With water temps in the low to mid 50s the bite is still on. Yesterday 3 boats of us fished for white bass and wound up with just under 200. One boat only caught 2 limits but could only fish for 3 hours.
I have some gps units and he is exactly right. If you want it to mean anything to you LIVE WITH it. I only go to bed without a gps around. And I still am only fair with one.
General pract. Jon Clark is a no frills guy in Spfld. Very reasonable office charges. Independent cowboy. Not affiliated with any group. Cash business only.
Yep. My wife looked out the window a while ago and saw it. It was quite a surprise and welcome as a boil. I just caught the weather report. The next 2 or 3 days don't sound too promising. Now would be a good time to be a South Texan.
I only got to fish for a while this morning. The wind finally put me on the trailer. The fish were hitting a jig and spinnerbait. We had 14 blacks and 33 whites in under 4 hours. If I had a bigger boat and stronger trolling motor I would still be out there.
A saw 2 different boats at the ramp who had been crappie fishing. Both boats said they had done "pretty good" what ever that means.
Two of us caught 27 blacks and 50 whites in the Big Sac arm today. We had tubes, jigs and salt craws tied on. They were on the windiest banks on the lake.
Have you tried a light braided line like a 10/2 or an 8/1. They have good feel, no strecth and great castability. With Pomme de Terre's mostly off colored water they might do the trick for you.
You can see your baits with any machine if you have the bait in the cone. You will be able to see them better if you have a good number of pixels. I have 480X480 and really like the resolution.
If you are interested in target separation then a color unit would be a wise choice. I have moved to color and never plan to go back to B/W again.
You can go to Lowrance's website and download emulators for their machines and play around with them to see what features you like. I am not sure about the other companies.
If you are close to Springfield, George Robinson at Marine Repair Center is the most knowledgeable electronics guy I have ever talked with. Go by and have a chat with him and he can point you in the right direction. Good luck.