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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I watched a couple of Mizzou games this year, vs Arkansas who they beat and vs Kentucky who they hung in for a bit pretty well. Thing that struck me most was how many empty seats there were, especially for the Kentucky game.
  2. Well I was just looking at the Springfield forecast, and it is for an inch of snow and ice in the afternoon, a lot of folks coming down from the north and it could be pretty slick for them on the way home.
  3. Wanted to do a quick check here to see if we will still have enough people coming to make this worthwhile. The weather is certainly going to be miserable. However, if there is still enough interest we can still do it. Probably will make the food side of things a little tougher, but I think we'll still have something food wise. If you're still a definite, reply to this thread. Phil and Robert are planning to go to Eagle Rock tomorrow to set up a big tent, so we need to decide by tonight.
  4. Well they do have toiletries of a sort. You can stop somewhere for coffee on your way to the lake.
  5. No I don't have near the skills like the Table Rock guides have. We've just been fortunate to find a good bite in a couple of places. I think that yesterday we had a combination of a sunny bank with wind blowing on it that put those fish where we could reach them.
  6. Phil is planning on heading to Eagle Rock Friday to set up a big tent with a heater. But I guess we need to see if we still have anyone planning to show up before he does that. Weather does look to be pretty nasty.
  7. I need to call them tomorrow and check on status.
  8. Welcome back!
  9. Fished the bank with Robert (Muddy Water) today. We started fishing Viney, but it was a bit slower over there than it had been, or else we couldn't find them, well I couldn't find them, Robert caught several over there and a couple of them were keepers. We got in our trucks and headed over to another COE park that is located near the 86 bridge. We found quite a few fish there, and we also learned that there are some moving onto the bank, one of our hot spots was a shelf rock area where the shelf rock was just off the bank and it dropped into 5 FOW of water right off that rock. Hard part was keeping the fish on when they' hit that short line, I have found that using the Ned you get better hookups when you have distance between you and the fish and they get a chance to load up. Anyway, we caught about 45 between the two of us, great majority on the Ned, but Robert did get a few on a lizard including the one above that we estimate may have went about 3.5. I was fortunate to get one about 4 lbs. Another beautiful day on the Rock!
  10. Are there other places to buy stuff online besides Tackle Warehouse?
  11. Good work Ben, it's a lot of fun banking it!
  12. Forecast for Saturday is getting worse, they are talking morning T-storms and afternoon rain.
  13. Some nasty wind blew through here late last night, but no twisty things as far as I know.
  14. I don't know of one, Robert may bring his portable canopy deal.
  15. Funny you mention that, I was reading an article in Popular Mechanics the other day about the new helmets that pilots flying the F-35 are wearing. They can look down and "see" what's below the plane as if the plane wasn't there. The helmet connects to outside sensors on the aircraft. Helmets cost about $400,000.00 each which is outside my budget.
  16. Thanks for the report, that water does look to have some stain, I haven't been up that way in a couple of years.
  17. Lets us hope this invader was released into the grease. Pic is from the Bassmaster website.
  18. Quillbackanov is my moniker on the Russian fishing forums.
  19. I never have had the pleasure of meeting Vernon, but based on Champ's description, I found his picture.
  20. Congrats Mike, thanks for the read!
  21. And I am here to tell you, I have expended said jig heads and plastics fishing from the bank. I figure it cancels out the money I saved on gas by not bringing and using the boat.
  22. Dang I would've gone. I didn't receive any PM's from you that I can find.
  23. That's great that ya'll got into those crappie. I haven't had fried fish in a while, I need to get out and try to catch a few of those things.
  24. Thanks buddy, I have had an offer or two, but like you they are on the wrong end of the lake. All of my regular fishing buddies are tied up in one way or another. And I have had fun fishing off the bank, and it's been a nice change to drive home without hauling the boat, unhooking it, putting it in the garage and all that kind of stuff.
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