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Go into Drowning creek on Grand in the summertime. Lots to see. They even used to have a beer barge that sold beer to the boaters.
If that was me supper would have had to waited. She would understand.
Congrads you two ! It was hot and tough conditions.
At the end notice the two cats watching. http://www.wimp.com/oneball/
Theres no place to hide !!
Had a buddy that got a ticket at Stockton for the same thing. They gave him the option of buying a yearly pass in lieu of the fine.
Yesterday he was fishing the same point and I was fishing the bank toward him. When I was about 100 yards or so from him he saw me pop 3 spots in 3 or 4 casts. He didnt say anything, but bet he will give that bank a whirl Sat. Can Bill and I fish that tourny if one of us comes in drag?
On the water by 4:45 am. First spot caught several shorts on the jig. Then a good un bit, but didnt get him in. Two or 3 casts later caught this 18 inch smallie. Didnt weigh him but suspect he was bumping 4 pounds. The fish wouldnt hit my top water junk, but would still throw it anyway hoping. Went to another spot and caught the 18 inchers brother but he flopped out of the boat before I could get the camera. Several more shorts and 1 15inch of that spot. Two more spots nothing and starting to get that funny feeling it was done. Ran 5 0r 6 miles and started catching kys and a few smallies. The kYs were toads and the smallies were short. Spoke to Mike Webb drowning crawlers off a point. He had some little guys with him and were having a ball. He said they had 16 or 17 on thw crawlers. Had to work the jig real slow and caught fish from 8ft - 30ft. Caught 2 ky drop jigging. Ran across a big school under the boat and didnt have a drop rig handy so I dropped my jig. As soon as it bumped the bottom bam , they hit it. Conditions were kinda tough but hung with it and caught a few.
I too enjoyed our outing. Fishing coulda been a litte better, but not too shabby for the high skys. Put that first point we fished in your memory banks, you can load the boat right there with a mixed bag. I was done by 2:30 too. Sun burned and hot! We will for sure do it again. Maybe we can hook up at Stockton in July.
It was a little tougher this morning but the size was a little bigger than yesterday. Right off the bat had some whites blow up and caught crap out of them on the fin. Ran to the back of a creek and caught several blacks on the fin. Two of them were in the 3 pound range. First jig fish of the day knocked off my only watermelon seed twin tail. He flipped it off right at the boat so I swung him in and dove in the water before it sank but came up empty. Put on a cinamon purple and went to hunt some smallies. All the keepers I caught , which was 6 including the two blacks were in the 3 pound range. Had 10 or 12 shorts and shook off that many. 14 to 18 ft seemed to be the magic range. It started out looking good weather wise then that ole sun came out .
Yes , thanks Bill. I know now where I can get some more watermelon seed grubs ! Think I have only 1 left and cant find em around Branson west. Guess I will have to go to the landing and get some, or sweet talk Becky into getting into your stash ! Looks like I am going to get wet this am.
I hads a great day today with the smallies. Biggest was only 3 pounds but had at least 20 keepers and lost count on how many total. Had 4 0r 5 early on the fin then it was all jig. I was using a 5/16 football with a Yum twin tail grub. Fish came from 12 -14 ft and later 18 -25. Wind was my friend.
Rules for Kickin' butt Rules for the Non-Military Make sure you read #13 Dear Civilians, 'We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance: 1. The next time you see any adults talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem - kick their butt. 2.. When you witness, firsthand, someone burning the American Flag in protest - kick their butt. 3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a disabled veteran kicks their butt. 4. If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were.. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDUs) or Jungle Fatigues, telling others that you used to be 'Special Forces'. Collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay when you were seven years old, now, it will only make you look stupid and get your butt kicked. 5. Next time you come across an *Air Force* member, do not ask them, 'Do you fly a jet?' Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an butt-kicking (children are exempt). 6. If you witness someone calling the *US Coast Guard* 'non-military', inform them of their mistake - and kick their butt. 7. Next time Old Glory (the US flag) prances by during a parade, get on your darn feet and pay homage to her by placing your hand over your heart. Quietly thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying her - of course, failure to do either of those could earn you a severe butt-kicking. 9. 'Your mama wears combat boots' never made sense to me - stop saying it! If she did, she would most likely be a vet and therefore would kick your butt! 10. 'Flyboy' (*Air Force*), 'Jarhead' (*Marines*), 'Grunt' (*Army*), 'Squid' (*Navy*), 'Puddle Jumpers' (*Coast Guard*), etc., are terms of endearment we use describing each other. Unless you are a service member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Using them could get your butt kicked. . 11. Last, but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military, support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with family and friends, please remember that there are literally thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen far from home wishing they could be with their families. Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, our Country would get it's butt kicked. 12. 'It's the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.' 'It's the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.' 'It's the Veteran, not the community organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate.' 'It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.' AND ONE MORE: 13. If you ever see anyone singing the national anthem in Spanish - KICK THEIR butt.. ONE LAST THING: If you got this email and didn't pass it on - guess what - you deserve to get your butt kicked! I sent this to you, because I didn't want to get my butt kicked. WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, ONLY BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!
[. Might even have a fairy wand or two onboard in case I can remember how to rig up one of those drop-shot contraptions. One might say that kind of fishing isn't exactly high on my list of preferred tactics. I hear ya Champ ! The shot catches fish , but somehow just not as fun. Heading down Friday and staying a week.
Sounds like a fishing partner with benefits!
A state Court has to deem the river or creek navigable to be able to leagally wade it. Went threw this last year with my son. Land owners own to the center of the creek unless they own both sides. While alot of the streams are navagable by boat or canoe they havent been deemed so by the State. I am not sure about if you stay in a boat and your feet never touch ground. Better to get permission first when in doupt.
This could be an interesting conversation. All are invited to call: Call-in Number: (646) 478-3132 Upcoming Show: 6/8/2010 7:00 PM Host Name: Fish Bait Radio Show Show Name: BP Oil and our Fisheries -The public Speaks Date / Length: 6/8/2010 7:00 PM - 2 hrs Length: 2 hrs Description: h:87788 s:1081204 This will be a Live special event on the latest oil Spill effecting the South. We have ask to do this show by some of our Fan's. We have a few guest but not 100% confirmed yet. This is a Open section for anyone that has views that wish to to talk about on this Matter. If you are a guide fishermen effected by this or a charter boat Capt and wish to be a guest on the show to speak out on this matter please Email us at ( host@fishbaitradio.com) subject Oil show and we can arrange for you to be part of the show. The only thing you need is a phone and free time
That takes a pretty big man to do that Techo! I wonder if it was the heat or the fizzing? I remember Eric P saying to open the lids every now and then to release the buildup of carbon dixoide . Bill B says to fill the livewells and close them off and run on recirculate the whole time. Add ice. Never add fresh lake water back in. I know alot of boats dont have a recirculate mode on them and have to add lake water to circulate the water. I probabbly mis qouted so I am prepared to get my hands slapped.
I dont think anybody has made light of the situation . I am worried as hell over this , and I live 700 mile from there.
LOL! Thats too easy Chief. Thats really a good idea. Crimp it in 3 or 4 places.
Most folks dont realise that the Estuaries in La, Miss and Alabama are the spawning grounds for the food chain for the whole gulf and Alantic. Shrimp and other baitfish spawn up into the weeds in Mobile bay and the Fowl river. If that ends then the whole system shuts down. The news media plays up the plight of the birds because that is what is visable. Its a real bad deal and hope the can get it under control.
My cousin and her husband are both professors at SMU. He is a herpetologist. One of his best collecting sites for cottonmouths is the Eagle Rock area. So they are out there!
This looks like a good way to get rid of the oil. http://www.wimp.com/solutionoil/
Those are some dandies! You must have hit the green button before you went out!