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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by eric1978

  1. Well I agree with half of that.
  2. If you guys like poon videos, you should have come to F3T in Columbia last weekend. Here's part of the poon you missed...no crappy music either... http://vimeo.com/27267942
  3. Wow. Well, hopefully the prices keep going up and it keeps more people off the rivers. I always say, if you don't own your own canoe, you don't wanna be out there that badly.
  4. Throw the lure you have the most confidence in. Doesn't matter what it is...you'll find some fish to eat it. And leave the minnow traps at home...those are for crappie fishing trips.
  5. Yeah, $50 is excessive for what he did. How much do they charge for rentals? Geez. But it was still probably worth it just to avoid the couple hours you'd lose on the river. I hate shuttling.
  6. The best fishing store in the world is at your fingertips...just sayin'. Brick and mortar retail is going out like a dinosaur.
  7. Having to rely on a rental outfit means you'll have little chance to be totally alone on any river...some are worse than others. Niangua is bad, Huzzah, Meramec, Current, Jack's Fork, Big Piney, NFoW...just to name a few...avoid them all if peace and quiet is what you're looking for. You can increase your odds of finding solitude by coming in the middle of the week...otherwise, prepare for some company. Or you guys can throw in on a beat up used Disco for a couple hundred bucks and drag it along. And since you guys are meeting halfsies and you'll have two vehicles, you can do your own shuttle. You're bound by nothing...go wherever you want.
  8. Sounds like an awesome trip...too bad you gotta take all those kids. LOL Have them all pitch in and buy a water filter...you can get a decent one for under $100. With 28 people you may actually want a backup...gonna get a lot of use. And unless you have a fleet of Yetis or stop a couple times to re-supply somewhere somehow, you're not gonna keep ice alive for six days in July. I see lots of beans and beef jerky in your future. You can buy dehydrated meals while you're at the outdoor shop to get the filter...but they can be pricey...five dollars and up per meal. Not so practical on a budget. Six days in July with twenty-something whiny kids? Eh, I don't know. Hope you're the patient type.
  9. I agree, do BS to Rhymers. You'll still probably do 2/3 floating, 1/3 dragging, but on the bright side, there's a good chance you'll be alone. Don't go unless you're ready to work.
  10. Well then I guess it evens out since you waterlogged 'er before you froze 'er.
  11. I didn't realize freezing something changed its mass. That's a new one on me.
  12. None taken. I just personally see a big difference in taking a fish on rod and reel and artificials, and taking a fish on live bait left somewhere overnight. But that's me. Some people don't have such a discriminating fishlosophy.
  13. A crankbait is worthless without a human imparting action to it. The same can't be said for live bait. The only skill involved in setting trotlines is choosing what color baitfish, tying good knots, setting the line in the right place, and not drinking so much beer afterward that you can't find it again later.
  14. I'm sure it takes some physical effort to set a trotline, no argument there...but it doesn't take much skill to put a goldfish on a hook. He didn't fool that bass, the goldfish did. That was my point.
  15. I bought plants from HD back in March. They're almost three feet tall already.
  16. I planted my maters way earlier than I should have, too. I've picked about a half dozen off three plants...just little golf ball sized green ones and chucked 'em in the woods. It's too early to let the plants put all their energy into the fruits, IMO.
  17. Cool that he let her go. The trotline part...meh, no real accomplishment in my book. The goldfish did all the work.
  18. Congrats! Hope you don't care about sleep.
  19. Weightless, Jack. T-rigged. And twitch it like a crackhead. Looks like I'm alone in that I prefer the 4" flukes, but I buy mine from a small plastics company and they're a little meatier than the typical 4"ers you see.
  20. Umm, furreal? I ain't callin' Paul Dallas a liar, but that looks like awful big water for the Bourbeuse. And I didn't know PD was the tournament or C&K type...three fish on one cast, huh? You're fullofit.
  21. And those with the biggest egos tend to get the most attention. And scrutiny. I never made a comment but I was tempted many times. Just sayin'.
  22. I don't see what the big deal is unless someone is trying to pawn it off as their own and make money off of it. People have to know that once they publish something on the internet, all bets are off...it's a free-for-all out here. I would suggest to Ron that he put watermarks on his images if he's that concerned about it.
  23. Hmmm, sounds...interesting. It doesn't get all soggy? I can't eat soggy fish.
  24. Using them for what?
  25. Hey, no one is a bigger fan of wood than I am...but for canoes on Ozark streams...plastic just be mo practical.
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