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Gar Caught On Taney

Phil Lilley

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Caught just opposite where Falls Creek enters the lake. There is an island that has a sandbar at the end of it and I caught the gar in the sandbar area about a foot from shore. Here is the info:

White Jig

David English Springdale, Arkansas

46 inch !0 ½ pound gar

Saturday, August 16th


Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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I heard there is a VERY large number of Gar from just above Lilley's to Fall Creek with some looking to be in the 5-6ft range............I also heard this is also a problem at Norfork Tailwaters. :ninja: This sure could become a problem for the trout population....................... I would think :omg:

"God gave fishermen expectancy, so they would never tire of throwing out a line"

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Caught several of those this weekend on my 7wt while walking a local creek trying to catch carp and drum....they're a lot of fun....

Just really slimy and nasty....god I hate having to handle them!


...I'm haunted in my dreams of waters I have yet to fish and trout I have yet to catch...

Chasing the Dream...

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Guest kevinkirk

So is that a result of the high water temps or do they live in Taney all the time? I spose from Bull Creek, etc..? I am learning here. Still think that has to hold some fantastic walleye in Taney. No reason not too.

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I had one about that size swim right next to me while I was just above the re-bar hole. Scared me to death! Thought I saw the largest trout ever until I realized it was a gar.

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This is the first year I really noticed gar in Taney. Can you bowfish for them? I'll check the reg book and may have to keep a bow on the deck along with the rods. Nasty critters.

The other thing I have noticed is a lack of carp this year. I had found them in Turkey creek, Roark, and around Rock Away in the past but haven't seen them in any numbers this year. I am looking for something to strip line so if anyone cares to share the carp honey holes I would appreciate it.

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