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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    I like that drop down tail gate.
  2. I haven't been out in a while on the BV lakes, so things may have changed, but there was, at least a couple of weeks ago, quite a bit of top water activity on Loch Lomond. Early in the AM. Usually you'll see a 1/2 dozen boats in the main lake down by the dam, sitting out mid-lake, if that's what you see then the TW bite is still on. The fish are spooky because of the pressure, they won't bite standard stuff like buzz baits, wake baits, etc. You'll have to try small spoons, Kastmaster, crappie jigs, small flukes to see what they want.
  3. Sweet!
  4. They look nice, a little on the pricey side.
  5. Dang!
  6. I'm OK with 2-3 fish per bait this time of year.
  7. Do you use a trailer?
  8. That's not a bad day for this time of year.
  9. I'm no fan of HSUS either.
  10. Got the Cards vs Sox tonight.
  11. A new way to spear fish?
  12. I've been thinking chatter bait, now you've got me motivated.
  13. I see it every once in a while with spots and LM's also. Genetics?
  14. Glad to hear you will be back out there.
  15. I might do that then - you're right about the color, the cove at the Big M launch was really stained, almost to the pea soup level.
  16. Good stuff!
  17. I saw Ranaudo pitch that game and he did look good. I was surprised they sent him down, but as you say, maybe he will be back in September.
  18. I have not thrown a buzz bait at all. I just have my doubts it would work on the White river spots - but I could be wrong.
  19. Come on November!
  20. It's been dry here also, rain to the south, rain to the north, but it keeps missing my little corner of Arkansas.
  21. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    The final chapter could be the best.
  22. Watched some of the Sox/Yankee game last night. Bucholz was terrible. He's very inconsistent, throws some great pitches, then he'll groove one down the middle. He's having trouble with his follow through, delivering the pitch then tripping over his own feet. The guy needs to spend some time with a pitching coach (I'm sure he is).
  23. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    That sucker ought to be on the prowl.
  24. Had a boat pulling 3 skiers, yes 3 skiers, go between me and the bank today - I was 100 yards off shore over 20 FOW so it didn't bother me, but they were really up shallow, but they made it through OK. Water level is dropping on TR, folks need to be careful.
  25. Started fishing about 0600 today and was off the water at 1130. At about 1125 saw a big house boat heading towards me and decided enough was enough, time to put her on the trailer. Caught a sold keeper LM on a wobble head tipped with a Black/Blue Megabug early near a dock and hooked two others that got off half way to the boat. Headed on down to Emerald Beach to see if I could get in on some of the action that has been going on there, but didn't do any good, one short wallie on a drop shot and a couple of weak swirls at the BX waker was all I got at that spot. Decided to run back up the lake, saw some top water activity off a gravel beach, stopped and threw the BX waker at them - again a couple of swirls but not takers. Out of desperation I picked up a light spinning rod that I had rigged with a Spy Bait and started throwing it. Surprise, surprise, the spots liked it. Caught a dozen 10-14" spots on it, had another dozen or so hooked. Maybe one keeper. Threw it a boiling fish, soon as it hit the water, flipped the bail over and brought it in at a steady pace. Lots of fun on the light tackle. Once that bite ended things got tough again, picked up a couple more on the c-rig craw and the drop shot. Should have fished the Big M courtesy dock, spooked 3 keepers from underneath the float near the bank as I was walking off the dock.
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