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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. I run a route trail on gps, but I never keep track of distance. It's on one of the screens. I use my point on either a topo/road map that Garmin (which was originally Delorme) produces or USGS topo that is downloaded into program. Forestry service trails are on there too.
  2. Airplane mode when there is no signal or off. That keeps it from overheating. I toss mine next to my truck gun in cover to keep crackheads from breaking winders. Cover up the change in the console too, they go after it too.
  3. Somebody woke up on this one. Cell phone coverage sucks on most of the streams, I use offline maps for navigation on the cell phone with a GPS and maps to figure things out. But, MO rivers change and distances change. I know of 2 rivers within 20 miles that have opened up new / old channels during floods that have cut a mile off of the trip. GPS and Offline maps don't show it, not quick enough on updates, but I can find out where I am based on GPS signal.
  4. I used it for geocaching too, back when I had free time. I still carry it mushroom hunting and mark spots where I find them. Actually had to break it out a few years ago on peck ranch when I was turned around on some trails. I had them downloaded on there. Now, Garmin Explorer is on my phone with offline maps. They work great when cell is offline. Gps signals are stronger and more accurate than they used to be. Still have Delorme paper atlas behind seat when all else fails.
  5. I use a magellan topo gps system. Helps keep track of where I am to see how much longer I have to go. A person can get tied up in good fishing and forget that darkness comes every day. The topo map on the gps I have shows the long holes and ones to paddle thru to make time for fishing the best water. The magellan system is outdated, but still works on 2 double AA batteries all day.
  6. My mile 0.0 is usually Bootleg off 21. We did Terre Du Lac to Leadwood Sat. Fishing was slow, about 4 hour float. Lots of mine vents or tunes in that part. Best part is Irondale to Mounts. Never been past Leadwood until down at St Francois State Park.
  7. That was outside of Sikeston yesterday in a hurricane storm. Must have seen something tasty and decided to peck. Looks like toes are kinda curled too.
  8. I would try and get a second opinion. Siteman in St. Louis does great work. Insurance company should not decide if its worth fixing. Doctors should.
  9. Those are growing up fast. Good job. I have some sharktails to try out some time.
  10. Did not take long to heat up today. Had to dive in a few times in the lead infested waters of the Big River to keep cool. Was off the stream by 2.. Was a nice afternoon yesterday, low humidity and nice cool north breeze for fireworks and BBQ on TDL. But, no jeans.
  11. Owl tastes pretty good if you cook it right. May donate them for Feed the Needy.
  12. That leaves a funny taste in your mouth.
  13. Bought one a few years ago for Dad. He was having problems crawling up on front of tractor and filling it from cans. I have several now. Some for gas, one for water. I suck the water off the boat covers with one when it rains a bunch. Can use them for Hydraulic fluid too. I used one this weekend to suck the old gas out of generators and refresh with new. I pull the gas out of the Bass Boat in the spring and use it for mowers with one. They get the job done for little money.
  14. Both would work well. Bundt pans were Teflon coated. Can't find them anywhere any more.
  15. Leave the dog tied to the tree at the old place?
  16. 4 More Years to the Magic Day. Thanks
  17. That explains it, but the Bundt pans I remember are scalloped. You sir are using an Angel Food Cake Pan.
  18. Going to have to elaborate, have not seen a bundt pan since the 70's.
  19. It does not work good with what I have done to my mouth either. Cut it off the cobb and slather some butter on it, its still good.
  20. Careful there. I want you to to crow about it someday. 7 years out now on Father's Day. BTW, Cock a Doodle Dooo....
  21. Careful. Wait, the other side will be in nursing home before anyone tends to go after him.
  22. Actually, cut head off after gutting them onsite in the stream at house before prep. Kid named Maverick, about 5 years old, informed me that you were supposed to clean them at the cleaning station now. He was full of questions, small striped mohawk down his head from front to back with a little ponytail and rest shaved. His "Guardian" I referred to as his Grandpa, a tattooed feller almost my age that was catching his second limit for the day kept getting on to him for pestering me. He said that was not his "Grandpa", but never did aknowledge his actual connection. I doubt if the tattooed feller had any sisters left of fertile age to spawn with, so I doubt if he was "Dad". Iced them, washed them again well, sprayed with olive oil and applied a good coat of Lemon Pepper Seasoning. Tossed them on hot gas grill with pecan smoke chips going on other side burner with some yellow squash in one foil packet and asparagus, bacon, parm cheese in another. Seared the trout till skin peeled on both sides. Popped another Schafly and had some supper. I even kept 2 intentionally just to have for supper. Trout are better from the 11 pt, pinker and firmer flesh. But, I do like liver from time to time, so a stocker fits in.
  23. I do now, coughed up $5 bucks for those mealy mushy gray fish. Plus about $25 in fuel. I did stop at Wally World in Fredricktown on way back and bought a $10 bag of frozen Atlantic Salmon Fillets for the Freezer at the farm to munch on when I am out there. Much better eating. Pretty red firm meat there, goes good with a salad and quick for the grill.
  24. I quit when he pointed at the podium he was aiming for and had to be confirmed.... The world is a happier place when you don't watch it. Just vote the right way and go on, Poke and Hope.
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