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ozark trout fisher

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Everything posted by ozark trout fisher

  1. Great pics. I have plenty of good memories of chasing smallies in upstate New York. Some awesome water up there.
  2. It is comforting to come back to OAF after a long hiatus and see that fishinwrench is still coming in strong with the conspiracy theories. I kid/mean no offense. Just good to see that things haven't changed too much.
  3. I can't sign off on all the USFS related accusations there, but I'm sorry that happened to a body of water that you care about. That always hits close to the heart.
  4. It is not the most fun. Currently leading a forestry field crew in the southern Appalachian foothills....heat indexes in the triple digits every day at this point. I can handle it but it's a struggle to get everyone else through the day intact and not super dehydrated. At least we're right on a lake with some really good smallie/walleye fishing that I've been taking full advantage of on the weekends, so in all, hard to complain.
  5. Always sad to see that happen. Now that I am away from the Ozarks, whenever I come back to visit one of my favorite creeks there is always that fear in the back of the mind that it won't be anything like how I left it. That can be heartbreaking, and with the flooding we've seen lately an occurrence one will need to get used to.
  6. It's a complicated issue for me. At the heart of it, I really don't believe these guys should be basically forced to spend a year of college playing for free when they are completely ready to go to the NBA out of high school. And there are 10s if not 100s of millions at stake for him. I think it's completely arguable that he's costing himself money by not playing, and that it could keep him from getting back up to the 2nd/3rd pick where he was seen as going before the injury. But I also do kind of understand not wanting to risk all of that by participating in a college season that's basically already over. If he gets injured, whether it's the same injury or an unrelated one, he could fall all the way out of the lottery, when he's guaranteed at least that right now. Whereas, if he suffers a career ending injury the day after signing his rookie contract, that money is fully guaranteed. So playing now is a risk. And Mizzou doesn't exactly need him, at least to accomplish the goal at the beginning of the season to make the NCAAs. I just wish he'd announce that he wasn't going to play, or rather, that he'd just done so much earlier on, and stayed away from tantalizing everyone into believing he was coming back, when he never was. People close to the program, including Mizzou's radio color guy, are basically saying there's no chance that he comes back. I hope we can avoid the will he/won't he drama extending all the way to the NCAAs, because it's just not happening. The ball has been in MPJ's court for awhile, and if he won't shut the speculation down, Cuonzo needs to do it for him. He's not willing to play, and he's not helping anyone by refusing to say so.
  7. I agree completely. Don't mind him not playing, do sort of mind him trying to make everyone keep thinking he's coming back, if it's not the plan. Even with the depth issues, I'm just not sure what the effect of him coming back at this point would be. I guess you'd do it if he's willing with only a 7 man rotation otherwise, but there is a non-zero chance adding a player that will inevitably change the way the team plays, in a massive way so soon before the NCAA tournament could cause the team to lose a game they otherwise might have a chance in. I'm also worried about whether giving his conditioning/previously not great defense what it might do on that end of the floor. In short, if I were Cuonzo Martin, I'd probably take it out of Mike's hands and just shut this down. But I understand he's under a ton of pressure from a ton of different people here.
  8. I'll be stunned if MPJ plays at this point, although he is sorely needed with CVL going down, and bodies simply running out. Arkansas was the perfect opportunity for him to return, he's been completely healthy for awhile, and it was a home crowd that would have been amped to see him. I made it to Columbia for the game, and based on everyone in town's anticipation level before the statement came out that he wouldn't play, the arena would have come down if he'd been announced in the starting line up. He decided not to play, and I''m fairly certain that was that, regardless of any rumors I'm hearing otherwise. Mizzou has had an excellent season, but I don't see them being able to advance deep in the SEC or NCAA tournament with essentially 0 depth. Jontay and/or Kassius Robertson would have to get insanely hot for them to have a shot at the second weekend.
  9. Hello, all. It's been a minute. Here are some pictures from a recent trip back to the Ozarks to chase some trouts.
  10. Um, well, that's not exactly the counter-argument I was expecting, I'll give you that.
  11. College is generally overpriced. I agree there. The reasons behind that veer heavily into the political realm so I'll not go there now.
  12. Double post
  13. No. Many people go to college and are directionless and get little/nothing out of it. True. Some also take it seriously, know what they want, use the infrastructure of a state university to get kickass summer jobs/experience, and get a decent approximation of their dream job coming out, which, well, you, know requires the training described on that piece of paper. I also am a better, more well rounded, ideologically diverse thinker, for the experience. I value all of that and would be a lesser version of myself without it. What is that saying about "getting out of it what you put into it"? Seems relevant.
  14. It is somewhat like some websites that constantly posts #CONTENT in a shotgun method to generate clicks/page-views...without actually being the one that gets to keep the ad money. You seem like a good guy, MoCarp, and knowledgeable, but it would be okay if you posted more original content from your own experiences on the water, in the woods, etc, and less pictures of what others are doing. I think most would find that more interesting. Your choice entirely and none of my business though. All the best
  15. Thankfully my job title doesn't include the word biologist. In fact, most card carrying "biologists" would get pretty angry if a forester like myself tried to use that term to describe myself. Aside from anything else "Rough fish" always just seemed like a weird and very "old-world-snobbery" type term for me. For me there are fish I like catching and ones I don't. The first list is long and the second is short and mostly populated by ones that have mouths that are too small to take a fly. And Asian Carp, although if I thougth I'd be any good at bow-fishing, I might even budge on that. Yes I fly fish for things like gar and bowfin, and I mean actively target them, not just catch them by accident sometimes. The latter is a new kick of mine. They are aggressive, rarely turn down a streamer thrown in front of them, and fight like bass, if that bass had just drank 7 red bulls. Ugly fish belong in the river too.
  16. I hate the term "rough fish". It's just a throwaway term for "fish I don't like." More useful are words like native, exotic, invasive. Terms with actual scientific meaning and management implications. I don't really like crappie fishing. I guess they're a rough fish.
  17. Gee, thanks. That fish also forms the distinction being the last smallie I ever kept, so there is that. Not that I ever kept a lot of them, I can count the total number on one hand. But after that the idea of ever keeping another one was just a non-starter.
  18. Good topic! My first really memorable one came in a lake in the northern foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. He was 21 inches, actually measured, not estimated, totally innocent, and succumbed to a Rooster Tail spinner. This is a tricky one, because I kept him. Please don't hate me! Because even my stupid 17 year old self had standards, and I really did do it for what I felt were the right reasons...he was in an extremely remote natural lake known to hold a very rare strain of brook trout, that had been illegally stocked with smallmouth bass about 15 years prior. They were having a deleterious effect on said rare brook trout. Anyway, it was a drop dead beautiful northwooods pond, without exaggeration, the kind of place you can feel semi-certain there is no one within ten miles except the people you brought. He fought like hell, and he sure as heck tasted better than the Ramen I was eating otherwise that night (it was a three day paddle with mutliple mile+ portages, and food that weighed more than three ounces was at a premium.) I still can't get that fish out of my head, and truth be told, all conservation logic aside, I wish I'd released him. But there you go.
  19. Hmm. It's possible he just didn't know what the hell he was doing. He's a great guy but not necessarily the best fisherman I've ever seen.
  20. Edit: nevermind, this is silly. Have a good day.
  21. If you like to narrow your circle of friends that's fine with me. I personally enjoy having friends/acquaintances with a wide variety of viewpoints, and even some that I wildly disagree with on a lot of things.
  22. It's one thing to post those on a fishing forum where 95+% of the people either hunt, or are supportive of it. I do not understand posting pics like that on facebook where my family members from New York and my friends from college and any number of other people who don't hunt are going to see them. Where you see a great November day (and you're not wrong) some of them are going to see three dead bambis, and are liable to judge you and the sport accordingly. I'm not saying that's right. I'm saying that's how it often works. Plus showing a little empathy for people that don't like hunting/are grossed out by it is probably not a bad thing, even apart from any "giving the sport a bad name" principles. Post 'em here, post 'em on Missouri Whitetails, but there are places where it just isn't appropriate, IMO. Mixed company and all that.
  23. Well to be fair it wasn't all that perfect. I briefly tried out the journalism school at Missouri before realizing I'd rather be doing almost literally anything else.
  24. That part is something I don't get. I was brought up having it constantly hammered home that while hunting is a perfectly respectable thing to do on fall weekends, and a more humane way than most to get meat, it's not the kind of thing you throw in peoples' faces if they're not into it. So no tying the deer to the roof of your car and driving down I-70, no showing your non-hunting friends gory pictures of the deer you accidentally shot in the head. Heck, I was always told to take the hunter orange vest off before you walk into a restaraunt on a Saturday morning in November when 90% of the people in there had also been out hunting. That last one annoyed me sometimes, but it was something that I can't shake even now, and I think that's a good thing. You are blind or never get out of the country if you don't realize that many, if not most have negative opinions of hunting. Heck, the person at work I have to spend the most time working with is a member of PETA, which is well, interesting. I'm not changing her views anytime soon, we both think the other is wildly, irreparably wrong-headed, but I can at least avoid being a jerk and making things worse. Sometimes that's all you can do, and it does not require a whole lot of effort.
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