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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Managing a lake is different than a creek. Thinning out a population of smallmouth is probably not the best way to manage a creek
  2. Say what you want, the minute the word gets out you will be following 10 canoes down the creek on a Saturday and getting their leftovers.
  3. It's not that we are bad at catching fish, it's because we have seen the creeks and rivers at their best and want it to stay that way. Like SmallyWally said, some people are givers and some are takers
  4. Many creeks have been ruined by someone writing an article or posting on a blog about all the fish they've been catching. Beware
  5. I saw that a couple of years ago, supposedly caught in South Holton lakeTennessee on a float and fly. I heard it was 8.5 lbs but it looks 9+
  6. Did the tear gas start the fire or did Dorner light the fire? Or did the LEO just torch the place?
  7. Had it been my daughter or your daughter he killed you might feel differently. He called out 30 people in his manifesto to be killed. When you kill someone's children to get back at them you are not in fear of your own life and have crossed the line and need to be hunted down like the dog that you are. Let him burn
  8. We always know who's side your on
  9. If you shoot them with a BB gun it will cause a very bad infection. Then you just follow the squirrel around for a few days like a Monitor Lizard
  10. Not sure what you mean?.............what?
  11. Caught this mutated bass the other day on the Meramec. I've caught several of these over the years...mainly on the Gasconade but never the Meramec. Does anyone know what causes this?
  12. Leave it to fish and game to do the dirty work! Ha What upsets me is the media finding out he was not a right wing Neo Nazi and decided he is more of a man who was discriminated against and has an excuse....Jesse Jackson gets involved and we have a new reason to have sympathy.
  13. Some new dung has come to light, man!!
  14. Have they started feedin you the "vitta-mins" yet?
  15. Stopping by today for a couple of hours
  16. 1.Rednecks don't participate in surveys 2. And "Other" organizations?
  17. Time for a little of the old ultra violence
  18. I guess it all depends what you're after with the movie. Agree with Joe that more fish, less Spielberg would be something to shoot for..... Having said that, I do enjoy watching most of them.
  19. Ok Mic, I'll play FAVORITES : 1. Shotgun 2. Jet boat 3. River 4. Baitcaster 5. Home made Jig 6. N/A 7. Black 8. Black 9. Lures 10. Smallmouth
  20. Yes, Like the one about 90% of car accidents happen within 5 miles of your home. ( because that's where you drive 90% of the time). or how about 80% of fish are caught within 10 ft of the bank.
  21. My contract was fulfilled, what they do with it now is up to them.
  22. 1. Shotgun to shoot myself because I can't be limited in life
  23. Beautiful fish!
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