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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Quillback

    Bringing The Heat

  2. Welcome!
  3. What, you beat me to them?
  4. Pretty tight games, and we have another one tonight.
  5. One fat fish for sure.
  6. The fishing in Lomond seems to be improving. I'm hoping for a good jerk bait bite when it gets cold.
  7. Thanks fishingadd, didn't know HLS carried them. I with you on fall not coming soon enough.
  8. Congrats on your new home - sounds like an awesome place to live!
  9. It has begun.
  10. Ham - What "Bluff" are you moving to?
  11. Revenge of the Sox. Joe Kelly pitched well.
  12. They must have moved over to the White, it's been, by what I've heard and seen, a good spring for walleye.
  13. It's summer, and every summer there's a thread like this.
  14. Well done!
  15. Love those big brownies, 3.5 lber fights like a 6 lb. LM.
  16. Ahh, I see - glad to see you were able to run him down.
  17. Tough morning, 4 bass total, 2 on a top water, 2 on a c-rig craw. Snapped off my $12 Spy bait on a cast and watched it disappear into the sunrise, so right off the bat I was without my #1 bait from my last trip. Talked to a retired fisherman who was out there stalking the elusive bass and he had caught a few more than me on jigs and spoons. Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow, maybe some precipitation will motivate the bass. If not, I may have to get some crickets and fish for bluegill. Or take up golf...
  18. Excellent, looking forward to those pics and reports.
  19. I think Bo that they are stocking those FL strain in Texas (and Oklahoma) mainly to have pure strain FL bass that can grow larger than the bass that are currently in those lakes, I don't believe they do it to increase overall numbers. There seems to me to be plenty of bass in the White river channel, at least below Eagle Rock, people were catching 40-50 bass per day this spring. What I am not seeing are good numbers of larger bass, those that are over 3 lbs. Just don't seem to be many of them up in the White river channel. But you've got much more experience in that area than I do - were there more bass in the past up there? Bigger average size?
  20. I can't believe somebody would pick up a marker buoy.
  21. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    Squirrels have been eating my maters like crazy this year - many of those squirrels now have new homes.
  22. Amazing how well those jigs work!
  23. Come on November...
  24. Good game last night, Cards pulled it out.
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