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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I sent an email to Rodney. I was nice.
  2. Yeah the road by my house is a sheet of ice. No way I'm pulling the boat on that stuff.
  3. Saw this on another fishing forum. Justifying boat/tackle purchases, very funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwF72B2F2w
  4. I find myself browsing TW more than is healthy for my wallet. Those Yamamoto cranks look interesting.... And I don't fish cranks very often. I wish it would freaking warm up!
  5. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. This is interesting, they are "partially" closing a COE park on Blue Mountain lake in Arkansas, but leaving the ramp open. Same office (Little Rock) controls both Viney and the park in Arkansas. So if they can leave one ramp open, why not the other? Link below: http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Media/NewsReleases/tabid/7165/Article/21384/corps-to-host-workshop-to-discuss-lick-creek-park-partial-closure.aspx
  7. Cool, thanks, eventually things will warm up around here and I'll need someplace to take the boat.
  8. Wondering if anyone that lives in the area knows if the coves are frozen over?
  9. This is BS. It's public land, if the Corps folks lack the imagination and creativity to figure out a way to keep things open, they should stay the heck out of the way and let us use OUR land. There's no reason to close the ramps, if the grass on the side of the road isn't mowed, so what?
  10. Hey TV Tom - Are you the Tom in the Ranger I run into up the White river channel? If so, welcome!
  11. Anybody fish the Magnum Warts? If so, any success? I never hear anyone mentioning them in all the Wiggle Wart discussions.
  12. Yeah kids here in the Bentonville school district have been out all week - the main roads were in decent shape yesterday afternoon, but very wet and slushy in places - now it's gotten cold and everything iced up, side roads are bad. It wouldn't surprise me if the schools stay closed all week.
  13. Thanks, I wish I could drive over there, but the roads are in bad shape here.
  14. It has 2 sets of trebs, one in the middle and one at the back end. I'm staying open minded on it, I'm hoping that the guys who try it let us know how it works.
  15. A 20" crappie would make a heck of a mount. I've always liked the "school of crappie" mounts where you have 3-4 crappie around a piece of wood.
  16. That is one bad hill. I love how that snow plow switched ends and then the driver just plowed back the other way like nothing happened.
  17. Great pics, thanks!
  18. Well if they're on the same schedule as that outdoor exhibit that they've been working on at the BPS in Springfield, I would not hold my breath.
  19. What is it?
  20. Not a bad game, FL just too strong for Mizzou.
  21. Thanks for the link.
  22. I would think the Eureka Springs school district would have a lot of snow days this year - all those hilly and curvy roads.
  23. -18, No thanks! Mountains are probably beautiful right now I would think.
  24. Haven't tried it - is it a cold water bait?
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