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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. We can play scrabble till then.
  2. Just happen to be in the neighborhood.... be there in 5
  3. Looks great!
  4. There are several I like but I don’t like the sodium content
  5. I forgot to mention I make my own bone broth now thanks to the help I received from @rps
  6. Wow, way to go!!
  7. That’s pretty much my goal
  8. Just saw Gladiator tonight again. The first battle scene with the classical almost ballet music...unbelievably great! Top 5
  9. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    My weekend red meat! Oxtail stew. Oxtail has nearly doubled in price over the last 5 years.
  10. We are the same age Pete.
  11. I need to do more intermittent fasting, I was doing it for a while and kind of fell off the bandwagon. I definitely noticed I felt better. I guess some foods start the inflammatory response and it’s hard to figure out which ones.
  12. So that opens the door to another subject, fermented foods. Thank goodness I love them, at least the common ones. I bought the EZ fermenter lids for mason jars and have been wanting to try them, but they’ve been sitting in my pantry for a year. Gotta get started on that...will be a good winter project.
  13. Local Mexican restaurant?
  14. Yep, Coca Cola is a killer...but I love it!
  15. Wanted to start a thread about food choices and supplements. I’m just looking around and see people dying not long after their parents...kid of scary. I’m thinking lifestyle and food choices. There’s so much to talk about here, but I’ll just start by saying I’ve been very conscious in the last few years after my parents passed and I have young children. I gave up coffee because I had some stomachs issues, that was tough...after 40 plus years of drinking strong coffee. I started consuming a bunch more Olive Oil (gave up on cooking with vegetable oil) avocados, less red meat, trying to exercise more. Take a few supplements like pre and probiotics, but don’t want to get into that game too strong...it will break the bank! So just trying to be making better choices that are sensible. What are you guys doing?
  16. Sounds fun!! questions: How many loops do you tie for your knot? What brand line do you use?
  17. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Sometimes creative leftovers are the best!
  18. He’s probably only got a 1/0 😂
  19. Best Halloween costume of 2020?
  20. Are you sure you weren’t tapping your foot under that stall? 😂
  21. She probably thought you were a “Sweet Tomato” 😂 🍅
  22. What if there were no hypothetical questions?
  23. Does Kaitlin Jenner work there?
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