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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yep Mizzou was the better team and deserved the win. Looking forward to seeing them play (and hopefully beat) Alabama.
  2. If it comes down to FSU vs Alabama for the NC, I doubt I'll watch it. Not a fan of either team.
  3. They certainly exceeded my expectations and provided some entertaining games even the ones they lost. As far as BA - if they have someone who is clearly better, then I'd be fine with that next year, maybe it will be AA, but I haven't seen anything from AA that would lead me to believe he is any better. And as far as BA in the Mizzou game, the coach has to be strong and has to pull the guy if he thinks it's necessary, I don't blame BA at all for wanting to play, heck if he left early and sat himself down, there'd be people complaining that he's a wuss and should have stayed in, especially if AA came in and stunk the place up.
  4. OK time for a roll call to make sure that we have sufficient lodging reserved. I plan on being there Thursday and Friday nights, might stay Saturday night, just depends on how I feel about driving home after the fish fry. I would like to fish Friday and Saturday if I can get a boat ride. I will bring plastic utensils, plates and cups. Also tartar sauce, ketchup, and cole slaw. Diet cokes and some bottles of Guiness. If I remember from last year, it was bring your own as far as lunch and breakfast. But I can bring some Hostess doughnuts also.
  5. Well that was a flop.
  6. That is a beautiful smallie!
  7. Welcome!
  8. Only if they paid me, LOL.
  9. On any given Sunday (or Thursday)...
  10. Mine never age too well, I either lose them on a snag (sometimes I can't get them with the plug knocker) or break the bills off grinding them through the rocks.
  11. Should be a good one.
  12. I'm not too concerned about who is #1 right now, just who is in the top 4. I think Alabama is justified in being in the top 4, but they still have to get by Mizzou.
  13. I have been disappointed in the bite, usually November is a great month to fish. I have some spots (brush piles, chunk rock banks) that usually hold fish every November and they are just not there. If this keeps up, I'll have to start going deep with the *%^# spoon.
  14. What, no Chiefs love on here anymore? Betting line has the Donkeys favored by one. Go Chiefs!
  15. Several teams are not out of the woods yet. OSU, FSU and Oregon face tough opponents in their championship games.
  16. Apparently a hot rig to use for salamanders.
  17. Future sounds a bit grim as it appears habitat loss is a factor in the decline. But on the positive side, maybe they can use the captive breeding program to re-introduce them back into the streams they have disappeared from. I wonder if they were ever in the Buffalo river?
  18. I have never seen one, but I guess it is possible.
  19. Bama certainly looks beatable, they all do. FSU barely escaped Florida for crying out loud. Bad weekend for the SEC, I think there were 4 losses to ACC teams.
  20. For crappie, Bandit 300's. Walleye will pounce on them also, and so will the annoying bass.
  21. You did better than me, I fished around Big M for a while and up the Kings for a total of 3 spots. I did leave early as it became windier than heck and on top of that my back was bothering me.
  22. Yeah would love to hear how it works for you. Definitely want to make sure you have the plug knocker in the boat, just in case.
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