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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. They fly around your head like dog pecker gnats. You never know it when they zap ya! Just feel a big stinging itchy welp as it swells. Usually with a red hole in center. That lasts for a few days then the center gets hard. May ooze some yellow fluid. Get enough bites, you get kinda feverish from swelling. I'll take a bee sting any day over them.
  2. This is about what sums it up. How does Covid compare to the flu?
  3. Warm wet springs stir them up. Kill chickens by smothering them. Normally go for the eyes, ears, nose. Deet attracts them. Buggins or a head net about the only thing that keeps them from biting. Got hammered by them last spring on Wappappello, neck swelled like a balloon. Here is my wrist and a pic of the culprit from last season. Been bad for several seasons since the big flood on MO. and Mississippi Rivers.
  4. It should be fine. Run it and see. You can try on a lake too.
  5. The Buffalo gnat is my new scurge. This rain forest that has been created has spawned them again.
  6. Gonna get chiggers picking those.
  7. Mine has some setback like a jack plate. But at the same height. We measured from leading edge to motor mount to get initial start point.
  8. You have to be interested to get the price.
  9. Make your own is about the only way now. Employers are providing a few, but retail shops sold out long ago. Pay high dollar online for it. Anything you wear will work, it's mainly for show. Medical workers are getting it wearing full ppe, so nothing short of a biological suit will prevent contracting it. Wash your hands, stay 6' away, don't go around any sickos.
  10. Fish are getting pounded hard by the non essentials
  11. Small ones are pretty good. Cut out the red part and blacken on the grill. Its a firm meat, not for frying. My Great Aunt used to can the ones we caught and make fish cakes out of them. About as good as salmon.
  12. There is really no shortage of people. We always seem to make more.
  13. This weather. Swarms of buffalo gnats are coming out again this year. 2 nailed me on the jaw while I was out this afternoon loading up for the river this weekend. Big ole welps.
  14. It collects on them like pollen and they bring it to the hive. Then it spreads like covid. Liquid, not so bad, just the powder.
  15. How exactly do you deduce the species of the returns on the pic above? Time of year or sample of the product?
  16. Sevin sucks for bees. Put it on as a dust and they take it back to the hive. Maters not a big thing, bees don't pay any attention to them. Sevin dust on cucs or squash does. Mix Sevin with liquid and spray it on, different story.
  17. You still caught it. Anything after that really does not matter. Ya fooled it into eatin.
  18. Its a good show, but I deal with customers on a one to one basis every day, face to face. Distance and cleanliness is the only thing that really matters. I have never been a hugger or a close type of person. I have always practiced social distancing, I have my space, here it is. And if you carry, its called draw time.......
  19. I saw my grandkids today for the first time since March. Hugged them, held them, man how they have grown. Another few months of life gone with them. Know how I did it, I found out they had a stomach bug last week when I called to see them. Seems like Dad still works in factory and probably brought it home to them. Not much quarantine there. Just confirmed with a ER doc, there is a gut bug going around too now.
  20. Sorry to hear that. Keep up the faith. A positive attitude beats the old cancer bug better than any treatment.
  21. Anyone remember the later life of Howard Hughes. He was a famous germ a phob. Blondie said it well "Die young, stay pretty!"
  22. Funny thing, fly reels were normally set up for right hand reeling at first. If you fished the other way, the click or the drag needed switched over. You switched hands to play a fish to let the reel do the work. I thought that was odd when I was young and started fly fishing coming off of spin fishing, I started setting up my reels for left hand reeling. I still have some old Herter's, Martins, and Horrocks Ibbotson reels that are right hand reel only. The automatics were great and worked either way.
  23. Why worry about sterility wiping out the population when the percentage of same sex couples keep rising.
  24. If you can limp them thru the dry hot weather, fall maters are good too. My maters are still sitting about where they were when I planted them a month ago, not enough sun, warm weather to make them grow. But, not black and wilty like normal when I plant earlier. Probably should have waited until June to plant tomatoes. Peppers too. Strawberries are going good. Lettuce still going good. Alaska peas are blooming now, second plant is about 8" high. So are first plant of green beans. Seed planted 2 weeks ago still not up, not enough warmth to sprout them. Squash and second run of green beans, later lettuce, dill, radish no show yet along with some alfalfa and buckwheat I sowed for bees in big garden.
  25. You are right, Jimmy needed some help......
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