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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by WeekendWarrior

  1. Yep, it's an oldie like these 2 hats that he gave me. I also got his boat he sold me although he probably cringes when he sees it now compared to when he had it 😄. He has taught me a bunch when it comes to fishing and still kicks our butts from time to time out of the back of the boat.
  2. Crankbait, swimbait, rattletrap and believe it or not one on a spook
  3. Had a buddy down for a couple days, with the bass being slow we targeted the Whites and walleye a little more, caught 6 keeper walleye and some whites, had one good evening of topwater for the LM. Buddy was relaxed and about got the rod yanked out of his hand by a wiper which was a good laugh. Fishing was mostly slow but had great weather for July.
  4. I hope not, busy enough up here now as it is. Michaels Restaurant is looking to put in a boat dock and shuttle people up to restaurant here at 28 mm. Not sure it will add much traffic unless they change menu but any more traffic in cove is more than I want.
  5. http://www.lakeexpo.com/boating/the_lake/tan-tar-a-resort-sold-to-be-rebranded-as-margaritaville/article_675e13c8-6781-11e7-9704-4b706796fbc0.html
  6. How many million a year fisherman are there, betting not to many percentage wise. I am talking average fisherman that makes $100-200K or less, which is probably the majority, just crazy! Would love to have a new Ranger or for that matter any of the major brands and I fish more than the average fisherman and there is no way to justify spending that much on a boat. Maybe there are just more millionaires out there that fish than I think there are 😄.
  7. Who in their right mind would spend that much on a boat unless you make your living out of it is beyond me.
  8. Every once in awhile this old fat guy gets to wanting some of that good tasting fish to fill his belly. No Walters tonight, just wipers and a couple LM.
  9. I had a 21 incher and a 17 incher last night, darn I should have kept that 17 incher but was thinking 18 inch length limit. I haven't really targeted them, now I know. Thanks guys!
  10. Hey Mike, where is that posted, just curious. thanks Steve
  11. I have looked and looked and do not see where the length limits are for Walleye on LOZ on the MDC website. Is it 15 or 18 inches and where is it at on MDC website, I am thinking 18 inches but can't find anywhere. Thanks
  12. He brought the rest of the Cabo Wabo I got him for Christmas last year, we finished that off 😄
  13. No, no time with all the kids and I didn't have any Ned rigs for him 😄. He helped me with the kids fishing off the dock with beer bread for bluegill though
  14. Didn't have a bite for about 45 minutes until I got them fired up by catching one then it was on. My grandboy was tired and bored when not catching anything saying papa you are the worst fisherman and by the end he was excited and I moved up the ladder to a top 10 spot 😄.
  15. Went out for a couple hours Thursday night taking grand boy and friend for boat ride and papa a little fishing. Caught a variety including last nights dinner 😄.
  16. I had a problem with them not fixing a reel before, I would imagine they do quite a few and railroad them through quickly. I do my own now as it is not to bad. There are some good tutorials out there to follow. Just lay everything in a line as it comes off the reel and have a schematic if you need one.
  17. You probably just got some grit or something in the gears that was overlooked. I would take it back and tell reel repair they didn't fix the problem.
  18. Yep, that is crazy! Nice job!
  19. Fished the BFL and we saw lots of floaters from Drake Harbor to 50 mm. Most everyone said bite was slow in upper stretches of the river area. A lot of guys were running a long ways. Heard guys running to gravois arm, PB2 of course and the Nianguas. I did loose a nice keeper in Cole Camp just past the idle area on the left. I can now say I have fished LOZ from dam to dam. It was nice to see a part of the lake I had not seen and was a pretty boat ride prefishing but was surprised at how many boats were in the area besides the tourney boats on Saturday
  20. When we go up to see the kids in StL we used to take Hwy 42 but after 3 consecutive times of people being over in our lane we now take Hwy 5 to Sleeper which is the same amount of time and much better roads with room to maneuver if need be. Like someone has said with everyone texting that seems to be the culprit for people traveling over the line most of the time
  21. I don't think the Miller time boats owner ever drives it, more likely a hired captain driving so they can party it up with those 4 or 5 skimpily clad girls Parading around on it 😄
  22. I here ya plug, I have not fished on LOZ in a month, that is not right when you live on the lake.
  23. For those wondering how Mark Twain bass fishing is, it is the same old fickle Mark Twain That I remembered. There is a good morning bite IF you are in the right location, I was not in the right location. I threw squarebills catching some nice keepers but was just not consistent but ran into a bank with partner and I doubled up with nice 3 lbers, his on a buzzbait and mine the squarebill and had 4 fish that were that 14-15/16, so close but no go. The fish were right on the bank as was usually the case. The eventual winner whacked 18 lbs on a good morning bite being in the right location and big bass was 6.40 lb. so I would say Mark Twain is alive and well.
  24. Without knowing the lake only advice I can give is to keep Big motor away from the bank, if you get a lure hung up nose the trolling motor in to free a snag and keep Big motor out from bank. Don't go in a river area you don't know where channel is or you are unfamiliar with. Wear life jackets and a kill switch.
  25. Stocking the cove I see. Your cove is a good one!
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