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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Today the family started celebrating Chinese New Year! Let the 2 week party begin!
  2. If I bought a new Rock Crawler today, would a get the new improved version that doesn't fill up with water and have these production issues fixed?
  3. You don't know that it's not a limiting issue, but I've seen it with my own eyes, and I'm one of many. They will for sure issue a citation if the person keeps the fish. I'm asking whether they would write a ticket for mistaken identity, when the guy throws the dead bass back and doesn't keep it.
  4. Just one on one conversations with agents, I'm curious what their response will be. I would hope it's exactly as you are saying.
  5. Yes, a copy of the email, in a .jpg or .bmp file showing the response from your request.
  6. My wife has made a declaration ? That I can't make them in the basement due to the ventilation issues, even though I made a room in the basement with an 8" vent fan. So since the real boss has spoken, I'm outdoors trying to make the Craws in the cold and it ain't working out so well. It will be a while?
  7. Can you get me an official statement from the MDC regarding accidental misidentification?
  8. Tell me where I'm wrong?
  9. I think gigging fish is the only sport that misidentification won't get you a citation. These guys operate under the mindset that as long as they don't keep the gigged bass, all is well. I really don't think they would've even received a citation for these bass even if the MDC was in the boat with them. As long as they throw it back, no problem......Oh Well, it happens. They just stick as many fish swimming as they can then cull. The Big is murkier than other rivers, gives them an excuse
  10. How big was that smallmouth Brian?
  11. Some nice fish right there!!
  12. Thanks for posting Brian!
  13. Nice fish man!!
  14. When I started the process, my first input was from the master, Al Agnew. He told me to make them 2.5" which is the size of the small craw. I originally designed them to be a winter time hair jig trailer.
  15. My small craw with Super Dave's heads. This is what I call the "TrophyFishR" color. The second color is the makings of a Meramec colored craw What do ya'll think?
  16. You da man!!!
  17. I get the same feeling as you Wrench.....a little too polished for my tastes.
  18. The republican establishments plan all along was to promote Rubio. I heard this from another source, and it Looks like that is whats happening. Nothing against Rubio, but It makes me sick that the media and the political parties have such a strong influence over the elections, not the American people.
  19. It says they were arguing for a week on social media? Not possible
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Not the intent of the poster Nessel
  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    No one cares about keeping smallmouth within reason. Chief was just being his typical self and stirring the pot
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    It's because stirring up crap was your intention......and you think it's funny, apparently no one else does.
  23. Pure and simple wealth redistribution and 10 trillion in new taxes and a 25% increase in the size of the government over the next 10 years?, that's Bernie for ya. That's a deal breaker for me....that's moving in the wrong direction. What's the incentive for one to achieve anything?
  24. Going out to eat will kill your discretionary income. By a crock pot.. Put a chunk of frozen hamburger meat with a little water, veggies, a few spices. You'll have a hot meal when you get home.
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