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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I would guess around 15 also, but I'll say 14.75. Jerkbait could be the deal or the A-rig.
  2. Welcome Ryker! Spent close to 20 years living in WA state, I miss my winter steelhead fishing, but not the rain.
  3. Thanks for the report, you can substitute that catfish for a lump of coal in somebodies stocking who has been bad this year. Curious as to what your drop shot bait was, if you don't wanna tell because it's a secret that's OK, but I'm curious as the DS has not been working for me lately.
  4. Yes sorry to hear about your mother. Thanks for the warning about the dirtbag, probably a good idea to report it to local LE. I've been thinking about fishing Stockton next year and these break-ins worry me. The perp will probably continue to prowl the ramps until he's caught. Were you able to tell what model truck he had?
  5. Nice stuff you made there Eric.
  6. Quillback

    Mizzou Bball

    Watched the last 10 minutes of the Illini game, big win for Mizzou. They did a good job on the defensive boards, not giving the Illini a 2nd chance on missed shots.
  7. Here's a thread from another board - looks like a labor intensive project: http://www.bbcboards.net/bassboat-restoration/317778-need-info-oxidizing-gel-coat.html
  8. Got there at 1000, pulled out at 1400. Fishing was not good for me, 3 black bass total, tube and jerkbait. About the first hour after I launched it was cold and dead calm, wind picked up and almost instantly started blowing pretty hard, windy conditions just don't fit my fishing style, so I left a bit earlier than I normally would have. Happy holidays all, and I hope you all have time to get out and do some fishing!
  9. Nope, she's tired of his crap and takes pre-emptive action.
  10. Or the 90 lb. teacher takes out her gun and shoots the 6th grader in the mouth.
  11. Don't mess with Texas... Texas School District Will Let Teachers Carry Guns A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to pass a law specifically allowing teachers and staff to pack heat when classes begin later this month. Trustees at the Harrold Independent School District approved a district policy change last October so employees can carry concealed firearms to deter and protect against school shootings, provided the gun-toting teachers follow certain requirements. Superintendent David Thweatt told FOXNews.com the policy was initiated because of safety concerns. "We have had employees assaulted before by people in the last several years," Thweatt said. "I think that safety is big concern. We are seeing a lot of anger in society." He wouldn't comment further on the nature of the assaults. The Texas superintendent linked gun-free zones with the uprising of school shootings in recent years. "When you make schools gun-free zones, it's like inviting people to come in and take advantage," Thweatt told FOXNews.com. In order for teachers and staff to carry a pistol, they must have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun; must be authorized to carry by the district; must receive training in crisis management and hostile situations and must use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls. Thweatt said the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff's office, leaving students and teachers without protection. He said the district's lone campus sits 500 feet from heavily trafficked U.S. 287, which could make it a target. The kindergarten through 12th grade school district is home to 110 students. Thweatt said officials researched the policy and considered other options for about a year before approving the policy change. He said the district also has various other security measures in place to prevent a school shooting. "The naysayers think [a shooting] won't happen here," Thweatt said. "If something were to happen here, I'd much rather be calling a parent to tell them that their child is OK because we were able to protect them." He told FOXNews.com he doesn't think students will think twice about the new policy. "I hope they forget all about it," he said. "We want them to pay attention [to their school work]." Texas law outlaws firearms on school campuses "unless pursuant to the written regulations or written authorization of the institution." While the district's plan shot them into the national spotlight, carrying guns to school is nothing new some states. In Utah, the law allows anyone with a permit to carry a gun in public schools and state institutions of higher education. It was unclear how many of the 50 or so teachers and staff members will be armed this fall because Thweatt did not disclose that information, to keep it from students or potential attackers. Wilbarger County Sheriff Larry Lee did not immediately return a call placed to his office by FOXNews.com. Barbara Williams, a spokeswoman for the Texas Association of School Boards, said her organization did not know of another district with such a policy. Ken Trump, a Cleveland-based school security expert who advises districts nationwide, including in Texas, said Harrold is the first district with such a policy. The district is 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth on the eastern end of Wilbarger County, near the Oklahoma border. --------------------
  12. You would think that there's a nice crop of Spots on the way, lots of those 10-15" fish and most of them are fat. On Beaver, and I don't know if this is true on TR, according to the biologists, a 15" spot is on average 7 years old. Hard to kill them when it takes them that long to get to keeper size.
  13. I don't like paying $3/gallon for gas, but I keep fishing anyway. A guy has to do what he's gotta do...
  14. If I was going to fish for meat, I'd run a trotline, do it the right time of year and work at it, you can get a load of tasty cats.
  15. Thanks for the report, I tossed a JB the other day and could not get bit except for one dink, but sounds like I was fishing the wrong banks. But, I'm glad to hear the JB is working, I love to fish it.
  16. I don't know, I guess you could do a search on Washington County Sheriff office. This Benton County mapping stuff is new, my guess is not too many other counties have it.
  17. Quillback


    Sounds like my day Tuesday, I found 2 banks that held biting fish and that's the only places I could get bit, but they were decent fish and seemed to want to bite. But I spent most of my time fishing a lot of good banks and getting zero bites. Maybe this hurrican we're getting this morning will shake them up and get them on the bite.
  18. Thought this site would be of interest to those of us who live in Benton County. There's a map tab on the right side of the page, you can bring up a map showing locations where crimes were committted and what those crimes were. Lots of other good suff on the site as well. http://www.bentoncountysheriff.org/
  19. Well good luck to you and Donna. Tell Donna I did throw the jig but no bites on it, but I expect her to do better.
  20. Well the weather was nice... Got a few on the tube, a couple on the Blade, and a small spot on the jerkbait. Didn't throw the A-rig, but maybe I should have. DId I mention the weather was nice? Saw a Roadrunner (the bird, not the 60's car) on the back road going into Big M, haven't seen one of those dudes in a year or so.
  21. Yes it is considered bad manners in the internet forum world to criticize something someone is offering for sale in the want ads.
  22. Thanks for that info, Birdwatcher. Sounds like this will be a great launch once it is done. But as you said, they'd better get working on it, we're about 2 months away now.
  23. I didn't think about ramp width, but good point, I think as it is now there are only two single boat ramps, but it's been a while since I launched there. I wonder if they'll put in a new dock also, the existing one seems small for an event like this.
  24. The launch they'll be using is near the city of Grove, I think it's about 55 miles from Bella Vista, probably another 20 miles or so from Fayetteville. The weigh in is in Tulsa, not sure of the distance, but I'm going to estimate it's 40-50 miles from the launch to Tulsa. I'm thinking the launch parking has room for maybe 75-100 rigs, but that might be an overestimate. There's also a small park there, maybe they'll let people park on the grass also. Don't know if they'll let people park on the access road shoulders, but if so that would add some more parking. I'm thinking parking might be a little tight at the launch, but I've never been to one of these things so don't know if a lot of people show up to watch the launching and return of the boats.
  25. Thanks for the report, seems to be a spoon bite going on, one of the other posters had a good day on spoons also.
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