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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I’ll reply when I’m out of the ER and in a regular bed.
  2. You sure you weren’t poking around at the White House? 😂
  3. They serve carp and Buffalo ground and twisted in a corkscrew shape (to grind up the bones) then fried at all of those fish shacks in Grafton, IL near Pierre Marquette. Twice a year I take my kids to Grafton and ride the ferry over and drive the great river road back. They now have a trolly going up the “Mountain” (as my youngest calls it) to a cool restaurant at the top that has a beautiful view. We then go down to the Loading Dock bar and grill where they now have an Ice Rink. Fun day
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Make it good for my blood sugar and I’ll inhale it…looks great
  5. One of these days…I’ll convert you
  6. Ok enough 😂
  7. Hey I drank out of Coldwater Creek as a child and it never effected my 1.8 GPA
  8. Ask Siri…she will tell you lies about who’s the best President 🙄
  9. After so many years it’s no longer a steak. Case closed
  10. Sounds about right
  11. So what’s next?? 2000KHZ speed transducers and super accurate colored charting? Finds your species automatically and alerts you to the size? Then I guess AI??
  12. Could you imagine the status of most of these dudes in the bass fishing tournament world without FFS? Only a select few could survive.
  13. Great info. Kind of like what’s happening across the globe….everything has changed
  14. They come in a 6 pack
  15. My favorite thing about Wichita is the drive home! 😂
  16. Spike It makes some good orange dipping dye 😉
  17. That’ll be soon
  18. I’m in your neck of the woods for the next couple days scanning some trailers at Tracker Marine
  19. What color are you looking for? We will have Green Pumpkin, Black and Blue, and Stone Cold coming in that order. Stone cold is brown on top, and kind of a pale Teal blue in bottom.
  20. Injected with a 16 cavity mold. I machined the cavities for the mold myself. Bought the base from a well known mold maker.
  21. We have this color available now on the website: www.tackle-max.com More colors available soon.
  22. The old saying is whiskey shots are like boobs. 1 is not enough, 2 is perfect, 3, too many!
  23. I guess with all foods and drinks I prefer going for the gusto. Case in point…I could drink a 12 oz straight espresso with cream. I prefer dry aged beef which intensifies the flavor…I also like straight aged bourbon.
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