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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Just took a look at the forecast, everyone be sure and bring your warm jammies as there's a cold front coming in. Doesn't look to be any frozen precipitation, just cold.
  2. Thanks for the tip Thumbs!
  3. Don't worry about it, the $80 was an estimate based on what we had. Pretty much figured we might lose a person or two. Sorry you can't make it, maybe we'll see you next time!
  4. I've caught a few 3 lb. smalls back in Indian, but never any monsters. I've gotten a couple on the point by the bluff at the entrance of Honey creek, but never did well further back in that cove, but it has always looked good back there. Once I get back in Indian, I can spend the whole day in there, so much fishy looking cover to work through, but it's never easy to catch a bunch.
  5. There's stripers that will spend all winter in Indian creek. A couple of them are probably swimming around with one of my jerkbaits in their jaws from a few years ago.
  6. I can only tell you what I observed in the Indian creek area, but it appeared to me that the stripers were keyed on very small, 1-2" shad. There's lots of shad, but they aren't balled up, they are scattered and all over the place. I could certainly be wrong, but if I was going to chase them again using minnows, I might downsize (smaller minnows than brooders), and fish them only a few feet deep under a float. I would also try small spoons like a Kastmaster, and maybe small marabou jigs or grubs on a ball head. The fish are very spooky in that clear water, you have to be stealthy, if I was trolling I'd have my baits way back behind the boat.
  7. Very clear around the dam, 10 feet of viz maybe, that's just an estimate, but it is pretty clear. Back in Indian the water is more of a stained green, maybe 5 feet of viz.
  8. Got out Sunday morning, really nice day, very little wind and warming up as the day went on. There was striper activity right out in front of the Indian creek ramp and all around that area. Scattered fish coming up on top, and from what I could tell they were chasing fairly small shad as in 1-2" shad. I spent probably a good hour and a half chasing those things, but they would not touch anything I threw. Water is very clear in that area, fish were spooky, very tough to get within casting distance even with the TM set at low, I could get some close to the boat if I slowly approached them, and then let the boat drift in, but still could not get them to eat anything. If I could do it all over again, I'd bring some small spoons, grubs, and marabou jigs and give them a shot. Anyway, if you're looking for stripers they are there at the mouth of Indian. Gave up on the stripers and went back in Indian to chase smallies, which was my reason for launching there. Never did find much of a bite, caught 3 smallies in the 12-14" range on jigs and Ned. Caught a nice walleye (released) pictured above, I was swimming a jig back to the boat when he hit it. I'm also pretty sure I had another good one on earlier that got off. I believe that if a person went back in Indian and worked a swim jig with a paddle tail trailer around the rocks and trees you have a decent chance at putting a good walleye or two in the boat. It's not going to be a numbers game, and you're going to have to fish hard, but the opportunity is there. I might give it another shot later this week and target some walleye (maybe I'll catch a good smallie if I chase wallies ).
  9. Dang, last time I was there, Jigfest before last years, they were running too much water.
  10. No way dude, I want to do some trout fishing. But, maybe some day we could do a 'Bassfest' on Bull. I would like to fish that lake some day.
  11. Got out Sunday morning, really nice day, very little wind and warming up as the day went on. There was striper activity right out in front of the Indian creek ramp and all around that area. Scattered fish coming up on top, and from what I could tell they were chasing fairly small shad as in 1-2" shad. I spent probably a good hour and a half chasing those things, but they would not touch anything I threw. Water is very clear in that area, fish were spooky, very tough to get within casting distance even with the TM set at low, I could get some close to the boat if I slowly approached them, and then let the boat drift in, but still could not get them to eat anything. If I could do it all over again, I'd bring some small spoons, grubs, and marabou jigs and give them a shot. Anyway, if you're looking for stripers they are there at the mouth of Indian. Gave up on the stripers and went back in Indian to chase smallies, which was my reason for launching there. Never did find much of a bite, caught 3 smallies in the 12-14" range on jigs and Ned. Caught a nice walleye (released) pictured above, I was swimming a jig back to the boat when he hit it. I'm also pretty sure I had another good one on earlier that got off. I believe that if a person went back in Indian and worked a swim jig with a paddle tail trailer around the rocks and trees you have a decent chance at putting a good walleye or two in the boat. It's not going to be a numbers game, and you're going to have to fish hard, but the opportunity is there. I might give it another shot later this week and target some walleye (maybe I'll catch a good smallie if I chase wallies ). This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Good for Linda, it is great you can both get out and fish together!
  13. Nedmeister Dave likes a fairly big reel for Ned fishing, I believe around a 3000 size Daiwa, which would roughly translate to a 35 or 40 size President. Bigger diameter spool leads to less line twist is I believe his primary reason for a bigger reel. Personally I like a 30 size for Ned fishing, just feels right to me. Drop ol' Dave a PM, he can explain his reasoning, just be careful or he'll talk you into a Daiwa.
  14. Well I can't control other people or what they do, but I have my own set of ethics, or maybe standards, when it comes to fishing, and just about all the people I fish with do also. Personally I would not fish near a guide or anyone else that is ladling corn into the water, I'll go home skunked before I do that. Not that I want to spoil anyone else's fun, if chumming up a limit (assuming it is legal, some states it is not), floats your boat, have at it.
  15. Well if I could get a Stradic for $30 I'd be all over it. If price is not an issue, I'd get a Stradic over El Presidente. Never have fished a Revo, so no opinion there. I have heard lots of complaints that if a Stradic gets wet, it binds up (won't reel), hasn't happened to me, but I haven't dunked one in the water yet. Dunno if the latest models have that binding issue.
  16. They shouldn't allow people to chum corn for trout. I can see using fish feed of some type as mentioned above, but corn just isn't good for the fish. And dang , what self-respecting guide is going to start ladling corn over the side to catch rainbows?
  17. 30, 35, and 40 sizes at BPS. http://www.basspro.com/shop/en/pflueger-president-6900-series-spinning-reel
  18. Just saw that they did fire Bielema.
  19. And they have to get a new AD, and I wonder if they owe outgoing AD Long some money. Throwing money around like drunken sailors and end up with a team that can't even make a bowl game.
  20. Malzahn rumors are in the air. He's got a $6 million buyout at Auburn, and AR is stuck with the rest of Bielemas contact. I don't know what the exact amount would be, but I would think that to fire Bielema and bring in Malzahn would be north of $10 million, not to mention the contract they would have to give Malzahn. SEC coaching money is out of control.
  21. Didn't realize you would have given me the points. I probably wouldn't have bet even with the points, I'm a little tired of AR football right now.
  22. Yeah the big spots have all migrated to CA. They can fatten up there on trout and kokanee.
  23. Just got my trout permit, almost forgot to get one.
  24. I'm thinking genetics, those footballs they grow up north aren't the same as the ones we have down here. Same thing for the spotted bass, we got the Kentucky (smaller) version, those big ones they catch elsewhere are the Alabama strain. Did they stock smallmouth when they impounded the White river lakes or are the ones we catch the same strain that inhabited the river before it was dammed?
  25. Yeah Bill posted a thread here, I think it was last spring, where he said he was going to be providing the report for the KC Star. He sent them a detailed report, and they cut it down to what you see now. Don't know if Bill still sends them info anymore.
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