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Mitch f

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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I would, it seems as long as you’re banging obstacles it doesn’t matter much
  2. Granted, the video looks like it’s directed like an academy award winning thriller. And it might be doing exactly what you say to create a sense that she is being censored, the hype could help her sell her new book. And the whole anti-vaxxing crowd is behind her, even though she claims not to be one. I’m not a part of the anti-vaxxers by the way. I guess more will come out on her soon. i did see this quote yesterday: From: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: “Judy Mikovits is among her generation’s most accomplished scientists. She joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Mikovits began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr Russetti isolate the HIV virus + link it to #AIDS in 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for 6 months to let his protégé Robert Gallo replicate, publish and claim credit. The delay in mass HIV testing let AIDS further spread around the globe + helped Fauci win promotion to director NIAID. In 2006, Dr Mikovits became director of Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease + collaborated with Dr Ruscetti searching for the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which suddenly became epidemic in the 1980s. The male dominated medical community dismissed CFS as psychosomatic “yuppie flu" caused when fragile females cracked in corporate jobs. Dr. Mikovits discovered that 67% of affected women carried a virus—called Xenotropic Murine Leukemia related Virus—that appeared in healthy women only 4% of the time. XMRV is also associated with prostate, breast, ovarian cancers, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Many women with XMRV bore children with autism. In 2009, Drs. Mikovits and Ruscetti published their explosive findings in the journal Science. But the question remained: How was XMRV getting into people? Other researchers linked the first CFS outbreak to a polio vaccine given to doctors and nurses that resulted in the "1934 Los Angeles County Hospital Epidemic." That vaccine was cultivated on pulverized mouse brains. Retroviruses from dead animals can survive in cell lines and permanently contaminate vaccines. Dr Mikovits’ studies suggested that the XMRV Virus was present in the MMR, Polio + Encephalitis vaccines given to American children + soldiers. Dr Fauci ordered Mikovits to keep her mouth shut. When she refused, he illegally confiscated her work books and hard drives, drove her from government work + blackballed her from receiving NIH grants ending her science career. XMRV remains in American vaccines.” In an opposite but parallel sense, this reminds me of that book Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, written long ago but still considered a great literary piece in most colleges... where she blasts the use of pesticides but doesn’t mention the lives saved from the lack of malaria outbreaks. Maybe my comparison needs a little work, but they are both bucking establishments of the opposite political parties, but are both whistle blowers so to speak.
  3. I’ve been intrigued by square bill crank baits the last 2 years. I’ve tried a few of the recommended high dollar ones, and the middle of the road ones. They can be super effective before, during, and after the spawn. I would like to know which ones you guys throw, and why?
  4. True, but the battle is ongoing and Prager has filed a second lawsuit. We will see what happens.
  5. The scariest part of the whole thing is how YouTube is blocking free speech… Free speech must be a thing of the past. I guess Ronald Reagan was right when he said we’re only one generation away from losing everything.
  6. Fair enough, but why would she be thrown in jail? Do you think they thought she was releasing intellectual property? Seems just publishing a paper is free speech.
  7. Ok, so let me start by saying thanks, at least you’re listening to other points of view...unlike Dr. Fauci. So the accomplished research doctor writes an article in the journal of medicine stating that the use of animal and fetal tissue were “releasing devastating plagues of chronic diseases”. Fauci tried to fire her and she gets thrown in jail with no charges? Sounds to me like another Silkwood scenario. What was Fauci trying to hide? Seems a little suspicious to me. What ever happened to free speech?
  8. The more you’re right, the louder they scream
  9. Your calling an Immune scientist doctor with 30 years experience full of BS.? YouTube calling it BS must mean it has merit.
  10. Ok, I’m currently measuring parts for Blue Origin...they need to be right, so later this evening I’ll summarize and give my opinions
  11. Watch the video I posted earlier today
  12. All the more reason why we should trust the scientists and Doctors who are calling BS to the Doctors like Fauci with an agenda.
  13. I get one every year
  14. Just listen with an open mind
  15. Are any of you guys anti vaxxers?
  16. I’ve been a fan of this guy for a long time. Still the best Flamenco guitarist in my book!
  17. Great song! here’s another one of his I like... Aint no use in callin out my name girl...I’m on the dark side of the road
  18. That’s NOT what she said
  19. I’d say that’s a pretty good description!
  20. Why don’t we just keep doing the right things like the 6 foot rule and wearing a mask, washing hands, etc, and not go around worrying about it. Done worrying anymore..
  21. We got a genuine Indian guru, who’s teaching us a better way!
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Man, sometimes I wish I lived close to the ocean! Looks fabulous
  23. I’m hearing that the buying into the market during the valleys is about done and with no more new money left to come in, we will see another 2008. Up to 2 years of a lull is what I’m hearing. So maybe the buying opportunity will get really good but you better wait until things are much lower. All speculation of course.
  24. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Thank you Sir!!
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