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About OzarksRiverman

  • Birthday 01/28/1984

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    Booger County

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Freshwater Drum

Freshwater Drum (18/89)



  1. Don't forget your snake boots on the upper Jacks in late summer!
  2. Awesome! I grabbed a mess over by Arno the other day.
  3. This post was foreshadowing. Good call bfish.
  4. Check it out: http://www.thegreatmorel.com/mush/pic169b.html Seems ol' ness got in the way-back machine and traveled to Wisconsin circa 2006. What a douche. Either you found some mushrooms or you didn't.
  5. Al did a wonderful job. A great presentation. Those of you who weren't able to make it really missed out lol
  6. Should we get there early?
  7. I'll be there. Bring a buddy with me, as well.
  8. Major earthquake coming... http://www.new-madrid.mo.us/index.aspx?nid=132 Animal Warnings People reported strange behavior by animals before the earthquakes. They were nervous and excited. Domestic animals became wild, and wild animals became tame. Snakes came out of the ground from hibernation. Flocks of ducks and geese landed near people.
  9. Can you shoot otters? They're decimating the upper Finley.
  10. Godspeed.
  11. Yes this is true. And it's also why I keep a pair of handheld wire cutters in my fishing bag Upper Swan Creek too.
  12. Some great info in this thread. Cheers.
  13. I've always known it as Finley Creek, but it seems recently everybody is calling it Finley River. What's the deal?
  14. I spent a lot of days on that stretch of creek in my younger days. Usually great fishing.
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