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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by eric1978

  1. Awesome as usual, Brian.
  2. Cool vid. Makes me itch.
  3. In my top ten. Watch the Redux version...it's like three hours long with all the extra footage. Great movie.
  4. Yeah it's dangerous. I took my first 220 shock the other day, and let me tell you, it's like getting kicked by a forkin' mule. Painful and scary. Call a pro if you aren't sure.
  5. It doesn't get much better at night. Ours went out at the beginning of the heat wave a few weeks ago, and we were out of business for about 24 hours. Coolest it got in the house was 85. Sucked. Stupid mice ate some wires in the compressor. I hate mice. On the bright side it was only $125 to have fixed.
  6. Not bad. Worth watching once. Of course I like Kevin Spacey in just about anything.
  7. Never would have pegged you as a David Gale type, Ness. I learned something today.
  8. Didn't know we had a psychiatrist on this forum. Mental illness has to start somewhere...and 24 is a typical age to see the first signs of several illnesses, not just schizophrenia. Not that he still doesn't deserve the death penalty. And seriously, anyone who murders en masse is mentally ill. Period.
  9. G. Loomis IMX CR721 6' Light Fast Action 6-12 lb 3/16-1/2 oz Perfect creek rod. Rod in great shape, some soiling on cork, otherwise nice. Reel about a year old and almost like new, used only a few times...a couple light scratches. I'll take pics for a serious buyer. $250 or best (reasonable) offer. Pick up in St. Louis area or buyer pays actual shipping cost.
  10. The point is that I don't feel like paying the money to feed, clothe, medicate, shelter and guard this maniac for 60 years. What's the point in keeping him alive? There's no question he's the killer in this case, so execute him and move on. Crazy or no crazy, he's just taking up space and precious oxygen on the planet. He serves no purpose living or dead. And ness, you said execution costs more than a lifetime of detainment? Well I've never heard that, but if it's true, while we're talking about hypotheticals and wish lists, one of the nutbag's AR-15 rounds couldn't be more than a buck, could it? I'd say a couple bucks at most, right in his orange head, should do the trick.
  11. Congrats KC!
  12. That's a great deal, Al...but I got ya beat. Paid $545 for my Penob 16RX. Looked like it went down about two miles of river, practically new. Gotta love Craigslist. Now if I could just find a new Vagabond for that price...
  13. When was the last time you went outside? You apparently don't understand climate change, Jerry. It's not just hotter and dryer. It's more extreme versions of all types of weather.
  14. I don't know...to eat a gar would be like trying to gnaw through a leather cowboy boot.
  15. That website is a propaganda machine. I know you know that.
  16. Yeah, people die from bee stings all the time. And peanuts. Just because certain people have deadly reactions to things doesn't mean the things are necessarily deadly. Shooting snakes. Brilliant.
  17. The only thing that works around here is lots of advance notice. If I can plan a trip two or three weeks or more from now, I'm golden. She's not so keen on coming home Friday after work and unexpectedly seeing the canoe strapped to my roof. Women have to have things planned out or they go into panic mode. Plenty of warning is the only solution. As for the "when will you be home?" question...I usually go with "late, after you're in bed," just in case. That way I can enjoy my last day. Nothing worse than rushing home for absolutely no reason.
  18. They pale in comparison to fossil fuels...that much we know.
  19. I saw a segment on Ask This Old House a few months ago, and the power company was installing panels on customers' homes free of charge, then the power company and home owner would split the savings. Can't remember any other details. I believe it was in AZ...or CA. Somewhere in the SW.
  20. If you look a little further at the sites that pop up when you google "debunking global warming," you'll find that about 99% of them will ultimately lead back to the oil industry. If you know of a website run by legitemate, accredited scientists who have data that is contradictory to the conventional understanding of current climate science, please do share it. But I doubt you can find any such website, since real, objective scientists are all on the other side of the debate.
  21. Sounds easy enough. Thanks. Is this a particular breed of cuke, or do you just pick them early and it doesn't matter what kind they are? Can you cut mature cukes into slices and do the same thing?
  22. Meaning pickled? I gotta figure out how to pickle cucumbers...they just grow too fast to eat them. Got any good recipes?
  23. Looks good. How are your peppers doing? I can't get mine to grow. At all. I started them from seed this year, though, and I'd never done that before...maybe that's the problem. They're still an inch tall.
  24. I can't wait to see some. Post it up, jeb.
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