Caught a couple of walleye today, this one that was in the 3 -4 lb. range and a 19 incher. They came home with me. One on the Ned, and one on a jig. Just bass fishing and picked them up accidentally.
Bass fishing was slow for me. My last weeks Ned fish were gone from their hangouts on the points, had to work the coves for fish. Caught 15, maybe 6 spots and the rest LM's (and one Mean). 4 keepers I think, biggest a 3 lb. LM, and a couple in the 2-2.5 range. Lost another 3 lb. fish at the boat. Even split between Ned and 3/8 jig with a twin tail trailer.
While bringing in a 14-15" spot to the boat, had a BIG brown fish chase him in trying to grab the Ned. That fish dwarfed the spot.
Surface temps 61-63. There are beds in the coves.
Obligatory meanie pic