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Everything posted by awhuber

  1. There is a great irony in the op railing against rule breakers when he himself refuses to get the permit to guide the upper Current.
  2. You didnt mention guides operating outside of the rules. Does this mean you are going to get legal now?
  3. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/missouri-trooper-who-pleaded-guilty-in-handcuffed-drowning-death-is/article_1f89437e-a42d-509b-99f7-9a1737b4dce4.html Bout time.
  4. Which Spring river? If I take a leak in Mammoth spring It goes nito the White river eventually. This is from the USFW. Range: The White River watershed in Arkansas and Missouri is home to Ozark hellbenders. Within this watershed, they are found primarily in the North Fork of the White River, Bryant Creek, Spring River, Eleven Point River, and the Current River. Ozark hellbenders have declined throughout their range and no populations are stable.
  5. Yep. The Spring river is part of the white river system.
  6. Ozark Hellbenders are only in the White river system. Different type on the Merry mac and Gasconade.
  7. This is not a "Peck Ranch" elk. It is likely an escappe from a near by elk ranch or a wanderer from the north west.
  8. They had a lantern fest 3 miles from my property last spring. I am sill finding em. Each lantern has a metal ring in it.
  9. Nothing on the 9 o clock Springfield news.
  10. https://www.shakeout.org/centralus/ Playing earth quake today. Come join the fun!
  11. Gigs and Ghost, October 21st, 2017. This is a unique opportunity to learn about a time-honored tradition on the Current River. Agents from the Missouri Department of Conservation will provide an opportunity for visitors to try their hand at gigging. National Park Service Rangers will host a storytelling session around a bonfire on the gravel bar during the event.
  12. The river has fished well for me this year. I was fishing at Ashley creek last week and thought I has caught a rock. I reeled in a pair of those fancy fishin pliers that folks carry.
  13. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/missouri-trooper-gets-days-shock-time-plus-two-years-probation/article_b476f440-850a-52ad-8b66-3c1dc607c568.html?utm_content=buffer993fe&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=LEEDCC
  14. MDC sells seedlings...https://mdc6.mdc.mo.gov/Applications/TreeSeedling/Home/ProductDetails/54
  15. I have located the owner of this rod.
  16. I have located the owner of this rod.
  17. I found a rod and reel on a Dent county rd. yesterday near Montauk/ ONSR. Let me know if it;s yours and I will get it back to you. I have found at least 10 rods over the last few years and have gotten them all back to the owners.
  18. I found a rod and reel on a Dent county rd. yesterday near the park. Let me know if it;s yours and I will get it back to you. I have found at least 10 rods over the last few years and have gotten them all back to the owners.
  19. Above Akers the HP limit is 10 horse til sept 15 then it is 25. I helped with a rescue a few weeks back and the motor boatin was just fine but the water was 3 feet higher than now. River is blocked between Baptist and Cedar https://www.nps.gov/ozar/planyourvisit/horsepower.htm
  20. We cut out the upper Current all the time and have got nothing but thanks from the authorities .
  21. Cane bluff access is still closed from the flood.You will have to float on to Greer. Reports I have seen on other sites say there are some portages due to downed trees.
  22. The signs said "no alcohol in parking lots" They are still uup at Montauk. It is to deter partying in the lots.
  23. Huh? Booze aint against the rules in State parks. They sell it at most of them.
  24. Good to go! http://radioksmo.com/your-world-today/
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