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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Wow, you guys in your alter egos 😂😂😂
  2. What do you call a chicken coop with 4 doors? A Chicken Sedan
  3. Went out with Nick yesterday, the weather stayed overcast and cool with no rain pretty much all day. We talked a lot about our buddy Bo and how it was such a shame he left the earth. I fished a bunch of Bo’s jigs for remembrance. Just like @Quillback and caught a bunch of fish. I had a large smallmouth blow up on my whopper plopper, took it under for about a second and became unpinned. Nick immediately threw a baby Brush hog in that spot and nailed him. We held it up in the air in respect to Bo. This ones for you! ✊
  4. Arrangements as follows: Fohn Funeral Home, Cassvile, MO Visitation: Thursday July 15th 7-8 pm Funeral: Friday July 16th 10:00 am with the grave site service directly following. The family asks you wear a mask or one will be provided.
  5. We lost Bo at 2:30 am.
  6. Did he describe the amplitude of his kinematics in search of the Big Bang in the Black Hole?
  7. Uncle
  8. I’m trying to figured this one out!?
  9. Little known fact: After her acting career, she started a school for Egyptian plumbers… Pharaoh Faucet Majors
  10. Some pretty distressing news, Bo is in really bad shape. He needs your prayers and good thoughts more than ever.
  11. Sounds like you and Wrench got the mojo!! 🤛
  12. Awesome commercial! Well, instead of Hai Karate, I guess I smell like charcoal and Carbon now!
  13. I agree
  14. Well, I like Honda outboards…so there! 😂😂
  15. Talked with Bo’s Wife today through text messaging… He had a good day today. His oxygen levels are up. Praise the Lord!
  16. My kids went to Chinese school for a while. The school was dedicated to the “ABC” kids who were born here and their parents wanted them to learn the home language. Funny that it kind of has a concept of the English alphabet they had to learn.
  17. It means American Born Chinese. The restaurant was probably started by the second generation Chinese immigrants.
  18. Trivia for you…what does ABC stand for when referring to Chinese?
  19. We have a Restaurant that caters to Wash U students in St.Louis (a lot of Wash U students are Chinese) it’s called Corner 17…excellent Chinese food.
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    No worries!! Made spaghetti tonight
  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    According to today’s standards 😂
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I love it! But that Belgian beer reeks of Racism! 😂
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