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With the front beginning counterclockwise revolution, it appears what passed by is coming back at us. Oddly, the least hard hit might be Beaver.

In case you wonder why no water was released in anticipation, remember that the electricity buyers control the lake levels except and until flood control is required. That is why all four lakes on the White were at top of power pool. The water represented future revenues and saving it for summer when the electricity sales price is higher made financial sense. Also remember that recreation is not even on the priority list for the lake management. That means not one thought in the management plan was given to those who must adjust docks; those who rent slips, boats; those who sell gas and other goods; or those who fish the lake.

Also bear in mind the powerful lobby of the downstream farmers. They still need to plant.

Based on the above I say Bull Shoals will hit 690. I don't think Table Rock will hit 930, but I won't be surprised at 925.

What are your thoughts?


Bull 687, Tablerock 921 Beaver 1126.5 The rain has been light enough its soaking in. Had it been a fast non-stop and not had time to soak in I would have put Bull 694, Tablerock at 929 and Beaver at 1130 all gates open. We doged a bullet this time.

  • Root Admin

You're talking about THIS rain event and not the whole spring season I assume.

Just asked someone at the Corp about crest predictions and they haven't done any yet but will shortly I bet. He'll let me know.

Table Rock I think will go to 919 by Saturday, may be a bit more.

Bull Shoals 664.

Beaver... no clue.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


COE isn't predicting much of a rise for any of the lakes between now and Friday on their site.

What ever they do as far as releases is based on a congressional plan, which is probably based on the contribution system with some concern for the farmers in the White river delta. The squeky wheel might be the fact that the Arkansas got hit hard and if its flooded the White can't empty. At any rate they will hold water in BS first and it is probably the key to everything, but it has been at normal pool so it can hold a lot of water.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


COE isn't predicting much of a rise for any of the lakes between now and Friday on their site.

What ever they do as far as releases is based on a congressional plan, which is probably based on the contribution system with some concern for the farmers in the White river delta. The squeky wheel might be the fact that the Arkansas got hit hard and if its flooded the White can't empty. At any rate they will hold water in BS first and it is probably the key to everything, but it has been at normal pool so it can hold a lot of water.

Wayne - yes, you are right the lakes are under Congressional plan. The authorization legislation by Congress did not include recreation as a factor for any of the White River system lakes. That legislation has never been amended - one of the reasons minimum flow issues have been such a bear to resolve.

The part of my post that refers to the electricity buyers comes from discussion with staff at the SW Power offices. I used to office and practice law in the same building in Tulsa.


I won't be down until mid April, so that should keep TR under 925, and ruin my chance at three lifetime's worth of record high water. Maybe it will be another year of flipping bushes.


I'd love for BSL to go to 664 or so about every third year and slowly drop to 654 by August, but again the water management totally ignore what would be good for fishing. :yuush:

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


We recieved a call from the COE this morning and they related BS will rise 4 more ft. before cresting at around 658/659

Would be nice if all the lakes don't get too high, and can hold their own this yr w/o having to release any flood water.

Pray w/ me :)

Probably real accurate based on what has fallen so far. However, Weather Channel says it will rain tomorrow and Friday as well.


I suspect that they will hold BS. I say that because the Arkansas is probably pushing more water and they won't want the White high if it can be avoided in order to avoid flooding SE Arkansas farmers.

There's a lot of water coming over Powersite and I imagine it won't go any further.

NWS is saying between 50% and 70% chance through Friday.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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