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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. We may see a 24" smallmouth in our lifetime on an Ozark stream, but maybe not.... Odds are we won't. As a matter of fact I've never even seen a picture of one that looked legit. Even 22" are so rare that I can't say I've ever seen one in person (I have in pictures) come out of a Ozark stream. The only one close to 24" was a fish out of the big Piney near the Fort about 10 years ago.
  2. How urban legends start it's a trophy fat 18-20" Fish.....the hands don't lie
  3. In Steve's defense, he was squatting down to avoid a tree branch we were drifting under. But it was quick and painless. He didn't care because he caught a nice smallmouth 30 minutes later. The hook was a distant memory at that "point" Edited to say that this fish was caught on a Fluke
  4. So my friends from Chicago call me redneck, Missourians call Arkansawyers rednecks, I guess Arkansawyers dump on Louisiana?? Well you know what they say goes downhill???? Hey Al, we now have more than our love for fishing in common. As of today we have both Successfully extracted a Zara Spook from the right arm of Steve White using the shoestring trick! Ps. He didn't pass out this time!
  5. Couldn't have said it any better!!
  6. Now that's some funny stuff! So which term is more derogatory... Hill billy Redneck Hoosier Hick White trash Bumpkin????
  7. If you ever go to Wisconsin, Michigan or Minnesota you'll know what real world class fishing is. I'm talking true 75-100 fish days averaging 15 inches and fat. With 8-10 fish 18" or over.
  8. 1. Jig and craw 2. WTD top water 3. Fluke or jerk bait 4. Crank bait 5. Spinnerbait
  9. Don't worry, everyone will kiss and make up. The whole problem is the crappy ratio of our fishing knowledge vs our ability to actually use it.
  10. Mitch f


    Beautiful color on that that fish! Nice big one too!
  11. X2, I resemble that remark! At least us north county dudes didn't say highway farty far like the south St. Louis Hoosiers
  12. Hazelwood Central
  13. Think Wrench and Gavin pegged it... You actually had me for a second, everyone knows its the oompah loompahs from Willy Wonka
  14. Mitch f


  15. I never begrudged a guy for keeping a trophy smallmouth or two in their lifetime. However, When someone feels like its their God given right to legally keep and cull only the big ones to bring home a mess of big fish to fry I call them selfish and ignorant regardless of the urban/ rural argument. Dadakota, you judged someone from "The big city and I can tell by the pictures" which is just as bad. MOST of the poaching is done by the locals, everyone knows that.
  16. Yes, and a bruised ego.
  17. No one tax system will fix all of our financial problems. There will always be rich and poor and that will never change. I'm for making it simpler for sure. People's attitudes need to change with regards to a realistic lifestyle, that includes me. We wake up everyday in paradise and sometimes forget it. I was talking with a young kid fresh out if Junior college today at a factory where I was consulting. He just landed a new job making probably 30K a year and wanted to immediately go out and buy an new Audi A4 turbo. The kids these days are going to be in debt up to their eyeballs before they ever get started. Then there's the food stamp crowd with iPhones and $100 tennis shoes. We as a country are just living well beyond our means and pumping in 85 billion a month is not setting the right example.
  18. That's insane JD, the scars always start showing up the week after gigging season. Hope your joking!?
  19. I forgot as well Quillback
  20. According to his FB page he went to Parkway High school, so he can't plead ignorance because he just came to the country from Korea or wherever he's from. This guy is intelligent and knows exactly what he's doing and agree that banning him for life won't do any good. The only thing it might do is put enough doubt in his mind that big brother might be watching. Making him pay a huge fine will be the poison for a guy like this.
  21. Nice Fish blazer, I'm glad you value our resource! Is the water getting too shallow to run?
  22. Blazer, did you fillet all those Large Mouth?
  23. Don't know the full story but it sounds like a slap on the wrist only.
  24. Looks awesome but I thought you were supposed to discard the red meat
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