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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. This one had a happy ending, later reports that the dog owner was fined for letting the dogs run wild. Homeowner that defended property is cleared and cat will survive. Just found out today that if you live in Cape Girardeau county outside city limits, dogs can run free with no restrictions. Nothing you can do about it, Sheriffs dept will penalize those that harm those unrestricted dogs. Seems like pet control is just a city thing....
  2. Phil, you fixed them both but things are loading pretty slow again at dialup. Since the change, it has been loading alot faster. I'll let you know if it continues.
  3. Good to know Al, I know where to drop them off next time I go thru TDL. My prob is when you involve the law, they tell you it is against the law to dispose of an animal. The last one stated to me that an animal does not know boundry lines and he does not know it is trespassing or causing you harm so the owner has a right to sue if you kill it. Humans trespassing can be shot on site if they are threatening you on your own property. Since when is a dogs life more valuable than a human? Animal rights group would shudder at the things that go on at a farm. I have dispatched strays, sick livestock, and pets in my life. I have always considered it the humane thing to do. When coyotes attack cattle, we attack coyotes. When the chicken coop gets raided, coons and minks get trapped. When the garden gets raided, squirrels, coons, ground hogs, rabbits die, no matter if the season is in. A farmer has a right to protect crops and livestock. Free ranging dogs can cause alot of damage to livestock and fences. I have been around animals all of my life, and have always been in control of pets, livestock, and wild game. I have always loved animals and have always had a pet. Crow, squirrels, rabbits, flying squirrels, wild turkeys, deer, dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, fish, snakes, lizards, pigs, horses, chickens, ducks, and some mean coons have all been pets of mine for some amount of time. I would hate to dispatch some kids pet, but owners are too stupid to realize that not everyone thinks that the little biting dog is cute.
  4. I have attached what I see here. I have also attached a screen showing a problem that I have with the upload attachment part, it cuts off at select a file. No big deal, but if you have time, just another glitch I see here.. Using dialup, Firefox I could not get the webcam to load at work Friday on highspeed last week on IE7 or Firefox or Opera.
  5. The point of the matter was the problems with people not controlling their pets. I did not mean to make this a liberal/conservative matter, other than the point, if you don't read the whole story you probably won't get it. The mindset to the story is made with the headline. There are far more dog owners than non-dog owners, so the headlines slanted to the majority, in my opinion, I don't have any real facts to support my theory, just observations. While I don't have a problem with dogs, I do have a problem with owners that fail to control them. A well maintained dog is a joy that everyone should enjoy in life. That is my beef, not politics. The other pet peeves against the media just surfaced. Thom, you have seen my dilema also with the dogs. The law is on the side of the pet owners, not the persons being harassed by the uncontrolled pets. I too have had many problems since moving out in the country in a rural subdivision. I carried a 38 for a while when I worked in my garden after being threatened by neighbors rotweillers. Several occaisions their rots and a pitbull/border collie mix chased my daughter and girlfriend in the yard and myself while working in the garden. Others had similiar problems, they attacked a family member on a horse at a nearby property. Local law enforcement, after I filed a complaint, stated that if I killed them on my land I would probably receive a punishment. Fortunately their poor care led to some sort of disease that killed them off. One was shot by a neighbor up the street, although it was never proven that he shot it. It was attacking his cat and he used a pellet rifle. I am currently having problems with neighbors weiner dogs in the trash and in the yard. I caught one in the live trap twice, the second time I returned it when he was home. He acted like it was no big deal. His daughter lives on the other side of me, she came out on the deck and asked me if I had any problems with dogs in my trash. She had not seen me bring in the trappe dog. She was sure her problems were with the adjoining neighbor, not her dad's dog. Even after explaining that I had a trail of white castle boxes from her yard to her dad's yard, she still would not accept that it was the dog I trapped. The little dog comes across when it is out and nips at your heels. I have been bitten and so has my girlfriend. The owners son in law is a Cape PD officer. Now you know the rest of the story. How can you shoot someone trespassing on your property and endangering your well being and not shoot their pet? Should we just have to live with it?
  6. I don't think he was trying to fleece me with the old bait and switch. He is a friend of a friend and he was pretty straight forward. He said he was not trying to sell me anything as he did not have anything to sell. He had just sold a nice 6hp for 360 the day before. His son runs the parts and new sales as a separate business. I found the Champion recommended plug online which is an 841 (j8c), he actually carries the old j4j plugs. Once again, who do I trust, what the plug manufacturer calls for or what the service manual calls for 40+ years ago? I do try to buy local if possible and being in retail, I understand the concept of markup. But $9.95 for a plug was a little steep. Other parts were inline with other suppliers.
  7. I really consider all newspapers and the big three network TV stations to have a liberal slant to most of the news they report. If you read the caption and the pic to the story and don't delve any deeper, then the mindset is that the guy in the right was wrong. He shot a dog for allegedly biting him. It did not mention that it was in his house. It should have stated something like, "Man shoots stray dog in house after it attacks him and his property, pet owner negligent." to reflect the correct nature of the incident not "Cape Girardeau police officers spoke with Trent Tollison, right, Friday morning, April 11, 2008, along Hawthorne Street near Arena Park. Tollison's pit bull, Kamoli, rear, was shot and killed by a neighbor after reportedly biting the neighbor Friday morning." The version of the story I read was the shooter was wronged and may face a fine for discharging a firearm in the city limits. It states "Hovis said the incident is under investigation and Monia may be ticketed for discharging a firearm within the city limits". I did not see any praise for the shooter, not that he needs it. He was just doing the right thing. They may have edited it, I read a RSS link off Yahoo. I do read the paper online as it is the local paper. I can't stand the local TV station, KFVS 12, their news is usually worthless, good for a laugh sometimes. We started the war with Iraq and the lead story was about a kid that missed too much school and was suspended. For the most part, I read news on the net and watch FOX news channel. Not that I believe all that I read online.....
  8. The most conservative newspaper is like saying that is the best looking pile of manure in the field. My problem is the slant is in favor of the villian in the scene, the owner of the pet that did not care enough for the dog or others to control it. Just a normal media slant to the other side, which I feel is the wrong side. It made the disabled marine with law enforcement experience the villian, he killed the poor mean doggy, in his house. He should be well aware of the laws, exercised restraint, and used lethal force as last resort. The bad guy had a history of animal problems. I will give the SE Misssourian a little credit, they did report the story with both sides if you read it all the way thru. The pic and caption was the problem, shot when it reportedly bit him. The dog was in his house, not in the owners control. It would have been dead when it hit my yard if it was a threat. Read the comments for a little more humor. I kinda like Jo Ann Emerson, unlike her husband, she seems to be a straight shooter. Bill would do a publicity float down the 11 pt. River looking like he was enjoying the river while actually promoting the lead mining of the region which would have severe impacts on one of the most scenic areas of MO. Everyone has a right to protect his family, self, property, no questions asked, if endangered. This may cost the guy some money for a fine or other fees. If you have pets or livestock, you are responsible for them, control them.
  9. Took the daughter on her first turkey hunt this morning at the farm. It was 47 when we started and 45 when we called it quits at 7:30. Did not hear or see any sign, had 20 mph winds. While walking thru the yard I stumbled across a better surprise. After a little searching I come up with this batch of morels. All found around catalpha trees in the grass. Soaking in salt water now, lots of little black bugs coming out of them. Some of them were past their prime. This cold spell will probably end them for a while, but they should show up good in the snow tomorrow.....
  10. http://www.semissourian.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...00101874/-1/RSS Looks like the new Castle Law does not apply to the dogs, only humans. Here is a sad story of a habitual guy that could not keep his dogs under control. One gets loose again and enters a neighbors house and attacks his cat, then bites the guy. He defends himself, in his own house, and kills the dog. He may be ticketed for discharging a firearm in City Limits. The liberal press shows the man that can't control his dog bawling like a baby and everyone feels sorry for him and his pets.
  11. Mo. has the new "Castle Law", if someone is in your house illegally and is threatening, you have the right to shoot if I interpret the law right. Before, they had to be visibly armed and your life had to be in danger. Of course, it has to be your castle, not someone elses.
  12. Lilley, I am having issues with the web cam loading in IE7 or Firefox, it tries to stream and gives up.
  13. Question, when you say they are going to open the gates further, are you talking about the ones over the main stream portion of the dam or the overflow ones to the north side of the dam? I was looking at google earth and trying to figure out where that water will go if it comes out, looks like it would flood out the hatchery. Any pics of the dam with the gates open?
  14. Yep, water turkeys. A large rapala or other shallow running fish like plug should lure them in. They are fish feeders. Should put up a good fight.
  15. Wonderful.. I beat the bushes and hillsides around here all weekend and came up with nothing. Checked South facing hillsides in last years cut timber, bottoms, and fencerows. Spent a few hours Sat and Sun and did not even find a toad stool. Mayapples are just starting to peek thru here. If your're bored here's a dancing mushroom for your amusement http://morelsandmore.com/dancingmorel.htm
  16. Bass in streams are closed till May something, usually the week before Memorial Day. Bass in impoundments have different seasons, check the local regs for the lake/area that you are fishing. An impoundment area can reach up an area of a stream above a lake and the impoundment regs supercede the stream regs on that portion in some areas.
  17. What size pellets are you using? That would be a good pattern for a #4, if you need more pellets drop down to a #5 or #6 to get better shot density. I assume you mean 13-14 pellets in a turkey head target.
  18. New problem, bought the 9.5 Evinrude and went thru it today. Removed the lower screw and water run out of it for a while before oil came out. Water in lower unit... Flushed and refilled. Checked prop and made sure no mono behind it. Popped the hood and started working. Kill switch wires all lacking insulation, added shrink tube to insulate. Spark plugs were black with oil, replaced. Cleaned carb and choke with carb cleaner. Replaced rinky dink pull cord with OEM pull cord. Greased all grease fittings to free up. Placed on boat and ready to go? Why was there water in the lower unit?
  19. It has a cracked cylinder and water in one piston, no compression. I think the thing had only been running on one cylinder all along, it never came up to full power or idled. There was water coming out of the outlet the few times I had it running, but not much. This style of motor never shoots out a stream, but the water impellor was probably shot. The head was discolored and pink instead of white like the rest of the guts. I sold it to him for parts for $ 75. I have been watching on Ebay for other motors for parts, picked up a service manual on there. Would like to find a better source for parts. I would like to see some links to the tech sites on motor repairs, I am normally a do it yourself kind of guy. Took me a year to give up and take it to a professional.
  20. Looks like it will be about $700 or more for repair. Found another one Evinrude 9.5 about same vintage, runs and alot less. CC, I pm'd last nite, did you get it? I did not know you could buy parts at NAPA, been stuck with local marine dealer. Charged me $9 for a spark plug last summer and I thought they must be something special. Found same plug at Wally for 2 something. I will take advice and change out impellor on this one before running just in case.
  21. Took the motor into the shop to make it run. Bought it last spring and could never get it to run long. I had replaced plugs, fuel pump, carb kit, hoses, and fuel tank. Every time I would do something it would start and run, just not well and had probs idling. Last time it run was duck season in Nov. Took it into marine shop for them to figure out. Called today and said it had overheated and had water in one cylinder. Water pump was working while I was using it, must have happened with last owner. Anyhow, is an old motor like that worth anything for parts. Would it be worth a repair or should I just forget about it and move along. I know there are some on here that like working with the vintage stuff. Any thoughts? My only motors in the past were wooden paddles, never had a use for a motor boat where I go. Just been trying something different.
  22. Just received a couple of more pics with the boat and fish. I was trying out the BPS lip gripper that I bought, worked great. Kept the hands and gloves dry and away from trebles.
  23. Closed to floaters?? Is that a rule or a reccomendation? I would assume that float camps would be prohibited from launching but a personal boat should be able to launch a boat. That river never gets that bad that an experienced floater would get in trouble except at higher flood stages.
  24. Good report, what kind of shape was the campground in? We are going up in 2 weeks to camp in loop 4.
  25. After several years of low flows and minor floods, we need to be glad we are having a wet year. Alot of streams need the recharge. It will only help the fishing in the long run. Besides, smallies need attention too......
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