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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by ness

  1. You sound like a perfect candidate for my new product called Fishing Caddy. For just $20 a day, I'll send one of my 13-year old boys out with you to lug all your crap. If $20 is not enough, I could maybe pay as high as $30.
  2. My interest in glass has been growing some. I'd seen a few custom rod makers offering them, and that's what got it started. I really don't like a fast rod. I tend to favor quieter places -- smaller streams and tighter conditions -- so a fast-action rod is often a liability. The big manufacturers continue to make faster and lighter rods for the most part, so there is a need for a slower-action rod. Aesthetics-wise: I think a bamboo-like look would have appeal, and accentuate the old-time feel of the thing.
  3. Mine has been a mixed bag. The tomatoes are doing fine. None harvested yet, but it won't be to long. Peppers look a little stunted, but healthy. Snow peas were a total bust. Lettuce went to seed real suddenly and the crop was small. Radishes have been very small. Didn't get the netting on soon enough and the birds are most of the blueberries. Bumper crop of weeds though.
  4. Actually -- I'm not that stupid - the options button wouldn't work until I changed the skin back to the OA default. You can have your forum back now.
  5. Hey ness, you idiot -- click on options and change the view mode to 'standard' from outline.
  6. Recently, when I open a post, only the first message is fully opened up. The rest now show as branches below it that require me to click on them to open them and read. Is there some setting I can change to have all the messages open?
  7. I'd agree with the physics of that. The problem is trying to move your legs now that you're bound up with water-filled waders, not to mention that you may have on boots. I've often wondered if a wading belt might actually be a problem -- if they trap air in there, the lower half of your body is more buoyant than the top, and that doesn't sound too promising. Hopefully the guy now realizes the danger, and doesn't try it again.
  8. ness

    Cool Old Pic

    Nice stuff - and priceless to you, I'm sure.
  9. Nicely done!
  10. One of my car buying requirements is that a 9-foot fly rod must fit inside, assembled. But - a 2-piece won't fit in a pickup cab?
  11. Yeah, I know what you mean. That's a pretty good-sized chunk off the end. You've probably thought of this if it applies, but some rod makers have lifetime warranties...
  12. It's best to just re-tip it.
  13. I don't think large fish necessarily hug the bottom. Within a population, the larger trout will command the best habitat - that which provides access to food and protection. You don't see the big fish because they're hunkered down in the places where you can't see them. The dinks are left to fend for themselves in the less-safe water, which is the shallower stuff. Also, the larger a trout becomes the more carnivorous they are.
  14. What an extraordinary opportunity for those kids. Not only doing an extended visit to Normandy, but getting to experience it with some vets is over the top. The kids sound like they are bright, well-grounded and understand things well beyond their years. Very cool. I added this to my RSS feed so I'm sure to see updates. Thanks for posting this.
  15. Good fer you.
  16. Cabela's has some pretty good choices. I got my 13-year olds a couple last summer. One was a Traditional II, and the other name escapes me. Pretty nice rods -- moderate action, nicely finished. Got a couple cheapy reels there too. I actually fish the Trad II occasionally and really like it. Both 4-weights, 7-1/2 feet. I think you're right about sizing down a little for the youngsters. 7-1/2 feet is a little easier to handle. 4-weight is a good choice, depending on what you're doing. If it's panfish & trout that's good, or a 3-weight would be fine too. A 5-weight would work, but it's maybe more that you need.
  17. I grabbed a copy of the mag yesterday. Not what I expected at all. It's not really spotlighting the area, and it's not really slamming it either. Kinda poking fun at it, at least at the beginning. I never thought of the area being 'nestled between Branson and the Mississippi River' -- more like Cassville and Doolittle, but I spose that doesn't sell magazines. Brian, I really got a chuckle from the author's description of you. Crew cut, soul patch puffed out by Cope. But - good job with the Czech nymphing and all the rest.
  18. I can tell you what I own - all 2-pieces. I've built a couple of them and didn't want to do 3 or 4 pieces. The others are 2-piece for whatever reason. If I was going to buy a rod today (and I'm not) I'd be hard-pressed to find a reason to go with a 4-piece pack rod. I just don't hike long distances that often. But once every coupla years when I do, I wish I had one. So, to summarize - hell, I don't know.
  19. There's a general perception out there that anybody can drive a canoe and a life jacket will protect you. Of course, both are wrong. Unfortunately this mistake cost them dearly, and somebody's going to have to live with that decision the rest of their life. Sad, sad, sad.
  20. I gotta pick up a copy of that mag -- some of the comments above make me wonder just what they talked about though. Brian, I'm sure you made a fine ambassador for the region. It's always a little bittersweet when this kind of thing happens. It's great for the people that make a living from the tourists -- and I have absolutely NO problem with those folks. As a matter of fact, they're often the best friend the resource has. And it's often interesting to see the outsider's take on a place you know. Sometimes it's laughable. But, some of the things I truly enjoy are peace, quiet and solitude in the outdoors -- so I flinch whenever one of 'my' spots gets highlighted. I won't worry too much about it though. They great majority of people are looking for the most pounds of fish per minute spent fishing, so we naturally end up in different places.
  21. $3 strap and you never have to set them down, bro. Just sayin'
  22. One of the things I like best about my Smith's is they aren't toooo dark to begin with. So, I can wear them in low light. I've caught myself driving at dusk numerous times - headlights on - and still with the glasses on.
  23. Nothing to add, just thought that was worth repeating!
  24. One of the good things about expensive sunglasses is the anxiety that comes along with them. It helps you develop some good habits like actually being careful with your sunglasses. Like: putting a strap on them, using the case, storing them properly, not setting them face down, etc. I suspect a lot of the reason people burn through $10 sunglasses so quickly is that they don't give a rip what happens to them, and they treat them that way. I'm a pretty frugal guy, but I don't scrimp on this critical piece of equipment.
  25. Kinda nice to hear from 3 smokers who DO take care of their trash. Guess I tend to focus on the ones that don't. I'll try to keep in mind there are some who do care, and dispose of the butts properly.
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