There are many more spin fishermen talking about elitist fly fishermen than there are actual elitist fly fishermen. I'm not saying there aren't any snobs, they're just a lot more rare than you'd think if all you had were these posts to go on.
I don't know anybody who is 100% fly fish and I don't know anybody who looks down on spin fishermen (or bait-users, snaggers, noodlers, or giggers either). Everybody I know dislikes poachers though.
I'm 75% or more fly fish, probably close to 100% when I fish for trout. It's a better tool overall for what I like to do -- which is fishing small streams for skittish wild trout. I thoroughly enjoy analyzing a stream, making my approach, laying a dry fly over a likely spot, getting the perfect drift, and fooling a trout into coming up and eating it. Some of my most memorable times are with fish I didn't catch. I love the chess match as much as the tug.
It's not about superiority, expensive gear, proper wardrobe, looking the part, being Brad Pitt, dry flies upstream, building a resume, whatever. It's about fishing small streams for skittish wild trout.
Yep -- there are snobs out there: I was in a fly shop over the weekend, and I ran into one of them. He was hell-bent on letting everyone in the shop know he'd traveled the country extensively. He had spent the better part of September fishing Colorado and New Mexico. He mentioned a couple places that I have fished, and since I was right there I kinda tried to join in the conversation. Well he wasn't having any of that, and rolled right over me and continued on about how great it was, and how well he'd done. He didn't buy squat, but if he had, by gawd, he announced it would have been Winston or Fishpond. This guy was a snob (or maybe blow-hard is a better description), that fly fished. I suspect his snobbishness wasn't limited to fly fishing.
So, really guys -- give us the benefit of the doubt. You can't rightly paint the whole group of us with that brush. If you do, you are really the snobs.
Maybe it's a feeling of inferiority driving this? If that's the case, that's your issue.
Andy -- PM your list of screen names please. I'd like to see if I'm on it.