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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Well looking at this - Docks are approved for the mooring of the owner’s vessel and the storage of gear essential to the vessel’s operation and this - The following items that are also prohibited on any floating facility include, but are not limited to: I could see where they may have you over a barrel. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.
  2. If you have govt. officials judging what is "good taste" in your dock decorations, then it's time to trim the workforce as that is way out of their scope IMO. That being said, maybe there is a set of regs out there specifying what dock decorations are out of code. Or maybe one of your neighbors is messing with you, LOL.
  3. 74 Ranger - That is pretty neat. I'll send you a PM on a spot that I've caught walleye from that is not too far from you.
  4. Here's a link to the thread to post your entry photos:
  5. Participants - Post your photos in this thread, the number to place next to your photo is 733. Good luck! PS - starts at 5 PM July 17 and runs until 8 AM of the 20th.
  6. Ok, you're on the list, good luck!
  7. I hear you on that, but just saying that AR does not issue boat titles.
  8. Nice area of the lake, I fish around there quite a bit.
  9. I thought you said you weren't in because you were not going to donate to a charity or something resembling a charity?
  10. What part of the lake do you see from your deck? Just curious because it would be nice to have someone to contact about lake conditions sometimes, especially after flooding rains. There's definitely crappie in the Indian creek arm. Not a lot of them, but they are there.
  11. Arkansas does not do boat titles, just registration. Trailer has a title however. Yeah it's weird.
  12. OK, you are in, good luck!
  13. Here's a link to the sign-up sheet, I am pretty sure I have everyone signed up that asked me to sign them up, but please check and let me know if I missed anyone. You must be on the sign-up sheet to be registered for this tournament. 5 PM today is the deadline for signing up.
  14. I need to get in on some of that bluegill action. Congrats on some good fishing!
  15. I have thought about a lipless myself, one of these days I'll try it.
  16. I was throwing it at the swirls and blind casting around the boat when there weren't any to throw too which was most of the time. The top water activity was helpful in putting me in the general area where the fish were. @Johnsfolly This guy did swim away, but of course you never know if they eventually die - didn't bring any ice with me as I didn't expect to catch any stripers. Had I had some ice with me I probably would've kept it, my frozen fish stash is now at zero. ☹️
  17. First time in quite a while to fish Indian, got there at first light and left at 0830. The campers start stirring around about 8 O'clock heading for their jet skis and ski boats so it is good to get out of there early. There are some fish not too far from the ramp chasing shad on top, mostly small black bass with a striper or two showing up now and then. They are scattered but if you can get something on them right when they come up you can get a bite. That being said, I only boated 3 small bass and a 3 lb. striper. Had a couple of others that pulled good but threw the hook. Several boats out in the main basin over the deep water which I assume are striper fishermen - usually you see that many boats out there then they are probably getting a few.
  18. Yeah dry here too, might get a storm this afternoon. As a reminder, I will start a photo thread in this sub-forum tomorrow and that will contain the number you need to place by your bass.
  19. Cool, we're getting some sign-ups, good luck guys!
  20. Yep, clock is ticking. My vote is that it is a Quillback (for obvious reasons). 😄
  21. Cool, see you there (virtually of course).
  22. Got this email from AGFC today - I didn't know that they fin clip hatchery cats. Biologists sampled the Channel Catfish population in Beaver Lake over the past few weeks and are in the middle of a stock contribution study. AGFC annually stocks 60,000 Channel Catfish (average size of 9 inches) in Beaver Lake to supplement the natural spawn and provide better fishing opportunities. To evaluate stock contribution, AGFC staff from Charlie Craig Hatchery and District Biologists have marked (adipose fin clip) the stocked Channel Catfish for the past three years. A total of 180,000 Channel Catfish have been marked in the past 3 years! Staff can determine how these fish contribute to the fishery by sampling the lake with baited hoop nets. Staff plan to conduct an angler survey starting in March 2021 on Beaver Lake to get more information on these stocked fish. We will provide periodic updates on the project.
  23. OK, you are signed up, good luck!
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