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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Go to braid. NO MEMORY no worry no fuss. When I use mono I change every two weeks and sometimes more often. That way I don't have much memory to worry about. I also use Real Magic when it isn't the way I like it.
  2. Beaver Creek this afternoon.
  3. is the water momma. I just saw a boat full of animals go down my street.
  4. Bravo Tightline. If I were to keep any they would be all flat bellied males.
  5. There should be fish on the main lake staging on bars but they aren't there. I really think that we are only seeing a small come back and wish the MDC would check it out and maybe restrict the catch till they really get reestablished. But I don't see that happening. It took them over 2 years to come to the realization that they were gone in the first place.
  6. The spawn should be in full swing about that time of the month.
  7. Yes it was tough yesterday. I fished all day with only 17. I covered from Snapp to Barker and from Beaver mouth to the shoot. The rest of the old wives' tail is when the wind is from the south, it blows the bait right in the fish's mouth and when the wind if from the north, don't go forth. There was a post a while back stating "They are back." Yes and no they are kind of back but not like they were for the time period from early 1960s through 2002.
  8. Depends on when in April. BTW: Stay away from Bolivar landing. Truck and suv windows have beenbroken out this week.
  9. I have one that needs some work. When i get a chance to head down that way, I'll try to run it by.
  10. That is very nice. I have a couple of old ones which are flaking off. Do you do repair work?
  11. There are lots of places along the James River between Springfield and Galena.
  12. I talked to 4 guys down there today 2 of them were bank fishing and 2 locals were boat fishing. The bank fishermen had 1 white bass and the boat fishermen had 2.
  13. I haven't been down there. The lake is about 6' high right now and with more rain coming it will keep going up. The money is on Table Rock and Bull Shoals will be allowed to flood to keep TR close to power pool. If we get a bunch of rain this next few days, Bull will raise a bunch, I expect. I have seen it when you had to have a boat to get to the marina.
  14. With the high water they will be at Bradleyville in a few weeks.
  15. Good going. It is about time those things were heading up river. Is that the same girl who caught the 6# bass last year?
  16. When the whites are looking for spawning grounds they will take just about any bait you put in front of them. Good colors are white/chartreuse/silver/red/orange/black/purple just to name a few.
  17. I am not sure what that is but the old fletching glue works just fine. You just put some in the tip and a little on the rod and slide them together, wipe off the excess and you are done.
  18. I didn't get it last night but got a good 6" this morning.
  19. Good luck. I don't think Javelin has been made since Genmar bought the company and moved Champion to the Stratos/Javelin plant in 2002.
  20. There are 2 Sac river arms. When are you going to be there and what do you expect to catch?
  21. On the strip mall just north of the Kimberling City bridge is a shop. I think it is called Ozark tackle. It is owned by Jerry Snider. He is a local guide. Not only does it have some good baits, there are a lot of locals who hang out there and swap info.
  22. It looks like the brass monkey is going to have to come back in the house for a while. He was so enjoying the out of doors.
  23. Table Rock was 48° yesterday. Stockton is the same temp it was this time last year.
  24. Phil I tried the line and only saw gobblee gook.
  25. Phil I didn't know the originals were available anywhere. I know a couple of guys who have looked all over the place. How do you have your's priced?
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