Bill Babler Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 You know, you think you have seen it all and heard it all, but today, on upper taney was another one of those you just take a deep breath on and go to the next one. Couple of very nice older gents from Michigan, and they were more than a handful. Knew they would be when after no more than 5 minutes one of them screamed,"At Last, I've got one!" Picked them up at Lilleys'in a rain storm, and of course they had no rain gear. I suited them up and told them about the fishing we intended to do and asked it they were keeping fish. The answer was a resounding yes. Asked if the open face stradics needed to have the handle on the left side or right and both immediatly said right. Asked them if they were left or right handed and both said right. That means trouble always. Since we were keeping, I started out at Fall Creek, and I casted both guys out and the way I do it, is I will hand the rods from front to back handing the guy in the middle the rod to hand to the back guy first. This was a problem right off the bat, as he did not want to pass it back, he wanted to fish it. I said OK and casted over him for the guy in the back seat and walked clear around him and handed the rod myself to the back. The reason I always make the first cast is to show clients how to cast a drift rig. It is not easy and is more of a lob. I then show them the proper rod configuration during the drift and how to set the hook on the take, a very nice upward sweep from a rod that is being carried with the tip in a position at a 45 degree angle above the water. Maintain the rod at 10 to 12 oclock thru the fish fight, and let me NET EVERY FISH. DO NOT SWING BLOODY SLIMY WET AND NASTY FISH INTO MY BOAT. LET THE FISH SWIM IN THE WATER WHERE IT CAN BREATH. Do not grip a ultralite spinning rod with your off hand 6 inches from the tip and swing in 1 and 2 pound trout, or you might possibly break one of my rods. They did not get the memo on any of this after being very nicely told at least 4 times each. They were told in a manner to please let the fish swim at the boat side, while I net your buddies. I will then net and remove your fish, rebait you and keep you fishing. You think any of this worked. NOT A LICK. As the guy in the back, swung his forth fish into the boat, slapping the middle guy in the face with it and wrapping line around the stearing wheel and windshield, spraying blood all over both his buddy, my boat and myself, I kind of lost it. I usually have at least two rods per person prerigged and can keep ever a 2 yr. old fishing. These guys launched rigs over the tops of docks, into shoreline trees and over any debris that they could see floating. What was really ashame was that huge rainbows were biting like pigs. We concervitively had 50 bows with lots in the 14 to 19 inch class. I Put 4 per person in the box as quickly as I could so they would have to release any extreme quality fish they caught, cause I will tell you any release, of any legal fish if they did not have a limit was not going to happen. Still, I cleaned 2 limits of 16 inch bows and that is just way to good. Let at least 20 over that size go. Thank Goodness. I casted for them at least 70% of the time or they would break the rig off on the cast. It kind of irritated them when I did, but I said," Guy's let me check and do this, I have several special places I want to throw to or I just want to make sure it is working properly." 90% of the time that I would not cast for them they would lose the entre rig on the cast. In 4 hrs. even with me casting for them, I lost 40 drift rigs. That is the most I have ever gone thru, on a trip. I started with 8 rods fully rigged and completely full of new 6 Pound test Maxi. They completely spooled 4 rigs, I have never had over 1 rig spooled in a entire day, let alone 4. Broke one rod, lifting a fish with the last 6 inches of the rod tip. They were hungry and thirsty but had brought nothing to either eat or drink, and asked if I had food and drinks. I did. Spilled an entire diet coke and mashed 2 donuts into my boat floor. One guy also had dog poo on the soles of his cleated mountain hiking boots that he tracked into the boat. I caught this right off and please Lord forgive me but I asked him to please clean the S--- off his foot wear before he got into the boat. He kind of skoffed as what difference does it make. They wished the fish could have been alittle bigger and they could have kept more. Did not have cash or a check to pay me, so had to call Becky at the lodge and she had to charge 1/2 the trip on a credit card and the other guy paid me his half mostly in singles. Of course no tip, no thank you or do we owe you any thing for the equipment or rod we broke? Did comment several times on how nice of boats they had fished out of before and how good of equipment other guides had had. Mentioned a guide on Kentucky lake that had a brand new Bass Tracker Pan fish and at least a dozen new Eagle Claw rods rigged with New out of the box Zebco 33's. They commented " Man that guy knew what he was doing and was really rigged" The other guy said, "Ya, if we would have caught some crappie, it would have been a perfect day." Anyone that knows me knows what my equipment is and I would challange anyone to even have equal, let alone any better. It is not made. All and all a very nice day on the water. Fall Creek to Lilleys's is fishing off the charts, get out there and get-em. Good Luck
Root Admin Phil Lilley Posted October 15, 2009 Root Admin Posted October 15, 2009 Good read... I can identify.
denjac Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Sorry to laugh, but that was a funny story. I can see your face turning beet purple. The dog poop was the coup de grace. Sure one of them wasnt my brother in law!!! Oh by the way bet the dog poop came from Phil's dog, thats even funnier. Cograds on 3500 trips. Dennis Boothe Joplin Mo. For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." ~ Winston Churchill ~
Flysmallie Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I just have a quick question... Not trying to be confrontational here, but I am honestly asking, is it good etiquette to post bad things about clients the next day on the forum? I've just never seen it done before, and it seems like there could be some problems inherent to such a post. I'm not defending those guys, just saying. No offense I hope Bill catches a lot of crap because all he does is fish everyday. I think that this helps put things into perspective. By the way he didn't name these guys so there is really no harm. The odd thing to me is if it was the clients on here complaining about the guide then no one would say a word and those that did would just be piling on. Great job Bill. It takes a lot of character to hang in there like you do. If they would have been with me they would be dragging the lake for their bodies!! Â Â
Zack Hoyt Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Great story Bill. Being a yungun in the "biz", I would love to set around a campfire and hear some stories. We ought to have a guides retreat one of these weekends. Zack Hoyt OAF Contributor Flies, Lies, and Other Diversions
eric1978 Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 WOW. Some people just have no respect for fishermen or fish. You would think guys that clueless wouldn't even be interested. It's too bad you can't tell who the bad ones are before they know your prices so you could charge them double or triple for being no-good idiots. I can understand people being unskilled buffoons casting lures into trees, but they would have been swimming back to Lilley's from my boat until they paid for the rod they broke. Equipment isn't covered under guide fees. How do you break someone's stuff and not expect to pay for it? Jerks. Guess all you can do is hope their pilfered trout goes bad and it makes them both puke. At least you got to fish today (kind of). A bad day fishing is better than...well, you know the rest.
mosouthpaw Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 as a former fly guide in colorado/wyoming... i can relate to this post 100%
KCRIVERRAT Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Jeez Bill... dog doo, squashed doughnuts, bloody fish slinging around, lost rigs, broken rods. How old were these dumb@%*s? I'd of Chevy Chase'd 'em with a crankbait in the side of their head! HUMAN RELATIONS MANAGER @ OZARK FISHING EXPEDITIONS
loo10 Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Did you look for the cameras? Bill, sounds like you got punked! Guiding ain't for everyone. I did some of it years ago. Wasn't my cup-o-tea. People think if they give you money that they can do whatever they want to you...your boat...your gear. You handled it better than most would have. Rich Looten Springfield, Missouri "If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads, you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach
Fly_Guy Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Hahahaha!! Sorry Bill - but you gave the wife and me a good chuckle. After every new 'event', she said "seriously??" You need to get your act together like this guide I know in Mississippi - he uses bailing wire to snag carp Feel for you - stinks to break a rod, let alone a nice one (not that I'd know about nice fishing rods). Look on the bright side - you could've been stuck at work.... oh wait... you were...
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