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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Nice Job ! Good report. I knew that wart bite was about to go.
  2. Jake, look down a few posts. Lots of info on it.
  3. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27200
  4. Hire Capt Don ! He will get you on them, plus you can get his new boat all bloody and yucky and not yours. You would be money ahead.
  5. Look on the Table Rock forum. Capt Don found em.
  6. I agree Don! All we have around the Dam area is goggle eye and bluegill.
  7. Heres a picture
  8. Wow! Congrats and thanks for sharing.
  9. Dont know if anybody noticed at the Classic those guys running Lowrance with those funky radar units on the back. I think they are silly to say the least, the only application would be for the fog. Also the law states that any boat that is radar equipped, the radar most be on at all times the boat is underway ( That includes fishing). Bet most of the units were shut off most of the day which would in turn make them in violation of federal laws which in turn would disquailify them from the Tournament for violating laws. Wonder if BASS has addresed this problem?
  10. The hatcheries raise more than just trout. I for one would hate to see Neosho closed down. Its the oldest one in the country. Over 130 species of cold, cool, and warm water fish have been produced at the Neosho NFH since it was established. The current focus is on paddlefish and lake sturgeon restoration, pallid sturgeon recovery, production of rainbow trout for mitigation, and native mussel propagation
  11. We had the mud rain here in Joplin also.
  12. Speaking of : did you get a kicker motor on that new rig?
  13. Grubs or float and fly?
  14. Da grub. I think its a love it or hate it bait. I am a love it guy. Fished with many in my boat that wont throw it when I am outcatching them 3-1 . They just dont like it and I dont know why. You can scrub it on the bottom, swim it through trees, vertical fish it, use it on a dropshot, trailer for a jig. The only bait I can think of thats is as versital would be the spinnerbait. I use 6-8 lb maxi and maybe lose 2-4 a day. A dozen on a very bad day. 9 times out of 10 they will pop off except for dock cables arrg! If I only had one bait I could use on Table Rock year long that would be it. A little secret with it, dont get too heavy. A 1/4 oz is about as big as I go even in 30ft of water just be patient with it . Those bass love that slow fall vs one streaking for the bottom. Think thats all I have to say about that.
  15. Bill, cool videoand nice fish. Wish you would have panned the banks a little better so I coulda figured out where you were ! I watched it backwards and forwards and think I know where it was , maybe not. Is that bobber a slip bobber, and do you have to reset it after catching a fish? That style might grow on a guy, but think I will stick with my sink a grub technique. Oh my location guess: The point at choo choo ? Aka CC
  16. Pretty cool pictures. It would be a good area from them to thrive in.
  17. In the gulf skipjacks are lady fish. Bait robbers hard to catch and messy when in the boat. They have no food value. There are 3 fish commonly refered to as skipjacks. Bluefish Ladyfish Skipjack Tuna
  18. I have a phobia about my boat falling off the trailer. I always unhook when the boat is in the water . Not preaching, its my stupid phobia. And I guess too that 90% I am launching by myself. Sorry Jeremy, bet you were sick.
  19. I would say your biggest obsticle will be from your garage door to the street !
  20. I understand the concept of smashing the bards down, but its not a requirement for fishing the restricted area. Just no live bait or plastics. Or did they change the rules to barbless?
  21. PLine is the only floro I get along with . So I guess it gets a thumbs up from me.
  22. Heres some pictures . http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=44897&id=161044673945914
  23. denjac


    I was just embelishing the story, like the pain was so intense I ripped his trolling motor off.
  24. denjac


    Ahh, thanks for the help! Did you catch some off the point? I went there Sat. and nothing . Nice meeting you, put some dykes in your boat though .
  25. I bet there will be some docks low in the water if we get the amount of snow and ice they are predicting. I hope nobody loses any .
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