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Everything posted by gotmuddy

  1. I had never fished it before going last year and still managed to outfish @BigHandsRob 🤣
  2. sounds good. once we get a head count we can figure out how many we need. I will bring some home made smoked sausage too
  3. I figured I would make the gumbo saturday. @Phil Lilley has charcoal grills there right? I could grill up a bunch of chicken thighs, or we could smoke them if @Daryk Campbell Sr is bringing his smoker. Or....I have been wanting to try making red beans and rice for a while...I could make that.
  4. I think she was as much into him as he was to her lol.
  5. I was actually just wondering this.
  6. Having had both 2 stroke and 4 stroke jets, and currently running a 60/40 merc with no covers over the carbs...I am amazed at how quiet the motor is.
  7. Traditional(south of I-10) style. dark roux, plenty of the holy trinity, garlic. Chicken sausage and milo is bringing something special...goose breast
  8. you twisted my arm. Ill take off at 1pm
  9. I will be there thursday afternoon. not sure if it will be before dark or not. If the weather is good I may take a couple extra hours off and fish thursday afternoon
  10. wowza what a change from last year!
  11. absolutely! lots of places rent boats if your not bringing one.
  12. 22" brown I caught in early august fishing with a guide at the state park.
  13. if your gonna chunk bait bring a minnow trap. also try(don't laugh) chicken liver. works amazing.
  14. I have fished with cranor before thru work. We didnt go for size, just numbers but it was insane.
  15. Oh I am certain he can hook you up as long as you let him know what your goals are.
  16. Cranor is basically a trout guide pimp. He has a bunch of guides that work for him. He is an excellent guide too though.
  17. You know what guide your fishing with yet?
  18. Thats cool, never knew that Pete.
  19. We can always count on Les to do the selfless thing!
  20. Yah that should be good
  21. Aight so I will be making some gumbo. maybe @Ryan Miloshewski can hook me up with some goose for it??
  22. This is how I know its just a bad dream. I have never seen us run out of food at any gathering I have seen.
  23. beautiful fish. I launched at rim shoals sturday and fished a couple hours just below the catch and release. It was super peaceful
  24. Playing devil's advocate here but that percentage could be skewed based on whats written. How long after the weigh in, an hour, week, month, year? I need some context in that regard. Otherwise I could see for sure a higher mortality rate than simply not being caught.
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