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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Never mind It seems that Shorty doesn't carry them.
  2. I'm getting ready to buy some hooks to go with the swing jig mold that I'm getting. I am looking at the Eagle Claw Lazer Magworm EL098P in 3/0 and 4/0. Captain hooks has them by the 100 ct for $14 and $17.50. I can buy the same hooks from Shorty's Hook Sales by the 1000 ct. for $65.07 and $77.60 but I'll never need that many. If any of you would like to split the order I'd be willing to pass along the savings. Please let me know if you want some.
  3. That is a good price. It should sell quickly.
  4. I've been reading about this unique jig head and am thinking about buying a mold. Before I take the plunge I thought I'd check here and see who is using it, how you are rigging, what you are rigging and how it is producing. Any info and especially pics would be greatly appreciated.
  5. This tweaked my interest so I have done a little research and came up with nothing. I contacted the fisheries biologist for Stockton, the DNR at Stockton State Park and the Stockton COE. Non of those agencies keep lake records nor do they know of any person or agency that does. When the marinas reopen in the spring maybe someone at one of them might be able to shed some light on the topic.
  6. I have been using one for a long time on my 1/2 and heavier jigs. Mine is an IMX. I like it a lot.
  7. 10s always look little when they are laid out next to those big girls.
  8. Do you have Low units that will take this map? If so pm me name and addy so I can send it to you.
  9. I saw that in the paper. I wonder how far that thing pulled the yak before he got it landed?
  10. If you know someone who would like to try it out, I like to loan it so I could get opinions on the lower part of the lake and report back to Doc.
  11. Walcrabass I totally agree with you on the Spotted bass thing. It also applies on the white/hybrid/striper fish. A few years ago friend emailed me and said he was catching monster whites outside of Cow creek on the Rock and only able to keep 4 each day. That was because of the rule which throws hybrids, whites and stripers into the same class where no more than 4 20+ inch fish can be kept daily. I have talked with several MDC biologists and agents about these 2 regulation issues. They all agree that new rules would be better but the powers that be don't think the average MO fisherman can tell the difference in the different species. My reply has always been give them a ticket or 2 and they will learn the difference.
  12. I've been buying stuff from them for a long time. I haven't bought buck tails from them. I normally buy mine from Stamina Inc.
  13. Good luck on that. I tried for years to get them to take a look at deer populations in a certain area and revise the rules for that area. I got Stonewalled at every turn. I also tried for 5 years to get them to look into the Bull Shoals white bass but kept being told that nothing was wrong with the population (they were sampling over by Theodosia instead of Forsyth).
  14. It is a topo map card by Dr Sonar ("Doc" Bruce Samson). He is a professional walleye fisherman and made it for tournament fishing specifically for trolling outer treelines. He sent it to me for my opinion. I have used it above Lead Hill. I'd like to have someone with Lowrance units to give it a try on lower Bull. You can see on the Dr Sonar site what units it works with.
  15. I'm wanting to find someone who fishes say below Lead Hill fishes for bass, fishes regularly, and has Lowrance units. I have a map card that I'd like to loan and get some opinions on. I have used it above Lead Hill but even that is a 100 mile one way trip.
  16. I use 3 rods; Fenwick HMG 6.6' and Gloomis IMX 844c and 843c. The line is 50# Power Pro. The reels are Shimano Curados.
  17. When that has happened to me it has been on my utility and it seems to be age and being in the weather.
  18. The Gen III Lowrance units are coming out. There will be a big sell off of quality units as guys move up. Check big sites like Bass Resource and Bass Boat Central for sale forums. They have some really good deals when new units come out. There will also be good sales with stores clearing out their on hand stock. BOE marine is the best place I have found for sales.
  19. About all I have seen lately are posts about brush around Cedar Ridge. I haven't been myself so I can't personally help you. There are several brush piles along the bluff banks between the 2 Cedar Ridge ramps.
  20. I have an underwater camera that I wish I hadn't bought. It has been a total waste of my time. Get a better sonar.
  21. There are also stores at the intersections of (Hwy 123 and 215) and (Hwy 215 and Y). You should be able to get yours there except the one at Y and 215 is closed on Tuesdays. As for Son Sac, I don't now if Miriam and Bill have minnows but they may.
  22. You might also consider the MDC. They offer free kids fishing and can always use contributions towards that effort.
  23. I didn't know it was legal to gig crappie.
  24. If I were looking for walleye, I'd go to upper BS. If I were looking for bass, I'd go to Table Rock. If I were looking for crappie, I'd go to Pomme de Terre or Stockton. I wouldn't look for all three on the same waters. If I were you I'd pick a lake then pick one or two species then research the guides then hire one for a day.
  25. I've been fishing the other arm in Son's and Big Sac. I've yet to get my limit and the MDC guys said the lake is full of 101/2 +. I'd like to know where they are.
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