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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Wish I had an answer for that.I have been bothered also . a few years ago in Owl creek my buddy and his wife were fishing with me. A bat landed on the end of her rod and started crawling down towards her. Needless to say the rod, reel and the bat went into the water never to be seen again.
  2. denjac


    Thanks for the assitance. Later I might request a thread on how I need a whole new trolling motor and depth finder to show the Mrs., but for now I am off to mow the lawn. I can feel the fish taunting me from here though..... If that works let me know. I am trying to convince my wife we need a new 20ft Champ. Bill Babler had a talk with her on my behalf on why I really need it, all to no avail. Shes stubburn about it.
  3. Bob, I will be there! Don't know who my p will be yet, but will scrape one up. Have'nt been on Stockton since last Nov. Better get my butt down there and check it out.
  4. I always did better in the little Pom arm , but has been a few years since I have been up there. If there is any top bite throw a prop bait.
  5. Well done RPS. You deserve the hero award too!!!
  6. I like the tick bite when the wind is blowing your line in a bow. Feel that slight tick and set the hook ! Whos your Daddy now MR bass.
  7. Fished up the White Sunday with 15 fish total. best fish in the 3 lb rangs all were spots. Black jig with a smoke colored grub. Most came off the outside of the bushes, 8- 12 ft. I bet they would hit a jerk bait but didnt try it. Nothing top. These fish dont get to see the bushes all that often and I think they have setteld in to them now as long as the water stays high. Had around 5 in deeper water 20-25 ft .
  8. I too had a rough time this week but just take it all in stride it was a holiday week. Had to shut down 3 times from point 1 to the Indians, just too many boats in that area. I did see a good preseance by the water patrol though, those Donzi's they are running are pretty cool.
  9. I may be wrong but thought there was some kind of nautical or maritime law that said you could use a dock for emergeinces or dangerous situations. I used one Saturday to escape the storm that came in. I almost got a ticket years ago on Stockton for fishing without my lights on. And I was fishing under a light up by the Dam. He said as a curtesy they let the fisherman shut them off, but that we were supposed to have them on. He was being a jerk and really tried making an issue of it.
  10. I called it quits too. Thought the first storm as just a fast mover and when it stopped, I came out of the slip I was hiding in and started in again. 30 minutes later another one rolled in. Only 3 smallies the biggest being 15 incher.
  11. I kinda like the idea of quicky thurs night tournament. gets everybody home by midnight. Used to have one like that on grand Lake out of number 10 bridge. Took 12 - 18 pounds to win it. I would vote Ruark as the place to have it.
  12. Techo, Thats a good idea on the shot. Or do a double shot hooks about 18 inches apart,give em a buffet to chose from. Might have to beef up the line test though. Imagine 2 , 2 pound smallies on that rig!!
  13. Bill, I agree with your theory on the shot fish. There are hundreds of acres of new forage areas for these fish and they are cruising checking all these areas out. But to clairify my comment on the shot fish, I believe that when then lake get back to normal they will go back to there old haunts and bunch up. As much rain as we are still getting it may be in the fall though when that happens and if thats the case they would be in the fall pattern anyway. Ahhh a cool breeze in your face a hundreds of fish below you. When the rain passes I am going out and flip bushes in the Dam area and see if that works.
  14. Bill, thanks for a fun day. I will take 15 pounds on the Rock in July anytime! The jig was king today which suits me fine. I guess the fish havent bunched up enough for the shot to be good,but they will and it will get good. I checked my big ky spot late this afternoon and didnt get bit. Thanks again!
  15. I almost forgot to get my boat sticker renewed. They expire end of June and will be on the Rock all next week. Bet they will be checking too. Just thought I would put out a reminder although most of you guys are'nt as forgetfull as I.
  16. Whackem, Bill gaves some clues. He mentioned current and if it wasnt a typo he mentioned a log point. My guess is way up the James or flat creek. Better yet right where they come together. My second guess is past holiday island. But I am sticking with my first guess. Ever play clue? Who donit and where.
  17. What does the state of Oklahoma want want the roe? Caviar for the Gov.
  18. Have not been down there in awhile. I bet with all the high water your log jam is gone, but there are probabbly new ones. It would be a crap shoot on clear sailing.
  19. At least you know what his rates are.
  20. If Bills client would have pitched his spook his spook in the middle of all that he mighta hooked up. Works about 30% of the time. Even when swimming a grub if I have one on and have chasers if my buddy can get that spook out there they will hit it. Too much fun, wish I coulda been there.
  21. The law says you are responsiable for your wake. Like tearing up a dock or swamping a boat. Thats why when I tournament fished I had to carry a large liability insurance to fish. I would say there is a fine line between a nuisance wake and a dangerous one. I remember when some of the tournaments had a shotgun blast off. We all must have been idiots to have participated in such a thing. As Captain Cawl once said, I hate rude behavior in a man.
  22. wonder If you would still need a trout stamp? Fishing is free June 7 and 8 No need for a fishing permit. Just grab your gear and a friend or family member. JEFFERSON CITY-Gear is all you need to enjoy fishing June 7 and 8. On those two days anyone in the state can fish at Missouri Department of Conservation areas and most other places without having to buy fishing permits. Annually the Conservation Department designates the first weekend following the first Monday in June as Free Fishing Days. This gives Missouri residents and nonresidents alike a Saturday and Sunday to sample the Show-Me State’s fishing resources. Requirements for special permits still may apply at some county, city or private fishing areas. Elsewhere, anyone can fish without state permits on Free Fishing Days. All other fishing regulations remain in effect.
  23. Great story,brought back alot of memories. I started out with carbide light too. Remember the leaky seals and flames would shoot out the sides if you didnt get it screwed on just right. Wonder if you can still buy carbide? then came the wheat light and we never went back to carbide.
  24. As of 10:00 last night they had it up to 14 deaths in our area. Was pretty rough up here in the Joplin area. We had a mix of nickle to golf ball hail and 5 miles away at my daughters house they had baseball size hail. Have not heard the official size of the tornadoes but they were big ones. Lots of cars got caught in it on Hwy 43 5 miles south of I44. Flipped them over and hurled some in fields.
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