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I have been told that the new paddler's guides are available at your local conservation office.

Many of the errors in the previous guide have been corrected along with an update on access points, which have drastically changed in some drainages since the original guide was put out.

Fish On Kayak Adventures, LLC.

Supreme Commander

'The Dude' of Kayak fishing



  • 2 months later...
  On 9/28/2012 at 2:41 PM, Haris122 said:

How much are these paddler's guides and would Powder Valley Nature Center be one of the places selling them?

i think the old ones went for about $12. And yeah powder valley should carry them. They had the old ones until they ran out before the rewrite.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


Can anyone confirm this or have a copy of the new one? I've asked several conservation folks and they said it has not been updated and there are no immediate plans for a new one

"Thanks to Mother Mercy, Thanks to Brother Wine, Another night is over and we're walking down the line" - David Mallett


I went by the local MDC Nature Center looking for one myself a few weeks back. The director of the place said MDC was doing away with printing most of its books because of cost.?? Conservation Atlas and Paddler Guides are gone best I can tell. There is talk of a new Fishes Of Missouri in a couple of years, I think production time/research was going to be around 3 years.

Doing away with printed books because of cost. I always thought the money they charged for them would cover the cost. If they need more to cover the cost, the law of demand should solve that too.

Maybe they could at least digitize them and post them as E Books for a nominal fee.

I know digital media, electronic gps units, and smartphones have really changed the way we do things. But I still have my Delorme Atlas and other maps stuffed in the back seat pocket of my 4 Runner and use them regularly.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson


Sad if they are gone. I've worn through several copies over the years. Notes written in the margins with dates, who I was with, what a stretch was like. On-line is okay, but it isn't the same when you're out there paddling looking for that creek, road, or access.

MDC shame on you if you are letting this book go out of print!


I was at Powder Valley a month or so ago and the lady there told me that it was in the process of being updated but because all their material is being converted to digital it's taking time to get it converted and updated. They were hoping to have new copies by Christmas.

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