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About DLM84

  • Birthday 08/02/1984

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  • Location
    The State of Missery
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, and workin. not necessarily in that order :(

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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. I'm over by Stockton lake and Nevada city.
  2. Great! Thanks! That is great news. We got a fire pit in back yard and old grill. Now I have a source for wood other than running around town after a storm just to ask if I can clean up there broken old tree's
  3. How much was the permit if you don't mind me asking? So I'm understanding that for camp fires any thing that is all ready down is fair game?
  4. I know I have seen people running little fires "to keep the Skeeter's away" before and they weren't any where near a camp ground. So where they get the wood? Is that legal?
  5. So I have been down to schell Osage conservation area recently. They have been cutting the brush away from the power lines down there and it got me wondering. Can I use that wood in the camping area's or for my fire pit at home? Do they allow that? Any one know any thing?
  6. Well it says error improper response on my phone. Can you fix.
  7. I wait until I can convince the boat "Captain" to move on. If on land we stake out the best spot we can find and sit on it until I got to go home.
  8. Cool, Just what I thought. No current=No Cats. I don't know where they go but when the current stops mov'in they up and disappear. You would figure they would need to feed every now and again here and there. P.S. where you find 'in shad? we looked at all the usual hot spots and could find nothing. Still noth'in.
  9. No not really. Just a bunch of guys from Dad's work decided to get together for a little Cat Fish'in "Tourney" LOL P.S. Couldn't have been a nicer day for the weather.
  10. Hey guys, My Dad decided it was time to pull out the boat and knock off the dust the other day and go fishin down on the Sac river for catfish this last weekened. Man did we get skunked. We went out at dawn and intended to stay out all day fishin but we got not one nibble on any thing. We had goldfish and worms and one little scared shad for bait. guess he didn't think he had any chance at all LOL. well it turned out a bunch of his work friends had decided to go and he was invited. one big fishin party. I think they had cabin fever from all this crappy weather and the long winter, ohh well. When we got back to the boat ramp some one was pulling out right after us and said yesterday(friday) was really good for cats. Ohh we all decided to go out on the Sac-Osage river. Their was no current at all and they only thing I saw getting caught is one guy was pulling out crappie, guess no body told him it was a catfishing tourney LOL, and some body had some limb/ jug lines out with some thing that couldn't even pull down the littlest bit a 1 litter jug. It just flipped up and not even the cap would go under water. some little about 1 foot long gar were in there working some thing. Any body know what is up? we think we need some current then it will be better, maybe.
  11. It looks torn to me. any pictures with the gill cover "open"???
  12. Where did all the mushrooms go? Can't find any any more!!!

  13. Went to a catfish fishing "tourney" with dad last Saturday. Not one bite all morning. We went home,didn't even see what every one else did. Grrrr

  14. good report, I have friends and family that are just about to go up there for a vacation fishing trip!!! I will forward this to them. THANKS!!!
  15. You know there are people out on the water that don't give a frack and just toss crap into the river. But try and tell a farmer that stuff he is spraying on his fields is going down the drain and into the streams and you will get laughed at. try and show him how this is culminating into that "Dead Zone" and he will recommend you to the nearest insane asylum. We just got to get the word out better. This sort of stuff needs to be on the evening local news every time it comes out till people realize our impact on the planet as a society.
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