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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. My b-i-l just called from TX and said he heard that I-44 was closed west of Joplin. I guess stuff is headed our way for sure.
  2. I hope all goes well for you and yours. Listening to the weather has caused me to get my brass monkeys out of the yard and into the barn.
  3. If the Birds are like the Lows the connections change so often that it is hard to reuse a transducer if it has any age on it. I'v had to knock several out and put new ones in so I could upgrade.
  4. rps what do you call bulk? What sizes are you wanting to use? I have lots of molds which I have collected over the years including banana, football, arke, poison tail and others. Maybe we can get together on something. PM me a phone # and we can talk.
  5. You can not expect your unit to be spot on every time you use it. There are several things which can cause errors (the position of the satellites in relation to you, the condition of the atmosphere, the surrounding terrain and the reflectivity caused by it, and the US Government and what they will allow your unit to do on a particular day), just to name a few.
  6. I don't quite understand your cheaper alternative. Are you wanting to make some jigs with that hook or maybe buy some with that hook?
  7. I don't believe there is any way to use Low and Bird together. On my boat I had an indash that I took out and put a plate over the hole and mounted an external unit.
  8. 8' AMF Play Master 7/8" slate top. Excellent condition. Accessories included. Need Christmas money $850
  9. I know both Brian and Bruce. They both do good work. They are the only 2 wrenches that I use.
  10. Check your pm.
  11. I have a pair of Red Ball insulated chest waders in size 9. I have worn them maybe 6 times. I have no use for them. Do any of you guys want them? I can guarantee you that the price will be one you can not afford to miss.
  12. Insulated bibs and a good gortex parka.
  13. Ray Scott who got the whole country talking about catch and release was a fisherman not a hunter. He was looking for his way of life to increase.
  14. X2 Larry. I want one front and back with the little box and structure scan.
  15. I heard the same story a few years ago. There were supposed to be about 40,000 of them in that truck.
  16. Is there still a bait and tackle shop across from the police station in Forsyth? If so what is the name and if you know it phone #? I'm interested in some stuff he used to carry.
  17. Why not design one of your own and have a local cabinet shop build it just the way you want it?
  18. Zack can you elaborate on the rice? Do you lay the unit on it or cover it up with rice?
  19. I have heard that you can lay it face down in the sun on a towel and it will dry it out but I have no proof of that. I have had some do that in the past and they never got over it but that was before I heard about the sun/towel thing.
  20. Cool clear water surely isn't what makes the James river hold them.
  21. That looks like a winner to me. It way surpasses my old stuff that I use, but mine is in the shop instead of the house.
  22. Here is a good read http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/wdb/pub/hsi/hsi-036.pdf
  23. You guys have a good time. It is 23° outside right now and the wind is supposed to be as high as 25 mph this morning. I'm staying by the fire.
  24. I have caught smallies in the upper part but not lately.
  25. Bill tie on a spoon. You won't even have to work it. Your chilly shakes with take care of that.
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