What he says (except for the compensation part ) - you don't want the jig to touch the water, or worse sink a bit, on the back cast. This can cause the medical condition known as "jig stuck in back of head".
Speaking of which, I got a reply back from PJ's - said about what you just said, they didn't sell so they aren't making them anymore. Too bad, cause as you say, there looks to be a market for them now.
I read and see reports from the guides where they talk of having some good grub fishing this time of year. I never have fished it much myself, but I'm thinking it is time to start throwing one around.
What size grub do you like? Favorite colors (brands)? Jig head size? Slow roll it deep?
I always hear to rig them "tail down" - true?
I looked at those PJ heads, they have a wire weed guard which I like, but the hook size was 2/0, I like a #1. I sent them an email to see if they would be interested in making them with a #1 hook.
I'm a "feel" guy myself, can't stand that weightless bow in the line thing, especially in deep water. But what the heck, I'll have to give it a try, sounds like it works.
If I'm throwing it in the wind, I'll position the boat so I can throw it into the wind. The sideways bow in the line is something I try and avoid if possible.
I've been thinking about a jig an eel, except using a Z-man eel or a Gulp eel. I just need to do it. Going to have to wait out this cold front before I'll get a chance to fish it.
Good to meet you also, Fishrman! Didn't do very well myself, 9 bass, but not a keeper in the bunch. All Ned fish, except one on a McStick. Did catch a nice Walter that came home for a future dinner. I have to wonder what this cold front coming through today will do to the fishing.
Yeah the "clown" could work, you never know until you fish it.
I'm with you on staying inside this week, yesterday was bearable, but looking at the forecast, this week is going to be way too cold for me.
I wear a buff all the time now, even on cloudy, winter days. Had a couple of pre-cancerous deals removed from my lip and ear this year, so I'm now done with exposing my face to the sun.
Tough day for me also, 9 bass, not a keeper in the bunch. Did get a Walter that was almost 4 lbs. that got to come home with me. All Ned fish except one bass on a McStick.