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They are the dreaded Bighead aisian carp. They sit there and gulp water (filtering plankton) all day and all night....and grow....and grow....and poop....and multiply. In the meantime all of MDC is stressing out over algae that isn't here and undesirable crawdads that aren't here.

They need to run a few shock boats through there a couple times a week and haul those basturds to a landfill.....or dynomite....or something. They are gonna ruin the bagnell tailwater area for sure if someone doesn't do something.

To hell with didymo, deal with THIS ! :(


The river biological catastrophe of our time goes on while the authorities roll over and pee on themselves.

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974


The asian carp are crazy bad up there anymore. I went up there fishing at night last June and it looked like the wind was rippling the water as far as you could see up to the dam all night long, but it was dead calm. There were thousands upon thousands of 10-15" asian carp feeding on the surface EVERYWHERE! You couldn't throw a casting spoon without hooking in to one every cast. Its bad!


They say that Asian carp are above average in food value. If the gubmit would keep a little money back from the rat hole and put some into encouraging a new and probably benificial industry we might be able to at least hold the line on them. I suspect there 's a whole lot of people who would rather be on the river catching fish by any method than working in a factory.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Me out bid highest bidder and send boy, Thak, to de-wiver fish from your locayshun. Pwease keep fish fwesh in bafftub or tied with yewwo wope to twee. Pwease wespond at once. Wenten frish fries have bwisk sales at restwaurant and hungary customer always pay ah-top-dowwah.

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I hear they are good eating? Anyone ever try em? I just biased because i grew up around trout and salmon, so carp was considered trash in my family. 30 years later and I still haven't ever even tasted it.

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