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Everything posted by msamatt

  1. Guys, I haven't spent too much time looking at this data yet; however, the National Weather Service collections all sorts of Climate data including (no suprise here) data about rainfall. If you go to the Climatology and Weather Records page at the NWS St. Louis' website: http://www.weather.gov/lsx/cli_archive you'll find all sorts of data including Monthly Rainfall and Seasonal Totals which starts with data from 1836/37. The NWS Springfield website also provides some good data sets: http://www.weather.gov/sgf/climate_records_normals There's a very succinct summary of this past weekend here: http://www.weather.gov/sgf/28-30AprilHistoricFloodingEvent If you look at the "rainfall" tab you'll see the storm total rainfall reports covering Friday through Sunday. Pretty darn incredible amounts of rainfall in a short amount of time!!
  2. Forgot to attach the .pdf list of the threatened gages so here goes Threatened USGS Streamgage List-Missouri 2017.pdf
  3. Guys, Matt Wier from the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance here. I apologize in advance for the rather lengthy post which follows but I having recently participated as a stakeholder group which was involved in the process of helping re-fund one of the two gauges the Big Piney and Roubidoux Creek I have some very detailed and relevant info to share. Part One: Here's an exceprt from an email between myself and C. Shane Barks who is the Deputy Director for the USGS Water Science Center in Rolla. I was corresponding with him in order to invite him to be a guest speaker at our March meeting in St. Louis and am sharing it with you now because he answers some of the very questions you've asked. I've put the cost of operating a single streamgauge in BOLD "I believe I have corresponded with you in the past, but it has been awhile. Here is a brief description of what goes into the operation and maintenance of a streamgage. To be most efficient, the streamgages are grouped into geographical areas we call "trips". These trips are "ran" where each streamgage on the trip are visited at set intervals depending on trip location. Do to the environment of the location of the trips and to ensure the appropriate quality of the data, some of the trips require more frequent visits (every 4 weeks) while other trips require less frequent visits (every 8 weeks). During the site visit the hydrographer will inspect the equipment used at the streamgage to make sure it is working properly and collecting accurate data. The data are typically collected at 15-minute intervals and transmitted hourly via satellite to the USGS office. If there is a rain gage located at the site, it is inspected, cleaned, and at times calibrated. A streamflow or discharge measurement is made at each site during the visit. Additional site visits are made as needed throughout the year to troubleshoot and repair equipment, and to make discharge measurements during ranges of flow that are not experienced during routine visits such as storm events. In the office, the real-time data are reviewed each morning to ensure the streamgages are working properly. If a problem is suspected, then a hydrographer is sent to the site to troubleshoot and restore the equipment. After each trip, the data records for each site are worked, checked, reviewed and approved. During this process the discharge measurements are matched with the corresponding stage reading and used to develop stage/discharge relationship or discharge rating. After this relationship is developed, discharge measurements continue to be made to validate the rating or shift the rating to account for hydraulic changes that take place at the site. The ratings are used to compute incremental streamflows at each site. These data are made available to water-resource managers and the public through the internet (http://waterdata.usgs.gov). The price of the streamgage operation and maintenance is determined on a cost-averaged basis for the whole network in the state. Part of the reason this is done is to cover the cost of replacing equipment at a gage or to make extra measurements at a site when needed without having to go back to cooperators and request additional funding. Currently the annual cost for operating a streamgage is $14,600. The largest expense in the cost is labor (time in the field and office). The next largest expense is equipment. The equipment maintained on site at the individual streamgages can cost over $15,000 and a typical set of equipment used to make discharge measurements cost around $45,000. Other expenses include travel cost, vehicle and boat cost, equipment repair, supplies, IT (infrastructure, database maintenance, hardware and software, access to satellite network,...) and other. The USGS does receive some appropriated funds to operate streamgages, but not nearly enough to cover the streamgage network needed to meet the water-resources data needs in Missouri. In-order to fund the needed network, the USGS is currently partnering with over 20 different cooperators in the state. We strive to operate the network as efficiently as possible in-order to keep the cost down and make the best use of all funds......" Part 2: Here's the body of an email I received last night from Amy Beussink, who is the Director of the USGS Water Science Center in Missouri. Dear Stakeholder, The USGS Missouri Water Science Center operates over 270 real-time streamgages in the State of Missouri. ­­Most of the funding required for continued operation and maintenance of this network is provided through cooperative funding partnerships between the USGS and many local, state, federal, and other entities. I am writing to let you know that current funding for 49 USGS gages in Missouri will end June 30, 2017. Unless other funding sources are identified, the information from these gages will no longer be available. The attached table lists the gages in question as well as details related to each site. The information provided by streamgages is used widely for many purposes, including management of the State’s water resources; protection of life and property from floods and droughts, flood plain management and regulation, agricultural operations, drinking water management; power plant operation; irrigation withdrawals; timing of wastewater discharges and reservoir releases; managing water quality and habitat; and infrastructure designs for dams, levees, bridges, and roads; and for recreation. Historical data are useful for long-term assessments such as water-supply studies, while real-time data is essential for activities that require rapid decisions, such as the issuing of flood warnings and flood crest predictions by the National Weather Service and the evacuations of persons in flood-prone areas. We are reaching out to ask for your assistance. Please contact us if you or someone you know may be able to help to fund these important sites beginning July 1, 2017. Also, please spread the word to other interested stakeholders who may be able to provide funding or who may be able to garner additional support. A map of USGS streamgage funding stability for the nation can be viewed here: https://water.usgs.gov/networks/fundingstability/ For more information, please contact: Paul Rydlund, prydlund@usgs.gov, 573-308-3572 Shane Barks, csbarks@usgs.gov, 573-308-3674 Amy Beussink, ambeussi@usgs.gov, 573-308-3665 Very respectfully, amy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amy Beussink, Director USGS Missouri Water Science Center ambeussi@usgs.gov Office 573-308-3665 Mobile 713-560-9899 http://mo.water.usgs.gov/
  4. Gentlemen, congratulations on taking this step. Thanks for helping us start 2017 with a great meeting in St. Louis. I shot some video with my phone but haven't had time to take a look at it yet. Will share it with you if its any good (the presentation was great but the video quality may be crummy. I'll work on that this weekend). Thanks, Matt
  5. Guys I'm sharing an update I received from Sam Potter who attended the meeting in Waynesville on Monday. Here is the skinny on the meeting today: Meeting attended by several outfitters, members of USGS, DNR, MDC, Pulaski County Engineer, City of Waynesville, NWS , RFFA and myself. Not present Corp of Engineers and US Army Everyone was in agreement that all four of the proposed gages are necessary, but there is insufficient funding for them to continue after the 1st of the year. At present the four gages are funded by the US Army at FLW. They will no longer be funded by the Army after the 1st. Cost to operate one gage for one year that includes CFS monitoring is $14,600 Cost to operate one gage for one year, flow only is $5,200. (height in feet) Most of the attendees agreed that while it is great to have the CFS monitored it isn’t necessary to determine water level safety, especially considering the cost involved. USGS funding for gages is often paid for by private enterprises and sometimes in partnership with DNR, MDC and others that have an interest in the particular gage involved. The city of Waynesville will partially fund (partner with) gage or gages on the Roubidoux Creek. Undisclosed amount, but I think it was 50% MDC has an interest in the Ross Bridge gage (upper gage above FLW) on the Big Piney and will partner funding for it. Possibly the lower gage on the Roubidouix. The lower Big Piney gage (below FLW) is a Federal Priority Streamgage (FPG) and is eligible to be funded with USGS appropriations if additional FPS funds become available. At our Roubidouix Fly Fishers (RFFA) meeting next week I will propose that we partner with a gage. We are a small fishing club so we can’t fork out too much, but some is better than none. I am pushing the upper gage on the Big Piney, but may have to settle on the lower gage if USGS can only come up with enough money for one gage. See Attachments from the meeting today for more information. You can contact: Amy M Beussink for more information. Email ambeussi@usgs.gov 573-308-3665 cell 713-560-9899 USGS Missouri Water Science Center Sam Sam Potter Ozark Fly Fishing Guide www.TightLine.biz Outdoor & Sports Photography www.TightLine.IFP3.com 573-465-3556 “A Bad Day Fishing Is Still A Great Day”
  6. Hey Guys, there's a discussion about this on the smallmouth forum as well.
  7. Phil, thanks for sharing that with us. I received a very similar response and copied it into an announcement I sent to the folks on my mailing list (including you) yesterday. Greasy B sums up my reason for starting this topic in the first place when he writes " Though I use the gages for every trip there are far more important reasons for them than my convenience." I also agree with Al that the two gauges on the Piney are somewhat redundant and if we had to lose one we'd still have the data from the other. I'd prefer to lose neither. So, I encourage you to please, in addition to enjoying the lively ongoing debate about the many inefficiencies and shortcomings of our governmental systems, contact both Mr. Rydlund, Mr. Bacon and your state and federal legislators and express your interest in having these gauges to remain in service. Thanks, Matt
  8. Folks, There are only 2 USGS gauges on the Big Piney (06930000 Big Piney River near Big Piney, MO and 06930060 Big Piney River below Ft. Leonard Wood). They may discontinue streamgauge data collection activities in the new year (see below). Please write to Mr. Rydlund. NOTICE: Streamgage data collection activities may be discontinued at this location on January 1, 2017, due to lack of funding. For inquiries concerning this streamgage, contact Paul Rydlund at prydlund@usgs.gov or 573-308-3572.
  9. Al, Great report! Glad you had some time to get out into the healing waters. My wife and I got together with Rick Werner and his wife last night and they are praying for you both. Was your Oscoda glass canoe made in South Carolina? One of our older members donated his really nice 16' tandem to us about a month ago and we're giving it to one of our members who is a biology teacher and takes his H.S. on float trips. .
  10. Al, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Mary.
  11. Thanks Norm. Gene was a fine person. If all of us did just half of what he did...
  12. Folks: I'm writing to share some news about the passing of Gene Denzel. He was an inspiration to all of us who knew him. While most of us talk a lot of, to paraphrase Smalliebigs "Shiot" Gene quietly walked the talk and just got things done. If you're the praying kind, please say a prayer for Gene and his family. Thankfully, Stream Teams throughout our state are started and sustained by lots of men and women who just like Gene do the work because it needs to be done. We miss you Gene. Click here for a more complete memorial
  13. Norm: I always love reading your reports. Your love for river fishing comes through loud and clear, especially given the time of year and your location!! I love your ability to challenge received wisdom through experimentation and observation. Thanks again sir.
  14. Just make sure that jock strap doesn't have more buoyancy than your pfd or you just might be in trouble
  15. Humans are indeed funny. One man's trash is another's treasure. I live in South St. Louis City and several years ago the city decided add a large large recycling dumpster to the collection of garbage and yard waste dumpsters in our alleys. Prior to that my wife and I would gather all of our recycleables in different bins and haul them to a local park where we would chuck them in the appropriate dumpsters. The new recycling dumpsters are certainly more convenient for the most part. All I have to do is walk out my back door, past my garage, turn left, walk 20 feet and can recycle at whim. Some of my neighbors still throw away everything. I don't know what, other than sheer laziness keeps them from recycling. I also will routinely leave out materials which I know some "junk guy" or another will pickup. Nothing with any scrap value lasts very long in the alley.
  16. I've gotta second Griz's sentiment "... the best PFD is the one you will wear. " , especially in cold water. My buddy Dan and I were on a paddling/fishing trip in Quetico Provincial Park in NW Ontario back in late May early June of 2013. The water was cold but warming and the fishing was pretty darn good. The water was so cold that one afternoon when I was trying to bathe I could barely stand in it for more than a few seconds before my legs were numb. When I dove into the water I nearly hyperventilated and jumped out of it as fast as I could. Pretty darn cold. I always wear my pfd when I'm on a trip like that. Around the mid-point of the 10 day trip we noticed a helicopter or helicopters flying over the general region of the park we were visiting. While its not uncommon to have float-planes flying over to visit fly in cabins which are located outside of the park mid-week its you rarely hear or see helicopters and we wondered what the heck was going on. When we made it back to the outfitters at the end of the trip we asked about it and learned that it was a recovery effort. Apparently a husband and wife, who were by all accounts in great shape and experienced wilderness trippers, capsized for whatever reason. He wasn't wearing his pfd and she was. She was rescued, he was recovered. That really made me think about my own competency and skills. Sure I can hump 50lb packs over long portages and paddle for miles on end just to enjoy some world class fishing. I can also swim pretty darn well and tread water for a long darn time. But the Cold water. If the initial shock doesn't get to you you're going to start to cramp up pretty darn quickly so you need every advantage you can get. You're pfd is your main advantage in that situation (other than your common sense which has been telling you all along to stay on land dumba**!!). Wearing a pfd will not of course guarantee that you don't drown or die of hypothermia but it gives you a much better chance of surviving than if you don't. If you fish in cold water buy the most comfortable and best fitting pfd you can and wear the darn thing. Also pack dry clothes, something hot to drink and a means of starting a fire. Live to fish another day.
  17. Mitch: Writing as someone who has seen your basement lab, you are the Missouri smallmouth mad scientist/engineer!! You and Steve W. are truly never content with what the market has to offer.
  18. Wrench: You can comment online: http://mdc.mo.gov/about-us/how-contact-us/subject-specific-comment-forms/comment-changes-smallmouth-bass-and-rock-bass
  19. I'm still trying to find more info but here's some news about potential new smallmouth regs. http://www.newspressnow.com/sports/outdoors/article_ab516774-c3ab-5fe5-80c3-7638c44330b0.html#.Va2ErhY17hU.blogger
  20. Al, that type of thinking really ticks me off as well. While I'm not a historian I really believe that we're still dealing with the frictions between local versus state versus federal government and agrarian versus urban/commercial (read Jefferson versus Hamilton) which have been part of our civil life since the very start of our nation. Or, I at least like to think that way since it helps me keep a broader perspective whenever I'm trying to come to grips with yet another example of how crumbling infrastructure has long-term negative consequences for our natural world. I don't know exactly where the Weeks Hollow water treatment lagoon is but I'm pretty sure that its in the Waynesville Metro area. I have an email in to Mark Van Patten with the MDC as not only is he the Stream Team Coordinator but the Roubidoux is probably his "home water" etc. I know that it takes $$ to upgrade infrastructure and I'm pretty sure there isn't a single politician in the entire country, save maybe a local alderman, who is elected to office by promising to raise takes to upgrade water treatment or sewage infrastructure. Even when there is $$ to fix a problem like this, and if I've read correctly then the MO DNR is helping pay for some of the upgrades to the lagoon, it still takes time to complete that work all the while the waster water continues to run into and out of the facility. I hate bloated and inefficient government at all levels as much as the next guy but clean water shouldn't be such a hard sell. In this case it appears that there is a fairly sizeable group of local citizens putting pressure on their local government to do something to fix this problem. Our entire nation is faced with crumbling infrastructure or, as I suspect in this case infrastructure which is woefully inadequate for the size of the community, and how to pay for it. We, as a nation really need to figure out how to fix these problems.
  21. Hey Gavin: Thanks for the trip report and the great endorsement for the nice folks at the Boiling Springs Campground. The MSA is holding our Ozarks rodeo there June 26-28 and I'd like to invite all of you "Smallmouth Talk" regulars to come out and join us whether your an MSA member or not. It should be a great time.
  22. Guys, Jennifer Girondo and other members of the MDC's Smallmouth Bass Management Team will join us in St. Louis on Tuesday, May 19th from 7-9 pm at The American Legion Goff-Moll Post 101 located at 2721 Collier Ave, Brentwood, MO 63144. Collier is just West of the Schnuck's grocery store located at the corner of Brentwood and Manchester. Ms. Girondo will present highlights of their studies' results, the managment implications of those studies, and the background information they are using to craft regulation recommendations. They will also let us know about opportunity for more public input expected this fall. Please don't miss the great opportunity to learn more about what the MDC is doing to manage our Smallmouth Bass fisheries and what we can continue to do to help with those processes. If you're reading this forum we assume you're interested in the health and future of our smallmouth fisheries. You don't have to be an MSA member (though what's stopping you ) to attend this meeting. If you can't make the meeting but would like for us to ask a question on your behalf please send an email to us at missourismallmouthalliance@gmail.com You can find more details about the location of this meeting at www.missourismallmouthalliance.org Hope to see you on Tuesday. Thanks Matt Wier
  23. My buddy Dan and I fished the Big Piney Saturday in order to scout out some camping sites for our Rodeo in June. We were in the water by 8:30 and took out at 6. The father and sons combo who took forever to unload their 15" aluminum v bottom boat and river john (sans motors) were nowhere in sight at 6. Somehow I don't think they had a great time getting in and out of that big v bottom at every riffle and soaking their bad idea jeans all day long. I bet they were wore out by the end of the trip. The fish weren't very agressive though I did catch a couple 9 plus " goggle eye, a really fat 16" largemouth and several smallies, including a nice 15" on topwaters after lunch.
  24. Al, I know you're right about clear water. I've always wanted to do a night time float down the Huzzah. Maybe this summer.... That's also sound advice (pun intended) about not just setting the hooking when you stop hearing the bait. It's all about feel. You also get the added entertainment of having baits and largish bugs fly into your line all the time. We spend all of our daylight hours trying to make accurate casts to the perfect looking holding spots so I find it really fun and liberating to just chuck that jitterbug towards those spots I scouted out before nightfall and having to rely on my sense of touch and hearing.
  25. Guys, I'm enjoying this. I love the super spook jr myself, its easy to work and the price is right. I've caught my largest MO smallies on a twin spin and I'll almost always have one tied on in the warmer months. A 1/4 to 3/8 oz jighead attached to a jig spinner and tipped with a curly tail grub or swimbait is a deadly bait for just about everything that swims in the Canadian shield lakes I've fished. Kind of a Beetle Spin on steroids approach.
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