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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. That is freaking awesome!
  2. Rivers stunk, seemed like he was throwing half his passes off his back foot. And to think the Chargers let Brees walk as a free agent and anointed Rivers as their starter. Rivers has had a good career, but you have to wonder how the Chargers would've done if they kept Brees. Looking forward to the game next week, man does it look to be cold next weekend in KC!
  3. Pats surprised the heck out of me, I think the week off was good for the old guys. They ran the ball well which they have been doing the last half of the season. I think if they can slow down the Chiefs offence and get the ground game going, they have a chance. Arrowhead is a tough place to play, man the fans there are LOUD.
  4. Congrats on catching the biggun!
  5. Well I am a Pats fan, so a big neener to you JF! Pats have some issues, Josh Gordon gone, Gronk appears to be a shadow of his old self, Brady is showing some age, defence is average at best. Wouldn't surprise me to see the Chargers beat them.
  6. Well you know how it goes, accountability happens after the accidents. As in lawsuits.
  7. Landbigfish.com has some, I think. Reason I say that is they have a Rapala Scatter Rap Crank 07 that is 2.75", weighs 9/16 oz, and they have a Scatter Rap Crank Deep that is 2" and weighs in at 5/16 oz. Which one do you use?
  8. I would go for electric only, that lake will be just big enough that it will attract gas motor/fiberglass tournaments. I'm a glass owing, gas powered boat owner myself and I don't hate tourneys, but it would be nice to have some lakes around that don't get hammered by tourneys every Saturday. It's probably not part of their agenda, but if they planned from the get go to create fish habitat before flooding the lake it could be a dynamite fishing lake.
  9. Never have thrown the deep Scatter Rap, how deep will it go?
  10. Fishing is certainly not on my radar today. Just walked the dog, that's enough of experiencing the great outdoors for me today. I'll be watching football today too.
  11. New RC, I guess you could call this the finesse version. Weighs 5/16 oz, 2" long. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Spro_Mike_McClelland_Rk_Crawler_50_Crankbait/descpage-SPRK50.html
  12. Just a cold and miserable rain right now. A few years ago we had the snowstorm followed by a long cold spell and the roads here in this part of the state were icy for about a week. People were taking pictures of where highways crossed the state line, icy on the AR side, bare and dry on the MO side. Was all over the news, AR Dept. of Transportation was a laughing stock. So the Dept. went out and bought some more trucks, stockpiled sand and salt and even purchased beet juice which supposedly acts a pre-treatment de-icer. Haven't had a significant snow storm since then..
  13. My guess would be changing models. Nothing on the site indicates why they are selling them.
  14. Patriarch XT $99 and the Patriarch $79. Regularly $249 and $199 respectively. Never have used either so I don't know how they fish, but online reviews are good. Pfluegerfishing.com
  15. No walleye there.
  16. Went out a little later today, it being a cold morning, I think I started about 0930 and fished until 3:30. Fishing was a little better today than last time out. Found some spotted bass on a bluff wall that were hanging around shad. Not a lot of them, but picked up a few dragging the ned rig off the bluff, and picked up a few down 40-45 feet fishing a 3/16 oz white Zig Jig vertically. Bounced around to a couple of points and chunk rock banks and picked up a fish here and there on the ned, usually they were in 10-20 FOW. Ended up with a dozen, all spots except for one meanmouth. WT 45-46.
  17. Even in camo, I ain't buying them.
  18. Saw only 3 other boats in the Big M area - must be a rumor out there that the dam bite is better.
  19. Can you get Crocs in camo? Soft Science has camo - it is so chic here in Arkansas to wear camo shoes.
  20. Thought I'd wait just a bit longer on the food thread as we have a few still sitting on the fence as to whether they are going or not.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. I am wondering how the Z-Man TubeZ will work on that 1/8 oz crappie head, hopefully I will get a chance to try it out soon.
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