be able to purchase one. Mainly because I fear I'll have it in the boat during a tourney that prohibits - and even if I don't ever use it, there could be a potential for the appearance of dishonesty. It looks pretty cool though!
  17. Wearing the life jacket Holding the fish with a textbook grip (and really nice form) still has the rod in his other hand.... You are raising him right
  18. I finally made it over towards Big M area Saturday 6-11. Fished from 7:00 or so until about 2:00. I sore lipped a bunch of little fish. so it might be a good time for folks to go catch good ones before the little one start eating again
  19. Close your eyes and swing hard - in case you hit it.....
  20. After the abundance of great reports from Big M area this last several months, The Wizard of Oz theme starts to play in my head when I see "Big M Area".. I imagine whistling anglers skipping from their trucks to the ramp with a song in their hearts and bass on their minds.
  21. It sure looks like Paho: 1. Notice the propane tank In relation to the courtesy docks: 2. First case shows the ramp and tree 3. No conspiracy theory is worth a crap unless there is a grassy knoll.....
  22. Mere technicality, my dear Champ :-)
  23. The original silent buzz bait:
  24. I heard that most accidents happen within 3 miles of home... So I moved
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