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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Eat em all gone !
  2. That was too funny, but it also kinda how it goes. Everything that goes into the shuttles he has to give it a sniff. I guess odors are magnified in space so if he can smell it, it will smell real bad in space. He also has a contract with odor eaters.
  3. My cousin George who lives in New Mexico Will be on the Ellen show this Thursday Oct 14th. He works for NASA and his job is, get this he smells stuff that goes into the space shuttle. Hes been doing it for at least 25 years. They call him the Nasalnaut! Seems George has a very acute smeller. See everbody has a talent !
  4. Try stopping that spook or redfin for 15-30 sec. They get there brave on then.
  5. Phil, is this anything goes, or jusr river fish?
  6. Trav. I think this is for river fish only. I think
  7. Fish, what river?
  8. There D was awsome yesterday! Thought Manning was going to cry .
  9. You guys picked a great weekend !
  10. Had a great time last night Phil, thanks for sharing ! Learned alot about women and men. Kinda knew some of the stuff presented, just didnt know why. If some of the guys here had went , they would get to go fishing more !
  11. I have pretty much giving into I will have to work until I croak. Have several friends retired and work part time jobs just to pay for there supplement insurance. My Mom who is 80 pays almost $500 a month between supplements and what they take out of her SS for insurance. The golden years arnt so Golden anymore.
  12. The Acadamy in Joplin started out kinda lean on fishing stuff, but now is fully stocked. They are lacking on spoon selection and upper end tackle,( they do carry luck craft) but for the most part its thumbs up. When I asked about getting certain things in, they said that coperate office dictates what they get and dont get. When they clearance stuff they dont mess around bought some spooks in there last year for $2.99. $80. insulated coveralls for $18. Falkon and all star rods seem to be the top of the line for them , but the do carry the higher dollar Shimono reels. For a large dept store its pretty good. Walmart fishing dept has nothing since they have come to town . I still prefer Mom and Pops, but not that many anymore.
  13. Phil just posted what the bite is. Its on the post : The Word.
  14. Valid points by you and Jason. You have to hide em so they dont get run and cut. Rod and reel fisherman hang into em cause we cant see them. Another case in point, lowlifes,crooks and bums ruin it for the rest of us.
  15. Better stay where your at with your insurance. If its a decent plan expect to pay $500- $750 a month per person to replace it.
  16. My wife and I are the minority. We just have local channels. Now that everything is digital we get 9 or 10 channels . When we had cable and dish I spent most of my time surfing trying to deciede what to watch. We have been without cable for almost 8 years now, dont miss it at all.
  17. It will work. RVer's do it all the time. I think you have to input the zip code in your box, but not sure.
  18. yeh, I got 2 years on you. Dont worry maturity will come to you !
  19. Why do you trotliners hide your lines? Lets get em up on the ends so other fisherman can see em and stay out of them. I got into one last week upstream from point 19. What a mess getting my jig undone. Oh by the way it wasnt tagged either. Trotlining is a great way to catch catfish, but lets consider others. In my younger day I would have cut it for not being tagged and for costing me 10 minutes of frustration. Oh and it had a 4 pound flathead on it and a nice 6 or 7 pound channel that I saw and it was 11 am, figured it would have been run by then.
  20. That one anchor looks a little short. Hope you let it go.
  21. Watch out Tim Hughes, theres a new kid is in town !
  22. Dang it ! Had plans to come down this week and fish the Homer Sloan, but we are covered up at work and cant get away.
  23. My bad then. I was told they didnt work well on the troller. Said the boat had to be moving 2-3 mph to work well. Maybe I will get me one then.
  24. That is cool but I am going to play devils advocate here. If they would work on the trolling motor I would have one, but not until then. I think a guy would spend to much time ideling around and not enough time fishing. Those hanging fish 100 foot off the port side arnt going to bite anyway. I know I am an old fuddy duddy.
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